GRASPO3 – TUESDAYS @ 10:00 – 11:30
Teacher: Mirka Murray (
Student’s book: English File pre-intermediate 3rd edition
10/12/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 43 (mixed grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : WEAK = slaby, FIRM = pevny
- SB page 138+139 – read the information and complete exercises a) + b) in 7A
Have a fantastic time during the Holidays 🙂 I will see you again in 2025.
03/12/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 43 (mixed grammar)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- SB page 52 ex. 1 c) d) – reading & listening
See you on Tuesday for the last lesson before Christmas 🙂
26/11/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 43 (mixed grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : QUEUE = fronta, POSTPONE = odlozit na pozdeji
- SB page 52 ex. 1 c) d) – reading & listening
It was great to finally see you again Stepan 🙂
19/11/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 43 (mixed grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : WHOLESALE = velkoobchod, PACE = tempo, ADJUST = prizpusobit
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Have a great rest of the week, gentlemen 🙂
12/11/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 43 (mixed grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SUSPICION = podezreni, SCAM = podfuk, REAL ESTATE AGENT = realitni agent
- complete the exercise I gave you on the piece of paper
It was great talking to you today 🙂
05/11/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 43 (mixed grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : JOINT EFFORT = spolecne usili, ENTHUSIASM = nadseni
- complete the exercise I gave you on the piece of paper
Well done today gentlemen 🙂
29/10/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 43 (mixed grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : IN THE END = nakonec, PILE = hromada, MOSQUE = mesita
- SB page 51 ex. ‚can you understand this text‘ – a) b)
Next lesson hopefully with Stepan 🙂
22/10/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 43 (mixed grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SERRATED = ozubeny, CUSTOMS = celnice, FLOODS = povodne
- SB page 50 (complete the whole page)
I hope you will have more time for English next week 😉
15/10/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 43 (mixed grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : CHASE = honit, RUN AWAY = utect
- SB page 50 (complete the whole page)
Well done today, gentlemen 🙂
08/10/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 55, 67 (present perfect or past simple)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SERIOUS = vazny, X-RAY = rentgen
- SB page 136 + 137 – read the grammar information 6C + complete ex. a) and b)
Finally a lesson with all of you 🙂
01/10/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 41, 59, 65
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TIRES = pneumatiky, VALID = platny
- SB page 136 + 137 – read the grammar information 6C + complete ex. a) and b)
It was great to see you today Stepan but I hope it can be for the whole lesson next time 😉 Pavel, I hope you get better soon and that you can join us too.
24/09/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 41, 59, 65
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- SB page 136 + 137 – read the grammar information 6C + complete ex. a) and b)
I hope to see Pavel and Stepan as well in our next lesson 🙂
10/09/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 41, 59, 65
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- SB page 136 + 137 – read the grammar information 6C + complete ex. a) and b)
I hope to see you all in our next lesson 🙂
03/09/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 41, 59, 65
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TANNED = opaleny
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- SB page 136 + 137 – read the grammar information 6C + complete ex. a) and b)
I hope to see you all again on Tuesday at 10:00 😉
25/06/2024 – Homework
- revise all your drills
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Have a fantastic summer I will see you again in September.
18/06/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 66 (will)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
Next lesson is the last one before summer break so I hope to see you all here
11/06/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 66 (will)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
- SB page 136 + 137 ex. 6B
I hope to see Stepan in our next lesson 🙂
04/06/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 66 (will)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : GET TO KNOW = poznat, WISE = moudry
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
- SB page 136 + 137 ex. 6A
- SB page 45 ex. 4 (reading)
It was great to finally have all of you here again 🙂
21/05/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 79 (much / many / some / any / enough)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
- SB page 44 ex. 1 (vocabulary)
Have a great time at the exhibition and I will see you again in June 🙂
14/05/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 79 (much / many / some / any / enough)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : RATIO = pomer, FREEZER = mrazak
I hope to see you all next time 🙂
07/05/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 79 (much / many / some / any / enough)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BURIED = pohrbeny, MIRACLE = zazrak
Nice work today gentlemen 🙂
30/04/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 79 (much / many / some / any / enough)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : RIDGE = hreben (hor), WHOLE = cely, APPROACH = pristup / pristupovat
- SB page 40 ex. 2 a) b) – reading & listening
- complete fill-in exercise 4.1. much, many, some, any
Enjoy the public holiday tomorrow and I will see you again on Tuesday
23/04/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 79 (much / many / some / any / enough)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : JUDGE = soudce, VARIED = ruznorody
- SB page 40 ex. 2 a) b) – reading & listening
- complete fill-in exercise 4.1. much, many, some, any
I hope you will have more time for English next time, gentlemen 🙂
16/04/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 79 (much / many / some / any / enough)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SELECTION = vyber, SELECT = vybrat, EVALUATE = vyhodnotit
- SB page 40 ex. 2 a) b) – reading & listening
- complete fill-in exercise 4.1. much, many, some, any
I hope to finally see Stepan in our next lesson again 🙂
09/04/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 28, 29 (comparatives & superlatives)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- SB page 41 ex. 3 a) b) c) d) – grammar
Great work with the adjectives today 🙂
02/04/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 28, 29 (comparatives & superlatives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : PROPERTY = nemovitost, MOSQUE = mesita, PRAY = modlit se, PRIDE = pycha, MODEST = skromny, GENEROUS = stedry
Well done today, gentlemen 🙂
26/03/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 28, 29 (comparatives & superlatives)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- SB page 114 ex. a) b) – writing
I hope to see Stepan in our next lesson 🙂
19/03/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 28, 29 (comparatives & superlatives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ENVIOUS = zavistivy, NIECE = neter, NEPHEW = synovec, AMOUNT = mnozstvi / castka
- SB page 156 – complete all exercises
Well done today 🙂
12/03/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 28, 29 (comparatives & superlatives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TANNED = opaleny, BE USED TO = byt zvykly
- SB page 39 ex. 3 a) – reading & speaking
It was great to have you all here 🙂 Have a nice rest of the week.
05/03/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 28, 29 (comparatives & superlatives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : PURCHASE = koupit, OATS = ovesne vlocky
- SB page 134+135 – read the information 5B + complete ex. a) + b)
Today’s lesson only with Filip. I hope to see more of you next time 🙂
27/02/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 28, 29 (comparatives & superlatives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ANNOUNCE = oznamit
- SB page 134+135 – read the information 5B + complete ex. a) + b)
It was great to see you again today 🙂
13/02/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 28, 29 (comparatives & superlatives)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- SB page 134+135 – read the information 5B + complete ex. a) + b)
Have a great rest of the week, gentlemen 🙂
06/02/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 28, 29 (comparatives & superlatives)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- SB page 134+135 – read the information 5B + complete ex. a) + b)
Stepan, are you still part of this team? I hope to see you all in our next lesson 🙂
30/01/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 28, 29 (comparatives & superlatives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : OCCUPIED = obsazen, BECAUSE OF = kvuli, MIGHT = mozna (v budoucnosti), URGENTLY = nutne
- translate noodle questions 6.3. comparatives and superlatives
Another lesson without Stepan 🙁
23/01/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 28, 29 (comparatives & superlatives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ARRANGE = domluvit / zaridit, DISAPPEAR = zmizet, OUT OF CHARGE / DEAD BATTERY = vybita baterka, SURGERY = operace, POSTPONE = oddalit / prelozit na pozdeji
- complete fill-in exercise 6.2. comparatives and superlatives
I hope to see Stepan in our next lesson 🙂
16/01/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 28, 29 (comparatives & superlatives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : VOLUNTEER = dobrovolnik, SINK = umyvadlo
- complete fill-in exercise 6.2. comparatives and superlatives
Well done today gentlemen 🙂
09/01/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 79, 80
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : RAFFLE = tombola, SOLD OUT = vyprodany, INDEPENDENT = nezavisly, FORCE = prinutit
- SB page 37 ex. 2 a) b) c) – grammar
I hope we can do some work in the book next time 😀
02/01/2024 – Homework
- revise drill 79, 80
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : NEW YEAR’S EVE = Silvestr, WRAP = zabalit, LENTILS = cocka
- SB page 37 ex. 2 a) b) c) – grammar
It was great to see you all again
05/12/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 79, 80
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : APART FROM = krome, PRAISE = pochvalit, EVEN = dokonce
- SB page 37 ex. 2 a) b) c) – grammar
Enjoy the holiday season and see you again 2nd of January 2024
28/11/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 79, 80
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SO FAR = zatim, MEANWHILE = zatimco, COPPER = med
- SB page 36 ex. 1 a) b) c) – reading & vocabulary
Another lesson without Stepan 🙁
21/11/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 72 (-ed & -ing adjectives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BE IN THE MOOD FOR SOMETHING = mit naladu na, BEE = vcela, BEE-KEEPER = vcelar, HORNET = srsen, FRIGHTENING = desivy, PRAISE = chvalit
- SB page 35 ‚can you understand this text‘
Practise those drills please gentlemen 😉
14/11/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 72 (-ed & -ing adjectives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : LAYER = vrstva, INSULATION = izolace (domu)
- SB page 35 ‚can you understand this text‘
- translate the questions you got from me on the piece of paper today
Well done today gentlemen 🙂
07/11/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 72 (-ed & -ing adjectives)
- complete fill-in 1.4. -ed & -ing adjectives
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : PRESCRIPTION = recept (od lekare), NOT AT ALL = vubec, FRIGHTENED = vydeseny
- SB page 34 – complete the whole page please 🙂
I hope to see you all again in our next lesson
31/10/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 72 (-ed & -ing adjectives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : OVERTAKE = predjet, DESERVE = zaslouzit si
- SB page 34 – complete the whole page please 🙂
Well done today gentlemen 🙂
24/10/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 72 (-ed & -ing adjectives)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
- SB page 33 ex. 6 a) b) – vocabulary
It was great to finally have all of you here again 🙂
17/10/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 55, 67 (past simple vs. present perfect)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : HERD = stado, TRADE FAIR = veletrh
- SB page 132+133 – read grammar 4C + complete the exercises
- SB page 32+33 ex. 4 a) b) c) – reading
Another lesson without Stepan, oh dear…
10/10/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 55, 67 (past simple vs. present perfect)
- translate questions 7.2. present perfect or past simple
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : CLEAR OUT = vyklidit
- SB page 132+133 – read grammar 4C + complete the exercises
I hope to see Stepan in our next lesson 🙂
03/10/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 55, 67 (past simple vs. present perfect)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : INTEREST = urok, INTEREST RATE = urokova sazba, RATING = hodnoceni, BRING UP / RAISE = vychovat, UBRINGING = vychova, SERIOUS = vazny
- SB page 132+133 – grammar 4B (read+complete ex. a) and b)
- SB page 155 (vocabulary)
Well done today 🙂
26/09/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 55, 67 (past simple vs. present perfect)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- SB page 132+133 – grammar 4B (read+complete ex. a) and b)
- SB page 155 (vocabulary)
Nice work today gentlemen 🙂
19/09/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 55 (past simple vs. present perfect)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BRING UP / RAISE = vychovat, PUNISHMENT = trest, BAN = zakazat, CONVINCE = presvedcit
- SB page 30 ex. 1 a) b) c) d) – reading
I hope to see Stepan in our next lesson 🙂
12/09/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 55 (past simple vs. present perfect)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- complete fill-in 7.1. past simple or present perfect
- SB page 30 ex. 1 a) b) c) d) – reading
Have a great rest of the week gentlemen 🙂
05/09/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 55 (past simple vs. present perfect)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- SB page 132+133 ex. 4a present perfect – read the iformation + complete ex. a) + b)
It was fantastic to see you all again today
25/04/2023 – Homework
- revise all your drills
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : EXHAUSTING = vycerpavajici
I hope to see you all again in September Have a great spring / summer until then.
18/04/2023 – Homework
- drill 63, 64 (prepositions of time / place)
- complete fill-in exercise 3.6. time prepositions
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : STARTER = predkrm, MAIN COURSE = hlavni chod, DESSERT = dezert, WAITER = cisnik, BILL = ucet, TIP = spropitne
I am happy all of you came today (even though you left Pavel alone at the end of the lesson) 😀
11/04/2023 – Homework
- drill 63, 64 (prepositions of time / place)
- complete fill-in exercise 1.6. prepositions
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
I heard Stepan’s voice in the hall today but he didn’t join us in the English lesson, very sad 🙁
04/04/2023 – Homework
- drill 63, 64 (prepositions of time / place)
- SB page 25 ex. 5 a) b) c) – reading
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : GENEROUS = stedry
Have a great Easter holiday
28/03/2023 – Homework
- drill 63, 64 (prepositions of time / place)
- complete fill-in exercise 12.5. prepositions 2
- SB page 25 ex. 5 a) b) c) – reading
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SCHOOL REUNION = skolni sraz
See you all again on Tuesday 🙂
21/03/2023 – Homework
- drill 57 (question tags)
- complete fill-in exercise 12.4. prepositions
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : GRATEFUL = vdecny
It was great to see you today Stepan & Filip 🙂
14/03/2023 – Homework
- drill 57 (question tags)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : CRANE = jerab, SIGHT = pamatka / zajimavost
- SB page 23 ex. 2 c) – grammar
It would be nice to have you here for more than 3 minutes Stepan 😉
07/03/2023 – Homework
- drill 57 (question tags)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TRADE FAIR = veletrh, AVALANCHE = lavina, SORT OUT = vyresit / vytridit, REMIND = pripominat, TOUGH LUCK = smula, POUR = nalit
- SB page 22 ex. 1 b) c) d) – reading & listening
It was nice to finally see you today Stepan 🙂 Hopefully you can all be here in our next lesson.
28/02/2023 – Homework
- drill 57 (question tags)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SOCIALIZE = bavit se s lidmi / chodit do spolecnosti
- SB page 22 ex. 1 b) c) d) – reading & listening
Well done today gentlemen 🙂
21/02/2023 – Homework
- drill 35, 57
- complete fill-in exercise 11.3. going to
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
Have a fantastic rest of the week and I look forward to seeing you again in our next lesson.
07/02/2023 – Homework
- drill 35, 57
- complete fill-in exercise 11.2. going to
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : DESIRE = touzit, NIGHTMARE = nocni mura, QUEUE = fronta
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
- SB page 21 ex. 5 b) – reading
I am on holiday next week, so I will see you all again 21/02. Have a great time until then 🙂
31/01/2023 – Homework
- drill 35, 57
- translate questions 11.3. goint to 2
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ROLE MODEL = vzor
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
- SB page 21 ex. 5 a) b) c) – reading
No Stepan again 🙁
24/01/2023 – Homework
- drill 35 (going to)
- translate questions 11.2. going to
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SOLVE = resit, RAFFLE = tombola
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
- SB page 21 ex. 3 a) b) c) – grammar
I hope to see Stepan again in our next lesson 🙂
10/01/2023 – Homework
- drill 40 (past simple / past continuous)
- revise irregular verbs
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SURVIVE = prezit, GLAD = rad
- SB page 18 (pronunciation)
- SB page 19 (can you understand this text)
Today’s lesson was only with Filip so the homework stays the same 🙂
03/01/2023 – Homework
- drill 40 (past simple / past continuous)
- revise irregular verbs
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ACQUAINTANCE = znamy
- SB page 18 (pronunciation)
- SB page 19 (can you understand this text)
I was happy to have you all here again 🙂
20/12/2022 – Homework
- drill 40 (past simple / past continuous)
- revise irregular verbs
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : COMPANION = společník
- SB page 18 (complete the whole page)
Have a great holiday season and I will see you again 3.1.2023
13/12/2022 – Homework
- drill 40 (past simple / past continuous)
- revise irregular verbs
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TIRE TREAD = vzorek pneumatiky, FAIRY TALE = pohadka, REASON = duvod
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
- SB page 16 ex. 1 d) e) – grammar
Only Pavel came to our lesson today, so the homework stays the same. I hope to see you all!
07/12/2022 – Homework
- drill 40 (past simple / past continuous)
- revise irregular verbs
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SHED = kulna, NOTICE = vsimnout si, HOSPITALITY = pohostinnost
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
- SB page 16 ex. 1 d) e) – grammar
I hope to see Stepan on Tuesday 🙂
29/11/2022 – Homework
- drill 40 (past simple / past continuous)
- revise irregular verbs
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
- SB page 16 ex. 1 a) b) – grammar
Don’t forget that our next lesson is on Wednesday
22/11/2022 – Homework
- drill 40 (past simple / past continuous)
- complete the fill-in exercise Pavel gave you on piece of paper
- revise irregular verbs
- SB page 112 ex. a) + b)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
I hope to see Stepan next time 🙂
15/11/2022 – Homework
- drill 40 (past simple / past continuous)
- revise irregular verbs
- SB page 15 ex. 5 a) b) c) d) – listening
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : GODDESS = bohyne, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT = uznani
Keep revising past simple / continuous 🙂
08/11/2022 – Homework
- drill 40 (past simple / past continuous)
- revise irregular verbs
- complete fill-in exercise 3.2. past simple or past continuous
- SB page 14 ex. 1 c) – reading
- SB page 14 ex. 3 a) b) c) – vocabulary
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : PARTICIPANT = ucastnik, SPECTATOR = divak / prihlizejici, AUDIENCE = publikum, THE REST OF = zbytek
It was fantastic to have Stepan here again 🙂
01/11/2022 – Homework
- drill 26, 27, 40 (past simple / past continuous)
- revise irregular verbs
- complete fill-in exercise 6.1. irregular verbs
- SB page 14 ex. 1 c) – reading
- SB page 14 ex. 2 a) b) – grammar
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : NINETIES = devadesata leta, PREVIOUS = predesly, SUDDENLY = nahle, REALISE = uvedomit si, ANNOUNCE = ohlasit
Good work with the vocabulary today gentlemen 🙂
25/10/2022 – Homework
- drill 26, 27 (past simple)
- revise irregular verbs
- translate the questions you got on a piece of paper today
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SWEAT = pot / potit se, CHARACTERISTICS = vlastnosti
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
It’s a shame you didn’t come to see us today Stepan 🙁
18/10/2022 – Homework
- drill 26, 27 (past simple)
- revise irregular verbs
- complete fill-in 3.1. past simple questions
- revise vocabulary from previous 10 lessons (you will explain it in English next time)
I hope to see you all again next time gentlemen 🙂
11/10/2022 – Homework
- drill 33 (present simple vs. continuous)
- SB page 13 ex. 4 a) b) c) d) – grammar
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : STORE = uskladnit, MEAN = lakomy, JEALOUS = zarlivy, DISASTER = katastrofa
- revise vocabulary from previous 10 lessons (I will test you)
Have a great rest of the week gentlemen 🙂
04/10/2022 – Homework
- drill 33 (present simple vs. continuous)
- SB page 152 – complete the whole page (vocabulary about holiday)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : PRIEST = knez, HIRE / RENT = vypujcit (oficialne), SOURCE = zdroj, FEE = poplatek, RETURN OF INVESTMENT = navratnost investice, WARRANTY = zaruka, YOU ARE RIGHT = mas pravdu, PUNCTUAL = dochvilny, BOTHER = otravovat
I hope to see Stepan in our next lesson 🙂
27/09/2022 – Homework
- drill 33 (present simple vs. continuous)
- complete fill-in exercise 2.5. present simple or continuous
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : LOCAL COUNCIL = mistni zastupitelstvi, MAYOR = starosta, ELECTIONS = volby, ROUNDABOUT = kruhovy objezd, PUNCTURE = defekt, SET OFF = vyrazit, SORE = bolavy
It would be nice if you ALL had homework in our next lesson 😉
20/09/2022 – Homework
- drill 33 (present simple vs. continuous)
- SB page 9 ex. 5 (vocabulary)
- complete fill-in exercise 2.4. present simple or present continuous
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Well done with the grammar today gentlemen 🙂
13/09/2022 – Homework
- drill 33 (present simple vs. continuous)
- SB page 126 + 127 1C present continuous (study the grammar and complete ex. a) + b)
- complete fill-in exercise 2.2. present simple or present continuous
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ACCOMMODATION = ubytovani, B&B (bed & breakfast) = penzion, HUMID = vlhko / dusno, SULPHUR = sira
Please complete your homework for our next lesson 🙂
06/09/2022 – Homework
- drill 43 (mix of tenses)
- SB page 126 + 127 (study the grammar and complete ex. a) + b)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : PENINSULA = poloostrov, PUT ON WEIGHT = pribrat
I hope to see Pavel too next time 🙂
28/06/2022 – Homework
- drill 43 (mix of tenses)
- SB page 126 + 127 (study the grammar and complete ex. a) + b)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Have a great summer 🙂 I will be looking forward to seeing you again in September.
21/06/2022 – Homework
- drill 43 (mix of tenses)
- SB page 7 ex. 3 c) – grammar
- complete fill-in exercise 3.3. present simple in all persons
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Next lesson is the last before I take a summer break so I hope to see you all 😉
14/06/2022 – Homework
- drill 43 (mix of tenses)
- SB page 6 ex. 2 a) b) c) d) – reading
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : AWARD = oceneni, VOUCHER = poukaz, CAUSE = zpusobit
Today’s lesson was only with Filip so we just talked in English 🙂 Homework stays the same.
07/06/2022 – Homework
- drill 43 (mix of tenses)
- SB page 6 ex. 2 a) b) c) d) – reading
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SIGHTS = pamatky, A DRAW = remiza, GROCERIES = potraviny
I hope to see Stepan again in our next lesson 🙂
31/05/2022 – Homework
- drill 43 (mix of tenses)
- complete fill-in 12.4. take or get
- SB page 150 ex. 1 a) + 2 a) b) – describing people
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ADVANCED= pokrocily
Very chatty lesson today, we will do more work in the book next time 😉
24/05/2022 – Homework
- drill 43 (mix of tenses)
- complete fill-in 12.2. past simple or present perfect
- SB page 150 ex. 1 a) + 2 a) b) – describing people
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SCOOP OF ICE CREAM = kopecek zmrzliny
Finally with all of you today 🙂
17/05/2022 – Homework
- drill 43 (mix of tenses)
- SB page 150 ex. 1 a) + 2 a) b) – describing people
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Another lesson without Stepan 🙁
10/05/2022 – Homework
- drill 43 (mix of tenses)
- complete fill-in exercise 1.2.
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
I hope you can finally join us next time Stepan 🙂
03/05/2022 – Homework
- drill 43 (mix of tenses)
- complete fill-in exercise 1.1. auxiliary verbs
- SB page 5 ex. 2 b) – grammar
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Today’s lesson was only with Pavel, so we chatted & revised some drills. Therefore, homework stays the same for out next lesson.
26/04/2022 – Homework
- drill 43 (mix of tenses)
- complete fill-in exercise 1.1. auxiliary verbs
- SB page 5 ex. 2 b) – grammar
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : POSTPONE = odlozit na pozdeji, STURDY = pevny / festovni, ASSEMBLE = slozit, DISASSEMBLE = rozlozit
Another lesson without Stepan 🙁
19/04/2022 – Homework
- drill 17, 24
- translate questions 1.2. question words
- SB page 4 ex. 1 a) – vocabulary & speaking
I hope Stepan will join us next time 🙂
12/04/2022 – Homework
- drill 17, 24
- translate questions 1.1. auxiliary verbs
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Don’t forget to bring our new book to the next lesson 🙂 Enjoy Easter long weekend.
05/04/2022 – Homework
- drill 41, 59, 65 (mix of modal verbs)
- translate questions 5.10. prefixes
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Today’s lesson was only with Pavel. I hope to see you all in our next lesson.
29/03/2022 – Homework
- drill 41, 59, 65 (mix of modal verbs)
- complete fill-in exercise 5.6. word formation
- SB page 44 ex. 6 (vocabulary & pronunciation)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
It was great to have you all here today 🙂
15/03/2022 – Homework
- drill 70 (future forms)
- complete fill-in exercise 5.5. word formation
- SB page 44 ex. 6 (vocabulary & pronunciation)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ENTERTAINMENT = zábava, SNORING = chrápání
Next time with Stepan again?
08/03/2022 – Homework
- drill 70 (future forms)
- complete fill-in exercise 5.4. vocabulary from reading 2
- SB page 44 ex. 1, 2, 3 (vocabulary & pronunciation)
- SB page 42+43 – read again and study new vocabulary (I will test you)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : DAM = prehrada, POSTPONE = odlozit na pozdeji, OAK = dub, DINING TABLE = jidelni stul
It was great to have you all here again 🙂
01/03/2022 – Homework
- drill 70 (future forms)
- complete fill-in exercise 5.3. vocabulary from reading
- SB page 42+43 ex. 3, 4, 5 (reading & speaking)
- SB page 42+43 – read again and study new vocabulary (I will test you)
See you all again in our next lesson 🙂
22/02/2022 – Homework
- drill 70 (future forms)
- complete fill-in exercise 5.3. vocabulary from reading
- SB page 42+43 ex. 3, 4, 5 (reading & speaking)
- study vocabulary from today’s lesson : CONCRETE TILE = betonova dlazdice, MAKE AN APPOINTMENT = objednat se, GET RID OF = zbavit se
It was great to have you all here gentlemen 🙂
15/02/2022 – Homework
- drill 70 (future forms)
- complete ex. 6 & 7 on the pieces of paper you got from me today
- SB page 41 ex. 1, 2 (listening & speaking)
- study vocabulary from today’s lesson : INNOCENT = nevinen, FROZEN = zmrzly
Have a great rest of the week 🙂
08/02/2022 – Homework
- drill 70 (future forms)
- SB page 139 – study grammar ‚future forms‘
- study vocabulary from today’s lesson : LIVER = jatra, KIDNEYS = ledviny
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
Today’s lesson only with Pavel, I hope to see you all next time, gentlemen 🙂
01/02/2022 – Homework
- drill 70 (future forms)
- translate questions 5.12. grammar
- complete fill-in 5.1. vocabulary
- SB page 139 – study grammar ‚future forms‘
- study vocabulary from today’s lesson : FOGGY = mlhavo, POSTPONE = prelozit na pozdeji, NARROW = uzky
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
I hope to see you all again on Tuesday 🙂
25/01/2022 – Homework
- drill 70 (future forms)
- complete fill-in exercise 5.2. future
- SB page 139 – study grammar ‚future forms‘
- study vocabulary from today’s lesson : GLACIER = ledovec, ICEBERG = ledova kra, KEEP = udrzet / nechat si
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
Continue studuying future forms please, but don’t forget about vocabulary either 😉
18/01/2022 – Homework
- drill 70 (future forms)
- translate questions 5.2. future forms
- SB page 139 – study grammar ‚future forms‘
- SB page 40 ex. 6, 7, 8
- study vocabulary from today’s lesson : ACHE / PAIN = bolest, CO-OWNER = spolumajitel
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
I hope to see Stepan in our next lesson 🙂
11/01/2022 – Homework
- drill 70 (future forms)
- translate questions in your noodle book 5.1. future
- SB page 139 – study grammar ‚future forms‘
- SB page 39 (whole page)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
I was happy to see you all today gentlemen 🙂
04/01/2022 – Homework
- drill 41, 59, 65 (mix of modal verbs)
- translate questions in your noodle book 4.8. phrasal verbs
- SB page 139 – study grammar ‚future forms‘
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
I hope to see Stepan as well in our next lesson 🙂
14/12/2021 – Homework
- drill 41, 59, 65 (mix of modal verbs)
- complete fill-in exercise 4.5. phrasal verbs
- SB page 37 ex. 1, 2 (everyday English)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : DAM / RESERVOIR = prehrada, THAT’S WHY = proto
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
I will see you all again on Tuesday for our last lesson this year
30/11/2021 – Homework
- drill 41, 59, 65 (mix of modal verbs)
- SB page 36 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (vocabulary & speaking)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : FEAR = strach
See you again December 14th
23/11/2021 – Homework
- drill 41, 59, 65 (mix of modal verbs)
- SB page 34+35 – read the whole article again & study new vocabulary (I will test you)
- SB page 36 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (vocabulary & speaking)
- complete fill-in exercise 4.4. reading from page 34+35 (part 2)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TREADMILL = bezecky pas, EVERYTHING IN MODERATION = vse s mirou
Have a fantastic weekend 🙂
16/11/2021 – Homework
- drill 41, 59, 65 (mix of modal verbs)
- SB page 34+35 ex. 2, 6 (reading & speaking) + vocabulary work
- SB page 34+35 – read the whole article again & study new vocabulary (I will test you)
- complete fill-in exercise 4.3. vocabulary from reading
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SERIOUS = vazny, PRESSURE = tlak, GUIDE = pruvodce, TWINS = dvojcata, APOLOGIZE = omluvit se, SOAP OPERA = telenovela, BLIND = slepy, BINGE DRINKING = narazove opijeni se, APPRECIATE = ocenovat
I’m glad you all managed to come today again 🙂
09/11/2021 – Homework
- drill 41, 59, 65 (mix of modal verbs)
- SB page 34+35 ex. 2, 6 (reading & speaking)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : MISUNDERSTAND = spatne pochopit, MISUNDERSTANDING = nedorozumeni
I hope to see you all again on Tuesday, gentlemen 🙂
02/11/2021 – Homework
- drill 41, 59, 65 (mix of modal verbs)
- SB page 137+138 – study grammar of unit 4
- complete exercises on the 2 pieces of paper I gave you today
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : VALID = platny, WASTE OF TIME = ztrata casu
Thank you for your email Stepan 🙂 I really hope to see you on Tuesday.
26/10/2021 – Homework
- drill 41, 59, 65 (mix of modal verbs)
- SB page 137+138 – study grammar of unit 4
- translate questions in your noodle book 4.4. modal verbs – rules past
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : AVOID = vyhnout se
Prepare well for our next lesson please gentlemen 🙂
19/10/2021 – Homework
- drill 41, 59, 65 (mix of modal verbs)
- SB page 137+138 – study grammar of unit 4
- SB page 33 ex. 1 (listening & speaking)
- translate questions in your noodle book 4.3. modal verbs – rules present
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SIGNATURE = podpis, FOUND = zalozit, FERRIS WHEEL = ruske kolo, CARPARK = parkoviste, POSTPONE = prelozit na pozdeji, REVIEW = recenze, LOOK FORWARD TO = tesit se na, INCREASE = zvysit
Another lesson without Stepan 🙁 I hope to see you next time.
12/10/2021 – Homework
- drill 41, 59, 65 (mix of modal verbs)
- SB page 137+138 – study grammar of unit 4
- SB page 32 ex. 4, 5
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ELECTIONS = volby, VOTE = volit, ENTERTAINMENT = zabava
It was nice to have you all here gentlemen 🙂
05/10/2021 – Homework
- drill 41, 59, 65 (mix of modal verbs)
- SB page 137+138 – study grammar of unit 4
- SB page 32 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- translate questions 4.2. modal verbs
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : RARELY = zridkakdy, CASUAL = lezerni
I hope to see Stepan in our next lesson 🙂
21/09/2021 – Homework
- drill 41, 59, 65 (mix of modal verbs)
- SB page 137+138 – study grammar of unit 4
- SB page 31 ex. 2, 3 (practice)
- complete fill-in exercise 4.2. modal verbs
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : CHAPEL = kaple, B&B = penzion, LEFTOVERS = zbytky jidla
Have a great rest of the week gentlemen 🙂
14/09/2021 – Homework
- drill 41, 59, 65 (mix of modal verbs)
- SB page 137+138 – study grammar of unit 4
- SB page 31 ex. 1, 2, 3 (practice)
- complete fill-in exercise 4.1. vocabulary from page 30+31
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : RELAY = stafeta, SURVIVE = prezit, ANNOYING = otravny, UPBRINGING = vychova
I hope to see Stepan as well in our next lesson 🙂
07/09/2021 – Homework
- drill 41, 59, 65 (mix of modal verbs)
- SB page 137+138 – study grammar of unit 4
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : VINEYARD = vinice, SPECTATOR = divak (pri sportovni akci), PUDDLE = louze, DUVET = prikryvka, PILLOW = polstar
See you again on Tuesday genlemen 🙂
31/08/2021 – Homework
- drill 26, 40, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : FORCED = prinuceny, STEEP = strmy, REVIEW = recenze
There will be a big revision of vocabulary next time so don’t forget to study 😉
24/08/2021 – Homework
- drill 57 (question tags)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- SB page 135+136+137 – revise grammar of unit 3
- SB page 169+170 -revise vocabulary of unit 3
- complete end of unit 3 test at home
I hope to see you all in our next lesson 🙂
17/08/2021 – Homework
- drill 57 (question tags)
- drills 26, 40, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- complete fill-in exercise 3.6. question tags
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : MANAGE = stihnout / zvladnout, FLOWER = kvetina, FLOUR = mouka, FLAVOUR = prichut
- SB page 135+136+137 – revise grammar of unit 3
- SB page 169+170 -revise vocabulary of unit 3
Please, prepare well for our next lesson. We will do revision of unit 3 🙂
10/08/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- SB page 29 ex. 1, 2, 3 (everyday English)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TASK = ukol, VACUUM CLEANER = vysavac, DISTURB = rusit, WARDROBE = satni skrin, RIPEN = uzrat
Have a great rest of the week and see you again on Tuesday 🙂
03/08/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- SB page 29 ex. 1, 2, 3 (everyday English)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BREWERY = pivovar, CLASSMATE = spoluzak, ARRANGE = zorganizovat, RAILWAY TRACK = koleje, TRAIN = vlak, RAILWAY CROSSING = zeleznicni prejezd
Today’s lesson was only with Filip, so the homework stays the same 🙂 See you on Tuesday!
27/07/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- SB page 29 ex. 1, 2, 3 (everyday English)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SWAP = vymenit / prohodit, BOARD GAME = deskova hra, CHEAT = podvadet, PERMIT = dovolit / povoleni
Thank you for your email Pavel 🙂 I hope to see you in our next lesson.
13/07/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- SB page 28 ex. 1, 2 (listening & speaking)
- translate questions 3.12. in your noodle book
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : AMOUNT = mnozstvi
See you again on Tuesday, gentlemen 🙂
29/06/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : EXAMINATION = vysetreni, HANGOVER = kocovina, FOOTBALL PITCH = fotbalove hriste
Nice work today gentlemen Next week is public holiday so I hope to see you all again 13.07.
22/06/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BREWERY
It was lovely to see you Filip & Pavel 🙂
15/06/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- complete fill-in exercise 9.2. past perfect
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : OVERTAKE, PACE, HALF BOARD, FULL BOARD, ALL INCLUSIVE, TOE, RETIRE
I hope to see Stepan as well in our next lesson 🙂
01/06/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- SB page 24 ex. 5, 6 (practice)
- revise vocabulary from our last 10 lessons (I will test you)
I am looking forward to your perfect knowledge of vocabulary gentlemen 😉
25/05/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- SB page 24 ex. 5, 6 (practice)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : CHECK-UP, COIN, BRANCH
- revise vocabulary from our last 10 lessons (I will test you)
Keep practising those drills gentlemen 🙂
18/05/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- SB page 24 ex. 4 (practice)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : FURNITURE, WEAPON
- revise vocabulary from our last 10 lessons (I will test you)
I hope to see you next week Stepan 🙂
11/05/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- SB page 24 ex. 3, 4 (practice)
- complete fill-in exercise 3.3. vocabulary from reading
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : QUEUE, RECOGNIZE, SETTLE DOWN
It was lovely to see you all today 🙂
04/05/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- SB page 23 ex. 3 + grammar spot (don’t forget to answer the questions from ex. 2 on page 22)
Have a great rest of the week gentlemen 🙂
27/04/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- translate questions 3.4. past simple passive in your noodle book
- SB page 23 ex. 3 + grammar spot (don’t forget to answer the questions from ex. 2 on page 22)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : LOOK FORWARD TO, ROUTE, HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO GET THERE?
I hope to see you next Tuesday Stepan 🙂
20/04/2021 – Homework
- drills 48 (passives)
- translate questions 3.2. in your noodle book
It was great to have you all here at the same time gentlemen 🙂 See you again on Tuesday!
13/04/2021 – Homework
- drills 48 (passives)
- complete fill-in exercise 3.2. past simple or past continuous
- revise lesson vocabulary from 9.9.2020 to now!!!
Next time hopefully with all of you, gentlemen 🙂
30/03/2021 – Homework
- drills 48 (passives)
- complete fill-in exercise 3.1. question words
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : COMPLAIN, STEEP, LOOK FORWARD TO, PREDICTABLE, SLAVE, IN BLOOM, CHEAT, IN A ROW
- revise lesson vocabulary from 9.9.2020 to now!!!
I hope to see you in our next lesson Pavel 🙂
23/03/2021 – Homework
- drills 48 (passives)
- complete fill-in exercise 2.5. vocabulary from page 18+19
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TREADMILL, STIR, DEEP FAT FRY
- revise lesson vocabulary from 9.9.2020 to now!!!
It was great to finally meet you Stepan 🙂 I hope we can all see each other in our next lesson.
16/03/2021 – Homework
- drills 48 (passives)
- SB page 20 ex. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (vocabulary & speaking)
- revise lesson vocabulary from 9.9.2020 to now (you will explain the words in English in our next lesson)
Nice work today gentlemen. I hope to see even Stepan next Tuesday 🙂
02/03/2021 – Homework
- drills 48 (passives)
- complete fill-in exercise 2.6. vocabulary from page 20
- SB page 20 ex. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (vocabulary & speaking)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : CANTENE, ROUTE, TARMAC, STATIONARY BIKE, MEMORIES
- revise lesson vocabulary from 9.9.2020 to now (you will explain the words in English in our next lesson)
Nice work today Pavel 🙂 I hope to see more of you in our next lesson.
23/02/2021 – Homework
- drills 47 (passives)
- complete fill-in exercise 2.4. present tenses active x passive
- SB page 20 ex. 2, 3, 4 (vocabulary & speaking)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : DIY, MODEST, REPLY, CASE, UPSET
- revise lesson vocabulary from 9.9.2020 to now (you will explain the words in English in our next lesson)
It was lovely to meet you today Pavel & Filip. Hopefully I will get to meet Stepan next Tuesday as well 🙂
LESSON 7th October
Today with Julie, Filip and Pavel.
Vocab: decide (rozhodnout), decision (rozhodnutí), unit (jendotka), patient (trpělivý), allowed (dovoleno), take turns (střídat se), weird (divný), prediction (předpověď)
– drill used to + 47
– noodles 2.5
– book p. 18 – Prince Charles – finish the reading of the 1st part
– study vocab from lessons 30/9 and 23/9 and 7/10
Enjoy the autumn days!
Hana M.
LESSON 30th September
Today with Julie, Filip and Pavel.
Vocab: I was busy (měl jsem napilno, hodně co na práci), as usual (jako obvykle), quarantine (karanténa – opravte sii prosím pravopis, měla jsem tam překlep), staff (personál – a toto slovíčko je nepočitatelné), compete (soutěžit, konkurovat), race (Závodit – v rychlosti), spoilt (rozmazlený), portrayed (vylíčený, popsaný), bad-tempered (nevrlý, mrzutý), squeezed – squeeze (vymačkat), folded – fold (přeložit např. napůl), in a particuar way (konkrétním způsobem)
– practise drill used to and 47
– fill in 2.3 here print out and fill in
– book p. 18 – Prince Charles – finish the reading of the 1st part
– study vocab from lessons 30/9 and 23/9
Hope to see you all next week.
Hana M.
LESSON 23rd September
With Štěpán and Filip today. Thanks for coming. I really enjoyed this lesson with you today.
Vocabulary: contact lenses (kontaktní čočky), wear – wore – worn (nosit), how long (jak dlouho), how many times (kolikrát), realize (uvědomit si), (eye)sight (zrak), ministry (ministerstvo), puppet (loutka), gramatical case (pády – u skloňování), household (domácnost)workforce (pracovní síla), tax (daň), involve (vyžadovat, zahrnovat), poll/elections (volby), eccentric (výstřední), habits (zvyky), feel content (cítit se spokojený), wide interests (široké zájmy), passion (vášeň)
– noodles 2.4 (translate and check)
– book p. 17/8 put the verbs in the right passive forms
– read a piece of the text p. 18 for understanding (the 1st Paragraph)
– study new vocabulary
Have a lovely week.
Yours Hana
LESSON 16th September
Today with Štěpán, Pavel and Filip. Thank you, I enjoyed the lesson with you!
Vocabulary: siblings (sourozenci), relationship (vztah), chess (šachy), jolly fellow (smíšek), reckon, guess (hádat), earn a fortune (vydělat jmění), average (průměr/ný), responsibility (zodpovědnost), ridiculous (směšný), lawyer (právník), senior director (výkonný ředitel), be in charge (vést – např. společnost), huge (obrovský), experience (zkušenosti)
1) DRILLS – zopakujte si 47 a USED TO
2) FILL-IN – here – 2.2 print out and fill in
3) VOCABULARY from 16th September – study
4) BOOK – 17/7 – Choose the right word, 17/8 – Write the passive form
Enjoy the rest of the week! Zuzana
LESSON 9th September
Today with all my dearest students!!!
Vocabulary: date (randit), what hapenned (co se stalo), na ulici (in the street), thief (zloděj), apply for a new ID (zažádat o novou občanku), get a ticket (dostat pokutu), pay the fine (zaplatit pokutu), parking ticket (parkovací lístek), reward (odměna), salary (plat), chart (tabulka), nurse (zdravotní sestra), cashier (pokladní), lawyer (právník)
– drill 55 (předpřítomný čas)
– fill in 7.1 here – print out and fill in
– study vocabulary from the lesson
– listen to T2.6 (p. 17) and fill in ex. 2 – 1,2
See you next week again!
Hana M.
LESSON 2nd September
With Filip and Pavel. Thanks guys, you were amazing today!
Vocab: means of transport (dopravní prostředek)
– drills 45, 46
– noodles here – Pre 12.5
– revise vocab p. 15 and 16
– listen to T2.6 and T2.7, do not fill in anything
I am looking forward to seeing you all next week.
Hana M.
LESSON 23rd July
With Julie and Filip, good job today!
Vocab: building permit (stavební povolení), programme (pořad), channel (kanál, program), on a trip (na výlet), on a business trip (na služební cestu), shoot a film/make a film (točit film), quotes (hlášky), weather forecast (předpověď počasí), travelogue (cestopis – to , co jsme měli původně – travel journal – je spíš zápisník, deník z cest. který si píšete…)
– sleep a lot
– drink some wine
– watch an English film ocassionaly… or series… or listen to some English songs
– do not learn any new vocabulary! Your brain needs to relax 🙂
See you on 20th August.
Hana M.
LESSON 16th July
With Julie and Filip, thanks a lot for this lesson!
Vocab: man in charge (zodpovědný), charming (okouzlující), cope (zvládnout), sweetheart (zlatíčko), in other words (jinými slovy), personnel (personál – prosím zkontrolujte si – měla jsem tam na konci slova překlep), wear (nosit), organise (organizovat), run the whole place (řídit toto celé místo), fabulous (báječný), target (cíl), responsible for (zodpovědný za)
– drill: 33
– noodles: 2.3
– test: vocab from p. 14 – 15 AGAIN!!!
– learn new vocabulary
– book p. 16/3 – match
Hope to see at least 2 of you next week…
Hana M.
LESSON 2nd July
With Julie and Štěpán.
– noodles Pre 2.4 – state verbs and then check it here
– study highlighted vocabulary from p. 14 – 15
– voluntary: listen to T2.5 for understanding. Do not fill in anything
Have a lovely summer week.
Hana M.
LESSON 25th June
With Pavel, Filip and Julie.
Vocab: backround (původ, zázemí), fortnight (14 dní), passion (vášeň), What hours do you work? (jaká je tvá pracovní doba?), shift (směna), I can’t stand (nemůžu vystát), challenging, (náročný, výzývavý, podnětný) switch off (vypnout), whenever (kdykoliv), lifeguard (plavčík), mates (kámoši), rather (raději)
– drills 45, 46
– fill in 2.1 here
– book p. 18 – reading part 1 – read for understanding
– study vocab from 25/6
See you on 2nd July!
Hana M.
LESSON 18th June
With Pavel and Štěpán only. So we had a conversation lesson.
– noodles here – please translate and bring them to the lesson
– study vocabulary from our last 3 lessons
– from our last HMW: book p. 15/1 – read the text on the right (Dave Telford – police officer and surfer) and fill in the questions to each paragraph
Hope to see you all next week 🙂
Hana M.
LESSON 11th June
With Julie, Pavel and Štěpán today. They said that Filip was busy :-).
Vocab: playful (hravý), happiness (štěstí), helpless (bezradný), careless (neopatrný)
– try to find drill 33 (a very old one) and revise it
– noodles 1.8 (je to na slovní zásobu ze str. 11, tak prosím zkuste si projít slovíčka z článku a použít je pak v otázkách…)
– book p. 15/1 – read the text on the right (Dave Telford – police officer and surfer) and fill in the questions to each paragraph
– study highlighted vocabulary from pages 10, 11 and 13
I am looking forward to seeing you on Thursday again!
Yours Hana
LESSON 4th June
– noodles fill in 1.6 here – fill in the gaps
– book p. 14/3 – listen to T2.2 again and complete the sentences if possible. It is not easy – so if there is a problem, wait to the lesson.
– book p. 134/2.1 Present Simple, 2.2 Adverbs of freqency, 2.3 present continuous – read the grammar information
I’m looking forward to seeing you on Monday!
Hana M.
LESSON 28th May
With all my dear students.
Vocabulary: ordinary (normální), attend (navštěvovat školu), for ages (celé věky), shared (sdílený), carelessly (neopatrně), notebook (sešit), laptop (notebook, malý počítač na klín :-), ATM (bankomat), please hold (vydržte – v telefonu), shortly (brzy nebo stručně), sold out (vyprodáno), cancellation (zrušení), I’ll manage it (zvládnu to), brief (stručně informovat),
– noodles 1.11
– book p. 14 – listen to T2.2 (all listenings – here), only listen, do not fill in anything!
– watch Unit 1 – download here – only first 2 minutes and 40 seconds and answer my questions:
When and why did the three people leave their home countries?
What do they love in London?
What do they miss in London?
See you on Thursday again!
Hana M.
LESSON 21st May
With Julie, Pavel and Filip.
Vocabulary: forbid – forbade – forbidden, show x see, give advice, filling (plomba), make an appointment (domluvit si schůzku), urgent (naléhavý), be stuck (zůstat někde trčet), put in the PIN (vložit PIN), sparkling (perlivá), still (neperlivá), lawn mower (sekačka na trávu). Poznámka od rodilé mluvčí: cutting grass machine se nepoužívá. Je to stejný level jako water with bubbles :-).
– noodles 1.6 (vocabulary from p. 10)
– book p. 13/5 (from our last homework)
– p. 13 – Everyday English – finish exercise 1, match to exercise 2
– study vocabulary from lessons 14/5 and 21/5
Have a good week.
Hana M.
LESSON 14th May
With Julie, Štěpán and Filip. Thanks for such a great lesson!
Important vocabulary: unlike, municipal services, alleyway, elderly, hospitality, cherished, increasingly, knock down, frail, frugally
Less important vocabulary: to be allowed to, noticable, prestigious, close-knit, wander, out of step, amazingly, be in hurry, rush, demolition, for now, headquarters, bright, well-balanced
– fill in 1.4 here – print out and fill in
– book p. 12/1 on the right – Vocabulary – Meaning: read for understanding
– book p. 13/4, 5 on the left – complete and match
Have a brilliant weeked!
Yours Hana
LESSON 12th March
With Pavel, Štěpán and Filip.
Vocab: piggy bank (prasátko), pocket money (kapesné), immediate family (nejbližší, nejužší rodina), extended family (širší rodina), approximately (přibližně), exact (přesný), a single-storey block (řadovka jednopatrových domků), windscreen (čelní sklo – u auta), cracked (popraskaný), on the clock (na tachometru), preschool (školka, předškolní), even though (ačkoli), dressmaker (švadlena), I learnt (dozvěděl jsem se), I was pleased (byl jsem potěšen), move house (přestěhovat se, změnit bydliště), rent (pronajmout, nájem), he is expected (očekává se od něj), fees (poplatky), stressed about (vystresovaný z …)communal (společný), raise (vychovávat), suburb (předměstí)
– look if you have drill no. 33, if yes – you can practise it
– study new vocab
– fill in 1.3 here
– read The Qus Family – p. 11 for understanding
Have a nice week at work and see you on Thursday again.
Yours Hana
Today with Pavel and Julie (and the little Maggie 🙂 )
Vocab: I’m looking forward to (těším se na…), teach / taught (učit), a warehouse (sklad), have sth. done, to be interested in (zajímat se o), a path (stezka), extended weekend (prodloužený víkend), disappointed (zklamaný), a musical instrument (hudební nástroj)
– drills USED TO and HAVE sth. DONE
– fill in EL14.3 here (print out and fill in)
– book p. 10 – read the article for understanding
Have a great spring holiday.
See you on 12th March :-).
Hana M.
LESSON 13th February
Vocab: raffle (tombola), attend (navštěvovat školu nebo kurz), behave (chovat se), have sth. done (nechat si něco udělat), it does not matter (nevadí), towards (vůči), slap (plácnout), many times (mnohokrát), much time (hodně času), thunder (hrom), come round (zatavit se na návštěvu), thank goodness (díkybohu)
– drills Have sth. done, Used to
– noodles 1.4
– book p. 10/1 – think about those questions
… „vstupní test“ next time… OK, guys? I have to do it ASAP.
Have a good time, see you in 14 days.
Yours Hana
LESSON 6th February
All students. Thank you for the lovely lesson.
Vocab: collect, complete, polite, more polite, loads, kit, beat, rubbish, that’s enough, do up your seatbelts
Grammar: short answers… Do you like pizza? Yes, I do. Have you ever been to London? Yes, I have…
– drill 45, 46, 47, used to, have sth. done
– noodles 1.3
– book p. 9/1 match A and B and C
Have a great weekend, I hope your plans will come true.
Hana M.
LESSON 30th January
All men today.
Vocabulary: animal species (druhy zvířat)become extinct (vyhynout), deposit (ložisko), climate, reach your aims (dosáhnout svých cílů), you’re wrong (nemáš pravdu), rubbish! (nesmysl)
– noodles 1.1 from your noodlebook
– revise highlighted vocab from p. 6 – 7
– read the chart „Spoken English“ on p. 8
Have a fabulous weekend!
Yours Hana
LESSON 16th January
All my dear students today :-). Thanks for that chatty lesson!
Vocabulary: trade show (reklamní veletrh), non traditional/untraditional, nursery, become extinct, earth, sink, sail, to be given the vote, average life expectancy, daylight, barrel, ancient, destroyed, human beings, iceberg, include, invert, to be allowed to
– fill in here 1.1
– book p. 6/1 – Starter – correct the questions
– book p. 7/1, 3, 5 on the right (PRACTICE)
– voluntary: listen to T 1.4 for understanding. DO NOT fill it in to the book…
– study vocabulary
Hope to see you all again next week :-).
Yours Hana
LESSON 9th January
With Julie, Pavel, Filip.
It was really nice to see you again! Thanks for such a nice lesson!
What we did:
– Auxiliary verbs (pomocná slovesa) BE, DO, HAVE – fill in INT 1.2
– drills 43, 61, 62, 55 (mix of tenses)
– book p. 7 – quiz
– vocab: earhtquakes (zemětřesení), billion (miliarda), reach (dosáhnout), equator (rovník), seven wonders (sedm divů), oil (ropa), quiet (ticho, tichý), suburb (předměstí), spare room (hostinský pokoj)
– book p. 7 on the top – finish the Quiz, listen to T1.1 and check the answers
– book p. 7/5 fill in the auxiliary verbs (be, do, have)
– noodles 1.2 (jelikož v těchto nudlích je slovní zásoba z kvízu, který jsme v hodině nedokončili, doporučuji nejdřív udělat učebnici, pak nudle…)
Have a great time and see you next week again.
Yours Hana
LESSON 19th December
With Pavel, Filip and Štěpán.
We wrote the TEST.
We are also starting a new book – HEADWAY INTERMEDIATE 4th Edition, so please bring it to our next lesson in January.
– relax, sleep and drink a lot
– buy or download the new book
– learn the new vocab: filling (plomba, výplň), urgent (naléhavé), I can’t make it (nestihnu to), stick – stuck – stuck (zaseknout se někde), ATM (bankomat), put in your PIN (zadejte PIN)
Pro Hujery: (a je to opravdu nepovinné)
for those who cannot live without English, you can easily practise it here:
– conditionals here (větu 6 ještě asi nedáte, je to 3. kondicionál a ten jste nedělali) and here (pozor, 4. věta je chyták, nečekám, že ji budete mít správně)
– passive here
– adjectives -ed/-ing here (věta 7 – your fly… haha, to mě zajímá, jestli na přijdete na správný význam 🙂
– hrátky se slovesem GET (neublíží, ale není to jednoduché…) here
– much x many x a lot… here
– and… articles (členy) here
For those who love films:
There is a scene from my favourite film. They play the scene four times: first just a story. Then the story with subtitles. Then the same story but everything is said twice. And finally – the basic story again. It has 10 minutes.
Next scene – here. 4 minutes.
Or – you can watch some boring videos from a video-zone at British Council – here 🙂
Or as I said in the lesson – just relax 🙂
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Yours Hana
LESSON 12th December
Thanks, my dear students, for the lovely lesson.
There will be The Test in our last lesson before Christmas so please study these:
– drills USE TO and HAVE sth. DONE
– revise vocabulary from Units 13, 14, especially from pages 96, 98, 107
– noodles: prepare 4 questions for your colleagues with USE TO and HAVE sth. DONE
See you on Thursday.
Hana M.
LESSON 28th November
– drill HAVE sth. DONE here – practise
– noodles fill in 14.2 here
– book p. 107/1 read the words in the box for understanding andt think about situations when you feel angry, bored…
Have a beautiful weekend.
Hana M.
LESSON 21st November
All the students. And a really nice chatting part :-).
Vocab: currency (měna), redecotrated (vymalovat, znovu vymalovat), properly (pořádně)
– noodles 14.2 here and the answer key is here
– book p. 103/2 Grammar (for 1 – 5 complete the second sentence)
Have a relaxing week.
Hana M.
LESSON 14th November
All men today. Thanks for the lovely lesson.
Vocab: work out (cvičit), shovel (lopata, odhazovat), tyres (pneumatiky), pay rise (zvýšení platu), What’s going on? (o co jde?), break the rules (porušit pravidla), appointment (schůzka), organize (organizovat), decorator, do you fancy…?, arrangement, get a lift, at the optician’s (u optika), she’s having her eyes tested (nechává si zkontrolovat oči), he is having his house painted (nechává si vymalovat dům)
– noodles here 14.1
– book 123 – read the short text about our new grammar: have/get something done (prostřední sloupec nahoře)
– book p. 104/1 speaking – think about those questionis, prepare your answers for conversation
Have a fabulous weekend.
Hana M.
LESSON 7th November
All my students. Great!
Vocab: leek (pórek), squirrel (veverka), in the field (na poli), plant (zasadit), grow (růst, pěstovat), shoot/make a film (točit film), popular with Czech people (oblíbený u Čechů), soft toy (plyšák), valuable/high quality (hodnotný), amusing (zábavný), hilarious (k popukání), notice (povšimnout si), realize (uvědomit si), once upon a time (bylo nebylo), dwarf (trpaslík), hole (díra), by (snail) mail/by post (klasickou poštou)
– Translate these sentences:
1. Býval jsi rebel, když jsi byl teenager? Kouřil jsi a pil jsi hodně?
2. Nosíval jsi brýle, když jsi byl dítě?
3. Nesnášel jsi školu, když ti bylo 15?
4. Porušil jsi někdy školní řád? Co jsi provedl?
5. Míval jsi hodně přátel, když jsi chodil do školy?
6. Vyrazil sis někam (byl jsi někde pařit) včera večer?
– book p. 103/1, 2 – read the messages, choose the correct answer
– study vocabulary from the lesson
Have a great weekend and see you next Thursday again.
Hana M.
LESSON 31st October
All men. No Julia :-).
Vocab: cemetry (hřbitov), autumn, fall (podzim), at my friends‘ cottage (u kamarádů na chatě), above (nad), find out (zjistit), well-known people (dobře známí lidé), several times a week (několikrát týdně), particular (konkrétní), etc = and so on (atd.), expected (očekáváný), cartoon (kreslený film), animation (animovaný film, animace), sitcom, cookery programme (pořad o vaření)
– study vocab the lessons
– drill 70??? (refresh), drill USE TO
– noodles 13.6 here
– book 101/2, 3
Have a great time.
Hana M.
LESSON 17th October
Thanks a lot for the lesson. Next lesson in in 14 days – on 31st October.
Vocab: to be keen of, pills, interpreter, I am very lucky x I am very happy,
– practise drill USED TO
– noodles 13.8 here and check it here
– book p. 101/1match the words in the box to the descriptions
Have a good time and see you in fortnight.
Hana M.
LESSON 10th October
All students and the entrance test today.
Vocab: bedtime stories, be lucky, hang out, Soviet, dwarf, swap, think about, spare time, three times
– download and study this drill – INT U3 drill USED TO.doc
– fill in 13.5
– book p. 100/2 – match the answers to the questions from exercise 1
– study vocab from lessons 3/10 and 10/10
Have fun. See you.
Hana M.
LESSON 3rd October
Julie, Pavel and Filip today.
Vocab: laugh, solve, coincidence, advice, gather information, particular, behind the scenes, I used to work hard
– noodles 13.5 here and the answer key here
– book p. 99/2 write 5 sentences about Joe (d – h)
– p. 100/1 fill in WH words (What, who, which etc.)
– study vocab
Have a great week.
Hana M.
LESSON 26th September
Only Pavel today, good chat btw.
– noodles PET 13.3 here (with vocab related to reading p. 98, check here)
– finish the reading p.98 – working in TV, p. 99 – choose correct answers A, B, C, D
See you next Thursday.
Hana M.
LESSON 19th September
Štěpán, nice to meet you! Filip and Julie, thanks. Good job, all of you!
– noodles here – PET 13.1 (noodles are related do p. 96 – the wordsearch. Please, if you are not ready with them, finish that exercise). After writing the noodles you can check them here.
– finish the reading p.98 – working in TV
– study vocabulary (watch TV= sledovat TV, on TV = v televizi, I used to watch = dívával jsem se, timeschedule = jízdní řád, audience = publikum, researcher = produkční nebo vyhledavač zpráv, appear = objevit se, advert/advertisement = reklama, inzerát v novinách, commercial = reklama spíše v TV, rádiu, apply for = zažádat o…, it depends on = závisí to na…, rest = zbytek)
See you on Thursday again.
Take care.
Hana M.
LESSON 12th September
Thanks for this lesson, nice speaking, all of you!
– revise drills 28 (29???), 45, 46, 47!!
– noodles here 13.2 PET
– book p. 96 (wordsearch) – from our last homework
See you on Thursday again.
Hana M.
LESSON 5th September
Dear students, it was great to meet you. I’m looking forward to meeting Štěpán, maybe next week. Now, there is a little homework for you.
– book 97/2 – listening – listen do T23, choose the right answer A, B or C.
– book 96/ Wordsearch (find 12 words connected to media)
– study the new vocab from the lesson: take a shower/bath, brush your teeth, the Alps, cable car, chair lift, gossip, trap, heavy rain, overwhelmed
See you next Thursday again.
Hana M.
25 July
Thanks for making my Thursday mornings full of fun and laugh, I really enjoyed the lessons with you. Keep up the good work! Alex
18 July
- drills: 55,33,45,46 + 47 (passive)
- bring the fill-in from the previous lesson
- new vocab: modernised, ash, give a birth
Thanks for a good talk, Julie. Have a beautiful week. Alex
11 July
- drills: 55,33,45,46 + 47 (passive)
- fill-in: here
- new vocab: p. 94: groom, bride, bridesmaids, reception, honemoon, church, registry office (matrika), bouquet [bukei]
- Filip, here is a short article about causative for you (e.g. I had my car fixed): or
Well done! We will practise passives more next week again. Alex
4 July
drills: 55,33,45,46
noodles: here
new vocab: quick learner, proud, dorm (dormitory), I’m kidding, it was written
SB 94/3
Funny lesson with Pavel and Filip; thanks for coming, guys!
PS: Don’t lose your head even if you are not quick learners. Maybe you can ask your colleagues or children to give you a hand with your homework. You aren’t long in the tooth to learn a new language. 😀
27 June
drills: 35,55, 45, 46
new vocab: admire, most x least, provide, persuade, intrude, trick x treat, audience, nickname, composer, suffer, biased
SB: 94/3
Great to see you all again! Have a lovely week. Alex
20 June
drills: 35,55, 45, 46
new vocab: divide (rozdělit), bother (otravovat)
get wet x be wet, get angry x be angry
SB: 94/1,2
Great lesson with Pavel and Julie, you worked very well! Alex
13 June
drills: 35,55, 45, 46
new vocabulary: currency, discoverer, rotation, hitchhike
SB: 94/1,2
Filip and Julie: please, send me your tests via e-mail (
I hope to see you all next week. Alex
6 June
Fabulous lesson with Štepán and Pavel again, I hope you will continue working hard (not hardly working 🙂 ) Alex
30 May
We’re going to write the test next week, revise:
- drill 46 – second conditional:
- vocabulary 90/1
- adverbs – comparative and superlative (stupňovanie prísloviek):
- reported speech:
- phrasal verbs 88/1
Great lesson with Štěpán and Pavel, I hope to see you next week too. Alex
23 May
- drills: 35,55, 45, 46
- new vocab: prefer TO, allergic TO
- SB: 92/1,2
Thanks for a nice and fun lesson again! Prepare well for the next week, we’re going to revise for your test. Alex
16 May
- drills: 35,55,70, 45, 46
- noodles: here
- new vocab: subtitution (náhrada), supplier (dodavatel), go on a diet (držet dietu), put on weight = gain weight (přibrat), junk food (nezdravé jídlo), fizzy drinks (perlivé nápoje), follow a recipe (držat se receptu), argue (hádat se), consider (považovat), a waste of time (ztráta času)
- bill (účet) x receipt (účtenka)
- receipt (účtenka) x recipe (recept) x prescription (lékařský předpis)
- SB: 92/1,2
- How to have afternoon tea? Watch here, you will also see scones:
Nice lesson with Julie and Filip, I hope to see you all next week. Alex
2 May
homework for 16 May
- drills: 35,55,70, 45, 46
- noodles: here – past simple x present perfect revision
- vocabulary: unit 12 + extra
- bring the worksheet again
Have a good time, see you in 2 weeks! Alex
25 April
homework for 2 May:
- drills: 35,55,70, 45, 46
- noodles: here
- vocabulary: unit 12 + extra
- don’t forget to bring the extra worksheet I gave you
Great lesson again, have a nice week. Alex
18 April
homework for 25 April:
- drills: 35,55,70, 45, 46
- noodles: here (past and present simple revision)
- vocabulary: unit 12 + extra
- extra new vocab: sour cream, catch up, rub with, cuisine, clue, enough, oily, go out for a meal, green bean, oyster, choke
Well done, see you next week. Alex
11 April
homework for 18 April:
- drills: 35,55,70, 45, 46
- noodles: here (zak.smetana – sour cream, podávat – serve)
- vocabulary: unit 12 + new extra vocab
- new extra vocab: hot = spicy x mild, flatmate, Lucky you!, rub, rice pudding with pistachio nuts and rose petals, give me a ring = call me, starter, main course, 2 course menu, 3 course menu, dessert x desert
Wonderful lesson with Julie, I’m glad you came. Alex
4 April
homework for 11 April:
- drills: 35,55,70, 45, 46
- make 3 questions with our vocabulary from this unit (one question for each colleague)
- vocabulary: unit 12 + new vocab
- new vocab: hen, chicken broth, good AT, attend, cook x cooker
Great lesson, see you next week!
28 March
homework for 4 April
- drills: 35,55,70, 45, 46
- noodles: here (riešiť problémy – solve problems, take seriously – brať vážne)
- vocabulary: unit 12+new vocab
- new vocab: width (šírka), weight (váha), height (výška), be thirsty (byť smädný, mít žízeň:))
- SB: 91/3
Good job, I’m looking forward to seeing you next week. Alex
21 March
homework for 28 March
- drills: 35,55,70, 45, 46
- fill-in: the paper I gave you (adverbs)
- new vocabulary: regularly, harmful, coffee beans, chocolate bar (Snickers) x bar of chocolate (Milka), white coffee, decaf
- (froth – pena na káve)
How do you like your coffee?
You worked very well today, thank you all for coming. Alex
14 March
homework for 21 March
- drills: 35,55,70, 45, 46
- fill-in: the paper I gave you (vocabulary)
- new vocabulary: messy, crispy, raw, fried, fabulous, thick slice x thin slice, up to, contain, last, keep = store, label, refrigerate, coffee x café, bread roll (houska)
Thank you for a fabulous lesson, see you next week. Alex
7 March
homework for 14 March
- drills: 35,55,70, 45, 46
- noodles: here – check my Czech :))
- new vocabulary: pear, pineapple, zucchini, eggplant, chickpeas, junk food
- vocab SB p.90: spoonful, slice, bowl, bar of chocolate, packet of crisps, protein, carbs, dairy, flour
- SB: 91/1,2
Great lesson! I look forward to seeing you next week. Alex
21 February
homework for 7 March:
- drills: 35,55,70, 45, 46
- revise vocabulary that we covered in Jan and Feb
- new vocab: politician (politik), increased (zvvýšený), drinking water (pitná voda)
- phrasal verbs p.88: give up, turn on/off, pick up, run out of, fill up, cut down
- SB: 90/1 – complete (translate new vocabulary)
- in order to improve your listening skills, feel free to watch these videos (or more):
– it’s perfectly okay to use subtitles, don’t worry if you don’t understand every single word – just get the main idea 🙂
Enjoy your spring break, see you on 7 March. Alex
14 February ♥
- drills: 35,55,70, 45, 46
- vocab: revise + add new vocab: leave the light on (nechať zasvietené), leave the house (odísť z domu), interpreter (tlmočník), waste (odpad, plytvanie), habit (zvyk), bad habit (zlozvyk), cupboard (skrinka), drawer (šuplík), basket (košík), folding bag (skladacia taška), motion sensor/motion detector (pohybový sensor)
- highligted vocab on p.87: discover (objaviť), research (výskum), investigate (vyšetrovať, pátrať), ordinary (obyčajný), drop (upustit), cause (spôsobiť), damage (poškodenie, poškodiť), accident (nehoda), expected amount (očakávané množstvo), space station (vesmírna stanica), land (pristáť)
- read the tapescript here and find the right answers for ex.2 and 3 on p.87 (podtrhnite si kľúčové informácie, ktoré vám pomohli indentifikovať správnu odpoveď)
- Exam time is here again – please complete this test and bring it to the class.
Have a beautiful week, I hope to see you all next time. 🙂 Alex
7 February
New vocab: autograph, immediately, arrest, cheat, den
Revise drills and vocabulary. I’m looking forward to seeing you next week.
31 January
- DRILLS: 35,40,55,70, 45, 46
- NEW VOCABULARY: fire brigade (hasičský zbor), wound (rana), injury (zranenie), chase (naháňať, prenasledovať), awesome (skvelý), awful (hrozný), bump into (naraziť do niečoho), rest (zbytek), spend time/money (minúť, stráviť) x save (ušetriť), funeral (pohreb)
- POLITE REQUESTS: Would you mind if I used your phone? Would you mind if I borrowed your book?
- ON THE PHONE: Tom speaking (predstavenie sa pri telefonáte), the line is busy (obsadené), put somebody through to (prepojiť), leave a message (nechať správu), take a message (prevziať správu)
You worked very well, it was an awesome lesson today! We have a lot of new vocabulary, don’t forget to revise it. A.
24 January
Focus on drills 45,46 and vocabulary revision.
Have a nice week, I hope to see you all next time. A.
17 January
- DRILLS: 35,40,55,70, 45, 46
- NOODLES: here
Have a beautiful week. A.
10 January
- DRILLS: 35,40,55,70, 45, 46
- NOODLES: here
- NEW VOCABULARY: bury, diarrhoea
- SB: 86/1 – complete with second conditional
- If I …. (past simple), I would ….
Great to see you again! Have a lovely week! A.
20th December
Filip and Štěpán: please, complete the test and send it to me via e-mail
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I’m looking forward to seeing you on 10th January.
13th December
- DRILLS: 35,40,55,70, 45
- NOODLES: here (večerka = convenience store)
Well done! See you next week! A.
29th Novemeber
- DRILLS: 35,40,55,70, 45
- FILL-IN: here
- VOCABULARY: revise + learn new vocab
- snitch (žalobaba), get a pay rise (dostať zvýšenie platu), concrete (betón), water the plant (poliať rastlinu), tap water (voda z kohoutku)
- draught (UK) x draft (USA)
I’m looking forward to seeing you all on 13th December.
22nd November
- DRILLS: 35,40,55,70, 45
- FILL-IN: HERE – 1st conditional
- IF (PRESENT SIMPLE), WILL: If it rains at the weekend, I won’t go out.
- VOCABULARY: revise + learn new vocab
- NEW VOCAB: endagered, avoid, get rid (OF), refer (TO), drought x draught, extinct, melt
- SB: 86/Vocabulary – complete with the correct prepositions
Excellent! I am looking forward to seeing you next week. Alex
15th November
- DRILLS: 35,40,55,70
- VOCABULARY: revise + learn new vocab
- NEW VOCAB: lately, recently, It depends ON…, I’m interested IN…, float, trapped, bleached, get lost, get worse, climate, purpose, overboard
- SB: p. 85/ 1 – match; 85/3 – complete (use the first conditional)
Well done! Have a beautiful week. Alex
8th November
DRILLS: 35,40,55,70
VOCABULARY – revise + learn new vocab
NEW VOCAB: belly (brucho), pass (podať), carry (niesť)
SB: p.85 – read the article and highlight new vocabulary
Great! I’m looking forward to seeing you next week. Alex
1st November
DRILLS: 33,40,55,70
VOCABULARY: revise + learn new vocab (first of all, invite, request, I think so, I don’t think so, It’s a deal, make an appointment, last)
SB: 84/Lead in 1 – match with the correct picture
84/ Lead in 2 – choose a word in bold from exercise 1 for each definition
Thank you all for coming, have a beautiful weekend. Alex
25th October
DRILLS: 33,40,55
HOMEWORK: here – Prosím Vás, aby ste si za úkol vypracovali tento vstupný test (čas max. 20 minút, bez akýchkoľvek pomôcok). Test obsahuje látku tohto trimestra, bude slúžiť na porovnanie vašich výsledkov po ukončení trimestra. Doneste ho, prosím, vypracovaný na ďalšiu hodinu.
Nudličky ani učebnicu za úkol nemáte, tak si aspoň môžte zopakovať slovíčka a drilky. 🙂
Have a lovely week, I’m looking forward to seeing you all next week. Alex
18th October
DRILLS: 33,40,55
NOODLES: 10.5 (potomci – descendants)
Note: Homework is an uncountable noun – always in singular.
NEW VOCAB: post, share, owner, make friends, work opportunity, mean, acquaintances, keep in touch, informal manner, generation gap, borrow x lend, predicition, decision, timetable, realise
SB: 81/1 – match all future forms with the correct explanations
81/2 – fill the gaps
I hope to see you all next week. Alex
4th October
DRILLS: 33,40,55
FILL-IN: HERE – fill the gaps – use each word just once
(influence – ovplyvňovať, acquitances – známé, informal manner – neformálny spůsob)
NEW VOCAB: spring – pramen, booth – stánek na veletrhu, book fair – knižný veletrh, bet ON – vsadit na, get a lift – zviesť sa s niekým, give a lift – odviesť niekoho autom, break down – pokaziť sa (My car broke down), family meal (jídlo s rodinou), fancy + ING – chcieť, mať chuť (We’re going to the cinema. Do you fancy coming along?), come along – ísť s niekým, pridať sa, get on/get along – vychádzať (s niekým)
SB: 81/1 – match the future forms with the right numbers
81/2 – complete with the corrent forms
Great lesson, guys! Enjoy the book fair, I’m looking forward to Julie and Filip. Alex
27th September
DRILLS: 33,40,55
FILL-IN: HERE (bet – vsadit, forbidden – zakázaný)
NEW VOCABULARY: cell, weather forecaster, roll the dice, reasonable, comfortable, reunion
We will cross that bridge, when we come to it.
SB: p.80 – listen and answer
Good job today, I’m looking forward to seeing you next week. Alex
20th September
DRILLS: 33,40,55
FILL-IN: 10.4 – print and fill in
NEW VOCAB: gym, something in common, vessel
SB: 79/1 – underline possesive forms (privlastňovacie zámená)
79/2 – complete
It was my pleasure to meet you! Have a good week! Alex
9th August
vocabulary Unit 10 and choose 4 words and use them in questions for your colleagues.
See you! Zuzka
2nd August
VOCABULARY p.78 – 79 (reading): anniversary, wedding anniversary, arrange (zařídit), staff, the cost (náklady), share, book (rezervovat), go out together/with (chodit spolu/s), a season ticket (permanentka), in advance (předem), discount (sleva), bargain (výhodná koupě), book in advance, pay in advance, reasonable (rozumný), reasonable price, at a reasonable price ( za rozumnou cenu), recommend (doporučit), available (k dispozici, dostupný), local (místní), be worth (it) ( stát za to)
vocabulary Unit 10!!! – study vocab and choose 4 words and use them in questions for your colleagues.
See you soon! Zuzka
12th July
VOCABULARY: p78/1 – get on with (have a good relationship), get together (meet socially), get out of (avoid), get over (recover from)
28th June
VOCABULARY: bank holiday (státní svátek), relatives (příbuzní), relationship, be/keep in touch, an only child (jedináček), pocket, pocket money, impolite
p.76: niece, nephew, uncle, aunt, cousin, kind x cruel, clever x stupid, hard-working x lazy, polite x rude, brave x cowardly, generous, friendly, dangerous, fear, reliable, patient, bossy, funny, generous, gentle, sociable, selfish
vocabulary (28th June)
Print and fill in
Enjoy your bank holidays and see you! Zuzka
21st June
vocabulary (May, June)
book 76/Lead in (ex.2,3)
76/Vocabulary (1,2,3)
Enjoy your weekend:)). Zuzka
14th June
drills 33,40,55
vocabulary (May, June)
Print and do
book 73/1,2,3
Have a great weekend! Zuzka
7th June
VOCABULARY: p72 software, calculator, computer, keyboard, laptop, mouse, printer, screen
p75: photographer, artist, designer, banker, politician, dancer, instructor, librarian, scientist, producer, musician, sailor, director, writer
drills 33,40,55
vocabulary (7th June)
book 73/1,2
noodles 9.8 (just translate the sentences don’t do anything else with them:))
Bye and see you next week! Zuzka
31st May
drills 33, 47,48
vocabulary (April, May)
book 72/1
book 75/1
noodles 9.7 (just translate the sentences, don‘ t do anything else with them)
Have fun at the weekend and see you! Zuzka
24th May
VOCABULARY: injure, injury, announce (oznámit), cooperate (spolupracovat), task, refuse, pity (škoda), shame (škoda, ostuda), It’s a pity!, It’s a shame!, compulsory x voluntary, (school) subject (školní předmět), disaster (neštěstí, katastrofa)
drills 47,48
vocabulary (April, May)
the paper I gave you (passives)
book 72/1
Enjoy your weekend! Zuzka
17th May
VOCABULARY: take place, side, page, prove, proof, evidence
VOCABULARY p.70-71: although, in advance, check, definitely, be worth, take part in, experience, at least
drills 47,48
vocabulary (April, May)
book 71/2
Have a nice weekend! Zuzka
9th May
VOCABULARY p70: be known for, nightlife, cafe, tourist attraction, belong (to), local, explore, collection, divide (into), department, currently, own, suitcase
drills 47,48
vocabulary (April, May)
book 71/2 (Reading)
Print and fill in
Have a great weekend! Zuzka
3rd May
VOCABULARY: mood, moody, appreciate, offer, employee, employer, include, service, feed (fed-fed), cause, thief,
drills 47,48
vocabulary (April, May)
noodlebook 9.3 or print – HERE
book 70/1,2
Have another great bank holiday and bye on Thursday! Zuzka
26th April
book 71/3,4,5 (Grammar)
book 70/1,2,3 (Lead in)
Enjoy your bank holiday and see you on Thursday:)). Zuzka
19th April
get ready for the test – vocabulary U8 (miss (zmeškat, postrádat), safety, safety helmet, put on, staff, exit, out of order, drinks machine, eyesight, good/bad eyesight, available, advise (radit), fix), saucepan, cooker, kettle, fork, cupboard, spoon, plate, knife, blanket, put out (uhasit), cause (způsobit, příčina), make sure (ujistit se), appliance, handle (držadlo, rukojeť), edge (okraj), What’s the weather like?, freezing, dry, foggy, humid, drought, sunny, tornado, cloudy, wet, rainy, blizzard, boiling, hail, snowy, flood, hurricane, gale, lightning, thunder, thick, rope, direction, get wet (zmoknout), waterproof jacket, carry, binoculars, map)
– grammar: drills 65,54, modal verbs, passives (only present and past)
– Print and translate
Please come to our next lesson so that we can do a big revision and write the test! Zuzka
5th April
EXTRA VOCABULARY: shot (panák), manage, get drunk, be drunk, permit, permission, innocent, give away (rozdat), bet , Shall I ….? (Mám….?), Shall we dance? (Zatančíme si?)
drills 65, 59
vocabulary – March and April
revise irregular verbs
book 70/1,2,3 (Lead in)
Have a nice weekend:)) Zuzka
29th March
EXTRA VOCABULARY: Easter, at Easter, hide (hid – hidden), a sense of humour, a sense of direction (orientační smysl)
VOCABULARY p68: thick, rope, direction, get wet (zmoknout), waterproof jacket, carry, binoculars, map
drills 65,59, 33
vocabulary – February, March
choose 5 words from our February and March vocabulary and use them in questions
Happy Easter and see you!Zuzka
15th March
EXTRA VOCABULARY: be allowed to, take turns, It’s my turn, It’s your turn, swap, insult, insulting, offend, offensive, save (money), savings, spend (money)
drills 65,59
vocabulary (March)
noodles 8.2 (from our previous lesson)
book 68/1,2
Have a relaxing weekend and see you! Zuzka
8th March
EXTRA VOCABULARY: glove (rukavice), steal – stole – stolen, iron (železo, žehlička, žehlit), liquid
VOCABULARY p69: What’s the weather like?, freezing, dry, foggy, humid, drought, sunny, tornado, cloudy, wet, rainy, blizzard, boiling, hail, snowy, flood, hurricane, gale, lightning, thunder
drills 65, 59
vocabulary (March)
book p68/1,2
noodlebook 8.2
Have a nice weekend and I hope to see you all on Thursday:)). Zuzka
1st March
EXTRA VOCABULARY: unbelievable, incredible, cheat, careful
VOCABULARY p67: blanket, put out (uhasit), cause (způsobit, příčina), make sure (ujistit se), appliance, handle (držadlo, rukojeť), edge (okraj)
drills 65
vocabulary (1st March)
book 69/1,2
I hope to see you all next week:))Zuzka
15th February
EXTRA VOCABULARY: nerves, strong nerves, protect, protection, pull x push, beat, break down
drill 65
vocabulary (January, February)
book 69/1,2
Enjoy your spring holiday and see you in two weeks:))!! Zuzka
1st February
EXTRA VOCABULARY: while (zatímco), school report (vysvědčení), solve (řešit), solution (řešení), find a solution to a problem, cute (roztomilý)
VOCABULARY p66: saucepan, cooker, kettle, fork, cupboard, spoon, plate, knife
MODAL VERBS (ability and possibility): can, can’t, may, may not, might, might not, could
drill 65
vocabulary (1st February)
Print and fill in
Enjoy your weekend and see you! Zuzka
25th January
EXTRA VOCABULARY: ski resort, change (planes, trains…), fine (pokuta, pokutovat), measure, condition (podmínka)
drills 26,40,65
book 66/1,2
book 67/1,2
Have a nice week:)). Z
11th January
EXTRA VOCABULARY: kind (laskavý), change (drobné), Keep the change (drobné si nechte), share, ask for (požádat o), shift (směna)
drill 26,40,65
vocabulary (11th January, 4th January)
book 65/1,2,3
bring the noodles 8.7 for our discussion
Have a nice week and weekend:))Zuzka
4th January
It was nice to see you again:))
drills 33,55,65
highlighted vocabulary p64 – 65 (miss (zmeškat, postrádat), safety, safety helmet, put on, staff, exit, out of order, drinks machine, eyesight, good/bad eyesight, available, advise (radit), fix)
book 65/1,2,3
noodlebook 8.7
See you next week! z.
14th December
Pavel, thanks for a nice chat. :))) z.
Everybody, we will see each other again on 4th January 2018!!! I am looking forward to hearing about your Christmas and New Year’s Eve:)). z.
7th December
Štěpán, please come to write the test, I have to have the results until 15th December. z.
hw: the same as for 27th November
Enjoy the second Advent Sunday and see you:)) Zuzka
!!!Hello Graspo1, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to come on Thursday and the lesson had to be cancelled. But you could relax from English a little, so we can write the end-of-term test next week:)). Don’t worry we will spent the first part of the lesson by revising and then we will write it. But please revise at home too. You should look at this:
verb patterns – drill from Jana, book p60
vocabulary p61, 62
Have a nice weekend I hope to see you all next week!:)) Zuzka
23rd November
EXTRA VOCABULARY: go/like sightseeing, compare, therefore, that’s why, so
HIGHLIGHTED VOCABULARY: miss (zmeškat, postrádat), safety, safety helmet, put on, staff, exit, out of order, drinks machine, eyesight, good/bad eyesight, available, advise (radit), fix
drill 65
vocabulary 23rd November
book 65/1,2,3
Have a relaxing weekend and see you :)) Zuzka
16th November
new drill 65
vocabulary (2nd November, 9th November)
book p64/2
Have a nice long weekend and I hope to see you all next week :)) Zuzka
9th November
EXTRA VOCABULARY: fall asleep (usnout), prohibit (zakázat), prohibition (zákaz), recipe (recept), task (úkol), messy (nepořádný), knee (koleno), clap (tleskat), knock (ťukat)
vocabulary (2nd November, 9th November)
book p64/2
Enjoy your weekend! Zuzka
2nd November
You all did a good job in your tests:)).
EXTRA VOCABULARY: concentrate (on), reduce, solve, solution, fix, advertisement/advert, low
HIGHLIGHTED VOCABULARY p62: stage, performance, exit, audience, costumes, actresses, scene, entrance, play, local, increase, superb, the rest of, cheer (povzbuzovat, provolávat slávu), praise (chválit, chvála)
drills 26,27,33, extra drill VP
study vocabulary from 2nd November
Print and fill in
book p64/Lead in
I am looking forward to seeing you all next Thursday!:)) Zuzka
25th October
EXTRA VOCABULARY: responsible (for), responsibility, review
new drill (VP)
extra vocabulary (October)
book p62/1
Print and fill in
Have a nice weekend and enjoy your extra hour of sleep:)) Zuzka
19th October
EXTRA VOCABULARY: accountant, bush, work overtime, invoice, rare, rarely, proud, ceremony, be fed up, duty
new drill (VP)
extra vocabulary
book p 61/2 (think of at least two adjectives or adverbs to describe the words from exercise 1 that match the photos)
Enjoy your weekend and see you! Zuzka
12th October
EXTRA VOCABULARY: supply, narrow, duty, make a speech (mít proslov)
HIGHTLIGHTED VOCABULARY (p.60): can’t afford, manage, refuse, imagine, arrange, mind
test – vocabulary (Unit 7)
also study and revise extra vocabulary
Print and fill in
book p.60/3 prepare your sentences
p. 61/1
Have a nice weekend I am looking forward to seeing you next week:)) Zuzka
5th October
EXTRA VOCABULARY: change gears, exception, except, flat (plochý, rovný), recommend
drill 67, new drill (VP)
test: vocabulary UNIT 7 + extra vocab
SB pg. 60/1,2 . prepare after reading the grammar review on pg. 123
Thanks for a great getting-to-know-you lesson:)). See you next week! Zuzka
21st September
Lesson: drill 35,67,55,33; noodles pre 5.1 key + new drill (VP) – downolad here here
drill 35,55,67,33,VP
fill in pre 5.1 here
test: vocabulary U7 so far
SB pg. 60/1,2 . prepare after reading the grammar review on pg. 123
Good job today! Keep going, keep fighting!!! Janina
14th September
lesson: drill 35,62,55,67,33,61; noodles 7.4;
drill 35,62,55,67,33,61
noodles pre 5.1 – downolad here and try to translate
test: vocabulary U7 so far
SB pg. 60/1,2 . prepare after reading the grammar review on pg. 123
Filip and Pavel were working hard today, I hope to see the rest of your group next week. Janina
7th September
Lesson: drill 35,62,26,33,55; SB pg. 59/1,2; 60/1
vocab: order, huge, unusual, opinion, size, age, shape, colour, nationality, material, purpose, silk, Greek, pleasant, leather
drill 35,62,55,67,33,61
noodles 7.4
test: vocabulary U7 so far
SB pg. 60/1,2 . prepare after reading the grammar review on pg. 123
Great job today! Finally a group of 4 students! Janina
31st August
Lesson: welcoming Julia to the group; drill 62,67,33,26,55; noodles 7.2; holiday discussion; SB pg. 60/2
drill 33,62,26,55,62,35
prepare 1 question about past/present/future for your colleagues
test: vocabulary U7 so far
SB pg. 59/1 read and prepare
60/1 listen, decide, correct
Julia, welcome to the group! I hope you will enjoy working with us! Janina
10th August
Lesson: drill 41,61,67,33,62; noodles 7.1; Sb pg. 58/1
vocab: work of art, paint, pencil, wood, stone, create, start out, chef, become interested in, purpose, life-size, wide, store, certain, protective, melt, imagine, luckily, at room temperature
drill 62,67,61,33
noodles 7.2
test: vocabulary U7 so far
60/1 listen, decide, correct
60/2 answer
See you in 3 weeks´ time! Janina
3rd August
Lesson: drill 41,61,55,33,62; noodles 6.4, SB pg. 58/lead-in
vocab: art, entertainment, orchestra, opera, dance, sulpture, rock, concert, festival, ballet, artist, circus, audience, band, comedian, costumes, drama, exhibition, exit, break, stage, performance, scene
drill 33,61,41,67,62
noodles 7.1
SB pg. 58/reading x. 1,2 read with a dictionary, answer
60/2 answer
Have a nice week and see you next week! Janina
27th July
Lesson: 62,55,33,41,61,28; noodles 6.10
drill 62,55,33,41,61,28
noodles 6.4 – try
test. vocab U6
SB pg. 58/lead in – fill in
58/1,2 read, answer
I hope the others can join Štěpán next time! Janina
29th June
Lesson: drill 62,55,33,61,10; noodles 6.9, fill in 6.5 key; SB pg. 56/4,57/5
drill 62,55,33,41,61,28
noodles 6.10
test. vocab U6
SB pg. 58/lead in – fill in
58/1,2 read, answer
Enjoy the bank holiday and see you in July! Janina
22nd June
Lesson: drill 62,26,61,55,28,33; noodles 6.7, fill in 6.4 key; SB pg. 56/1,2
drill 62,55,33,61,10
noodles 6.9
test: vocab U6
SB pg. 56/4 fill in
57/5 choose
57/6 prepare
See you next week! We will confirm the dates of our summer lessons.
15th June
Lesson: 26,55,61,62; noodles 6.3; SB pg. 54/3,4; 55/1
vocab: busy street, one day
drill 62,26,61,28,33,55
noodles 6.7
test: vocabulary U6
SB pg. 56/1 choose
56/2 fill in
56/3 create
56/4 fill in
Keep working! Thanks for a fun lesson! Janina
8th June
Lesson: drill 26,55,62,61,28; fill in 6.3 key; SB pg. 51/3, 54/2
vocab: guide, grounds, spot, wander, peaceful
drill 26,55,62,61, 28,29
noodles 6.3 – noodlebook
test: vocab U6 so far
SB pg. 54/3,4 prepare
55/1 answer
I hope to see you all and on time next week! Janina
1st June
Lesson: drill 26,55,61,62,28,29; noodles 6.8, fill in 6.2 key; SB pg. 54/1,54/2
drill 26,55,62,61
fill in 6.3 – download here
test: vocab U6 so far
SB pg. SB pg. 51/3 fill in
54/2 prepare your answers
54/3,4 prepare
Filip, I hope you can come next week and bring the výstupní test! Good job with the new grammar today! Janina
25th May
Lesson: drill 62,26,61,28,41; noodles 6.2; SV pg. 54/1
vocab: stressful
drill 26,55,62,61
noodles 6.8
test: past perfect (drill 62)
SB pg. SB pg. 51/3 fill in
54/1 prepare own, long, answers (we will finish)
54/2 prepare your answers
CU in June! Janina
18th May
Lesson: drill 61, 67,1,28,26; SB pg. 52/1 + new drill 62
vocab: tour
drill 62,26,61,28,41
noodles 6.2
test: vocabulary U6 so far
SB pg. 51/3 fill in
54/1 prepare own, long, answers
Pavel, I am looking forward to seeing you again next week! Janina
11th May
Lesson: drill 61, 55,67,41; noodles 6.6, Sb pg. 51/1
drill 61,67,41,28,26
noodles 6.2 – try
test: vocabulary U6 so far
SB pg. 52/2 correct
52/3 fill in
54/1 prepare own, long, answers
Try the ne grammar, we will work on it next week again! Janina
4th May
Lesson: drill 10,67,55,41,61; fill in 6.1; SB pg. 52/2,3; 53/1,2,3
vocab: onder/ful, beauty/ful, comfort/able, fashion/able, imafine/ative, expense/ive, interest/ing, bore/ing, terrible, ugly, exciting, expensive, unfashionable, uninteresting, inexpensive, uncomfortable, imperfect, unnecessary, inconvenient, unpelasant, incorrect, impossible
drill 67,55,33,7,10,41
noodles 6.6 – noodlebook
test: vocabulary U6 so far
SB pg. 51/1 answer, read grammar reference on pg. 121
51/2 try to correct
54/1 prepare own, long, answers
CU next week! Janina
27th April
Lesson: drill 67,55,33,7,10,41; noodles 6.5; fill in 6.1 key
FILIP, ŠTĚPÁN – prepare fill in 6.1 here; then check the key above
drill 10,67,55,41,61
test: vocabulary U6 so far
SB pg. 51/1 answer, read grammar reference on pg. 121
53/1,2 prepare with a dictionary
52/2 match
52/3 choose your dream house/flat/cottage
Enjoy the long weekend, see you on Thursday! Janina
20th April
Lesson: drill 61,67,55,33,28; noodles 14.2 key; SB pg. 52/2
vocab: country cottage, accommodation, consist of, regular train/bus service, approximately, fantastic, view of, within walking distance, drive, south-facing, walk, fitted, well-kept, set, location, situated, condition, benefit, include, shared
drill 67,55,33,7,10,41
noodles 6.5 – noodlebook
test: vocabulary U6 so far
SB pg. 51/1 answer, read grammar reference on pg. 121
53/1,2 prepare with a dictionary
52/2 match
52/3 choose your dream house/flat/cottage
See you next Thursday! Štěpán, have a successful business trip! Janina
13th April
Lesson: drill 39,55,67; výstupní test revision, SB pg. 52/1
vocab: one-bedroom flat, public transport, at least, big garden, either…or, countryside, lively, fun, plenty, look for, retire, quiet area, close
drill 67,55,61,33,28
noodles 14.2 here
test: vocabulary U6 so far
SB pg. 52/2 read the adverts and match with the buyers
Enjyo the Easter holiday! Janina
6th April
lesson: drill 55,67,33,41,13,61; noodles elem 12.11 key; SB pg. 51/1
vocab: missing, tour, guide, castle, draing room, furniture, china, hand-painted, painting, collection, library, series, documentary, worth, gift-shop, souvenir
drill 55,39,67
noodles here
test: vocabulary U5,6
SB pg. 52/1 read the profiles, make notes
I hope to see you all in the next revision lesson! Janina
30th March
Lesson: drill 39,55,67,33,26,41,59; noodles elem 12.10 key; vocabulary revision pg. 115
drill 55,67,33,41,13,61
noodles elem 12.11 here
test: vocabulary U6 so far
SB pg. 51/1 listen, fill in
52/1 read the profiles, make notes
Have a nice week, keep working! Janina
23rd March
Lesson: drill 41,59,55,67,33, noodles 6.1, vocabulary revision and conversation
drill 67,55,41,59,33
noodles elem 12.10 here – nejsou z noodlebooku
test: vocab U6 so far
SB pg. 51/1 listen, fill in
52/1 read the profiles, make notes
Pavel, thanks for a nice chat. I hope to see the others next week! Janina
16th March
Lesson: drill 67,33,13,41; noodles 14.2 key; SB pg. 50/lead in + vocabulary
vocab: remind, jungle, uncomfortable, pation, location, feature, roof, chimney, gate, fence, lounge, sitting room, bungalow, block of flats, basement, cellar, corridor, gound floor, guest room, study
drill 67,55,41,59,33
noodles 6.1 – noodlebook
test: vocab U6 so far
SB pg. 51/1 listen, fill in
52/1 read the profiles, make notes
Keep working! See you next Thursday! Janina
9th March
Lesson: drill 39,55,61,33,67; elem 14.1 key; past simple vs. present perfect revision
drill 39,55,67,33,13
noodles elem 14.2 here
test: vocabulary and phrases U5
SB pg. 50/lead in – prepare the descriptions
50/vocabulary – match
Štěpán, good job with the drills! I hope to see you all on time next week! Janina
2nd March
Lesson: drill 39,55,67,33,61; noodles 12.8 key; SB pg. 48/3
drill 39,55,67,33,13
noodles elem 14.1 here
test: vocabulary and phrases U5
SB pg. 50/6 prepare the descriptions
It was nice to see you all, keep working! Janina
23rd February
Lesson: drill 67,55,39,30,10,7,33,61; noodles elem 12.9 key; SB pg. 48/3
vocab: agree, disagree, decision, agreement, on the other hand
I agree.
You are right.
That is true.
I am afraid I do not agree.
I see what you mean.
That is a good point.
Let´s make a decision.
Shall we come to an agreement?
drill 39,55,67,33,61
noodles elem 12.8 here
test: vocabulary U5 so far
SB pg. 48/3 prepare
Have a lovely week! I hope to see Štěpán on Thursday! Janina
9th February
Lesson: drill 55,39,67,30; noodles 5.5 key; SB pg. 48/1,2
vocab: recently, lately, take walks, do sports
drill 67,55,39,7,10,30,61,33
noodles elem 12.9
test: vocabulary U5
SB pg. 48/3 prepare + translate the expressions
Filip, it was nice to see you again! Enjoy the spring break! Janina
2nd February
Lesson: drill 39,55,67,10,30,61,33; noodles 5.8 key; vstupní test
drill 67,55,39,30
noodles 5.5 here
test: vocabulary U5
SB 48/1,2,3 prepare
CU all on Thursday, 7:00 🙂 Janina
25th January
Lesson: drill 39,30,10,29,55; 5.10 key; SB pg. 47/1,2 + new drill 67
vocab: since, for ages
drill 67,55,39,10,30,29
noodles 5.8 here
test: vocabulary U5 so far
SB pg. 48/1,2,3 prepare
Pavel, Štěpán, good job today! Filip, I hope to see you next week! Janina
19th January
Lesson: drill 55,29,30; elem 12.3 key; SB pg. 49/2,3
vocab: helmet, bat, rocket, pitch, court, track, do gymnastics, hit, player, referee, score, goal, goalkeeper, save, throw, basket, kick, mask, climber, protect, final, decision
drill 39,55,29,10,30
noodles 5.10 here
test: vocabulary U5
SB pg. 121 read the grammar review and then prepare pg 47/1,2
48/1,2,3 prepare
Pavel, it was nice to see you again! Filip, good job! I hope we will all meet next Thursday! Janina
12th January
Lesson: drill 39,55,41,61,33,29; noodles 12.11 key
drill 39,55,29
noodles elem 12.3 here
test: vocab U5 so far
SB pg. 49/2,3 prepare with a dictionary
Have a lovely week! Pavel, get better soon! Janina
5th January
Lesson: drill 61,39,55,29,28,33; noodles elem 12.10 key; SB pg. 45/3
vocab: decorators, tidy, neighbour
drill 39,55,29
noodles elem 12.11 here
test: vocab U5 so far
SB pg. 49/2,3 prepare with a dictionary
Have a lovely week! Pavel, get better soon! Janina
15th December
Lesson: drill 10,7,30,29,55,61; noodels 12.1 key; výstupní test revision
drill 55,39,29,28,33,61
noodles elem 12.10 here
test: vocab U5 so far
SB SB pg. 45/3 try
49/2,3 prepare with a dictionary
Filip, Pavel, good job today! Janina
8th December
Lesson:41,39,29,61,33, noodles 5.4 key; SB pg. 45/1,2; 49/1 + new drill 55
vocab: play tennis, play basketball, go surfing, do gymnastics, do box, go skating, play golf, take part, competition
drill 28,29,39,55,10,30,7
noodles elem 12.1 here
test: vocabulary U5
SB pg. 45/3 try
49/2,3 prepare with a dictionary
Have nice week, do not think too much about the new grammar and I hope to see Filip next week! Janina
1st December
Lesson:drill 41,30,29,10,33; fill in 5.2 key; SB pg. 45/grammar + new drill 39
vocab: pour, popular with, improvement
drill 39,41,61,33,29
noodles 5.4 here
test: vocabulary U5 so far
SB pg. 45/grammae ex. 1 – finish
45/2 prepare the questions and your answers
Enjoy the Advent! Janin
24th November
Lesson: drill 61,29,28,61,33; noodles 5.2 key; SB pg. 45/2,3; 46/listening + new drill 41
vocab: require, competitive, childhood, realise, exciting, excitement, dangerous, danger, afraid, stamina, fitness
drill 41,30, 29,10,33
fill in 5.2 here
test: vocab U5 so far
SB pg. read grammar review on pg. 121 and then prepare ex. 1,2/pg 45
Have a nice week and see you all on Thursday! Janina
10th November
Lesson:drill 28,29,26,61,33; noodles 5.1 key; BG fill in key; SB pg, 44/1
vocab: discover, conditions, good enough, huge, football pitch, fill, all year round, efficient, ceiling, thick, maintain, uncomfortable, clothing, essential, either—or, sledge, cavern, advance, chairlift. skilled, provide
drill 28,29,33,61,39
noodles 5.2 here
test: vocab U5 so far
SB pg. 45/2 decide
read grammar review on pg. 121 and then prepare ex. 1,2/pg 45
Enjoy the bank holiday and see you in 2 weeks´ time! Janina
3rd November
Lesson: drill 28,29,33,7,10; fill in 4.4 key; SB pg. 44/1,2,46/1
vocab: involve, headache, cold, improve, advice, completely, unhelathy, snack, indoors, fizzy drinks
drill 29,28,26,61,33
noodles 5.1 here
test: zájmena
SB pg. pg. 44/reading ex. 1,2 prepare with a dictionary
46/listening ex. 1,2 listen 3x, prepare
Enjoy the beginning of November! Janina
27th October
Lesson: drill 28,33,26,61, noodles 10.5 key + new drill 7,10
drill 7,10,29,28,33
fill in 4.4 here
test: vocabulary U4
SB pg. 44/1 fill in the phrasal verbs
44/2 prepare your advice
46/speaking – prepare your answers
Enjoy the bank holiday and I hope to see you all on Thursday! Janina
20th October
Lesson:28,29,33; fill in 9.2 key; SB pg. 43/1,44/1
vocab: disappear, discover, secret, strange, creature, sure, take up, throw away, get up, give up, cut down on
drill 28,29,33,61,26
noodles 10.5 here
test: vocabulary U4
SB pg. 44/1 fill in the phrasal verbs
44/2 prepare your advice
46/speaking – prepare your answers
Have a lovely week and see you all on Thursday! Janina
13th October
Lesson: drill 30,61,33,29; noodles BEG 7.4 key; fill in elem 9.1 key; SB pg. 42/speaking
drill 28,29,33
fill in elem 9.2 here
test: vocabulary U4 + zájmena
SB pg. 43/1 prepare
44/1,2 prepare with a dictionary
Keep working! Janina
6th October
Lesson: drill 30,28,29; noodles 4.6 key; zájmena
drill 30,61,33,29
noodles beg 7.4 here
test: vocabulary U4 so far
SB pg. SB pg. 42/speaking – prepeare a description of your favourite movie
43/1 prepare
Have a lovely week. Janina
29th Septemebr
Lesson: drill 30,33,61,29,28; SB pg. 42/2,3
vocab: amusing, hero, heroine, scary, graphics, scene, exciting, set, costumes, special effects, amazing, character, brilliant
drill 28,29,30
noodles4.6 here
test: vocabulary U4 so far
SB pg. 42/speaking – prepeare a description of your favourite movie
43/1 prepare
Enjoy the weekend and see you on Thursday! Janina
22nd September
Lesson: drill 30,61,33,26; SB pg. 41/speaking, 42/1
vocab: wear, dress, necklace, drink, cup, saucer, tablecloth, hold, guide, help, follow, blind, stick, handle
drill 28,29,30,61,33
make 2 as/as, 2 comparative, 2 superlative questions
vocabulary U4 test
SB pg. 42/2,3 prepeare with a dictionary
Make sure you have your HMW ready for the next lesson! Janina
15th September
Lesson: drill 28,29,30; elem fill in9.1 key; 9.2 key; SB pg. 41/2
vocabulary: staff, experience, exercise, haircut, pedicure, bath, massage, homemade
drill 28,29,30,40
make 2 as/as, 2 comparative, 2 superlative questions
vocabulary U4 test
SB pg. 41/speaking – prepare
42/1 translate and match
Hope to see you all next week, keep working on drill 30! Janina
8th September
Lesson: drill 28,28,40,30; noodles elem 9.4 key; fill in 4.1 key
drill 33,40,28,29,30
fill in ELEM 9.1 here + 9.2 here
test: vocabulary pg. 38 – 40
SB 41/2 listen 3x, fill in
41/1- speaking – prepare
Filip, Pavel, keep working and do not forget Engluish should be fun! Janina
1st September
Lesson: drill 61,40,39,33,29; noodles elem 9.3 key; SB pg. 38/reading
vocab: at the bottom, figure, climb, building, tiny, distance, scream, reach the top, crowd, cheer, brave, skyscraper, eqipment, permission, arrest, prison, documentary, suffer from, ordinary
drill 28,29,33,40,30
noodles elem 9.4 here
test: vocabulary pg. 38 – 40
SB pg. 41/2 listen 3x, fill in
41/1- speaking – prepare
September is here, I hope you had a nice end of holiday! Janina
25th August
Lesso: drill 40,39,28,29,17; noodles 4.7 key; SB pg. 39/1
vocab: the body pg. 114-115
drill 61,40,39,29,13,33
noodles elem 9.3
test: body parts
SB pg. SB pg. 38/reading – prepare with a dictionary
41/2 listen 3x, fill in
It was nice to see you all again! Janina
18th August
Lesson: drill 17,33,39,28,29; noodles 4.7 key; SB pg. 38/1,2,3; 40/2
vocab: intelligent, useful, human, similar, wedding, take place, guest, gown, couple, lucky, popular, edible, biscuit, collar, fashionable
drill 61,17,39,28,29
noodles 4.8 here
test: vocabulary pg. 38,40
SB pg. 38/reading – prepare with a dictionary
39/1 match
41/2 listen 3x, fill in
I hope to see you all next week! Janina
28th July
Lesson FCE CONV noodles 1.1; drill 28,61,17,26,27,33,39; noodles 4.4 key; + new drill 29
vocab: little less, least, far, further, furthest, good, better, best, bad, worse, worst
honest, mean, energetic, amusing, self-confident, irresponsible, impatient, ambitious, hard-working, lazy, intolerant, aggressive
conversation: your holiday
drill 28,29,33,17,39
noodles 4.7 here
test: vocabulary U4 so far
SB pg. 38 lead in 1,2,3 prepare your answer
40/2 read with a dictionary, fill in all comparatives and superlatives
prepare the quiz given to you in the class – POZOR: Karel a Pavel mají každý jinou verzi, Filip kopíruje od Pavla, Štěpán kopíruje od Karla
Enjoy your holidays and see you in 3 weeks´ time! Janina
14th July
Lesson: drill 61,39,33,17; fill in PET CONV 1.6; SB pg. 38/vocabulary; 40/1 + new drill 28
nudle 4.1 zkontroluj key, už se k nim nebudeme vracet
vocab: mane, tail, feather, tooth – teeth, thumb, beak, horn, claw, wing, hoof – hooves, fin
interview, letter of reference, work permit, qualification, promote, unemployed
topic – your personality + FCE CONV noodles 1.1 here, přelož a rovnou zkontroluj key
drill 61,17,26,27,33,39,28
noodles 4.4 here
test: U4 vocab so far
SB pg. 38 lead in 1,2,3 prepare your answer
40/2 read with a dictionary, fill in all comparatives and superlatives
CU all in 2 weeks´time. Janina
30th June
drill 61,33,79; PET CONV fill in 1.4; SB pg. 36/4,5
conversation – my job, FILL IN 1.6 here; rovnou zkontroluj key;
drill 75,61,39,33,17
38/lead in prepare
then translate noodles 4.1 here
40/4 prepare with a dictionary
read grammar reference on pg. 126
Enjoy the bank holiday!
23rd June
Lesson:drill 61,33,79, PET fill in CONV 3.6; SB pg. 36/1,2,3;
conversation: my favourite foreign culture/cuisine etc. PET CONV fill in 1.4; doplň a rovnou zkontroluj klíč
drill 61,33,79
noodles here
SB pg. 36/4 fill in
37/5 choose
38/lead in prepare
Karel, welcome to the group, I hope you will enjoy working with us! Janina
16th June
Lesson: conversation – fairs and personal development; drill 79; noodles 4.3 pre key; SB pg. 34/vocab, 35/writing 1
vocab: develop, task, opportunity, grateful, get on bus/train, discover=come across, look forward = cannot wait, would like=fancy, phone=give a call
conversation: holiday plans + PET CONV 3.6 here; zkontroluj key
drill 61,79,33
noodles here
test: vocab U34, especially clothes!
SB pg. 36/1 choose
36/2 choose
36/3 find the mistakes
Gentlemen, have a lovely week and see you on Thursday! Janina
9th June
Lesson: conversation – friends, weddings, funerals; drill 17,79; noodles pre 4.1 key; fill in 3.5 key; SB pg. 33/fun, lively, indoors, quick and easy, boring, similar
coversation: fairs + exhibitions; PET CONV 1.1 here; rovnou zkontroluj key
drill 79
noodles pre 4.3 here
test: vocab U3 so far
SB pg. 34/vocabulary – answers
35/writing, ex. 1 try to rewrite
Have a nice week and I hope to see you all on Thursday! Janina
19th May
Lesson: drill 17,33,61,79; friends and work conversation; SB pg. 32/speaking; 34,25/vocab
vocab: try on, take off, get dressed, wear out, wear
drill 33,79
noodles 4.1 pre here
test: vocab U3 so far
topic friends + PET CONV fill in 1.3 here; check key
SB pg. 32/4 prepare
34/speaking 1,2,3 prepare
12th May
conversation: shopping, cooking, diets + PET CONV fill in 4.1
drill 33,17,79; noodles 3.6 key; SB pg. 32/listening
vocab: purchase, beauty treatment, environmentally friendly, swap, reviewer, exchange, equipment, information on
conversation: friends/relationships + PET CONV 1.2 here, check the key here
drill 79!!!33,17,61
noodles here
test: vocab pg. 30 – 33
SB pg. 32/speaking
32/4 decide
34/vocab – choose
Have a nice week and I hope to see you all next Thursday! Janina
5th May
conversation: doctors, injuries + PET CONV fill in 2.3
drill 33,17,79
vocab: apologize, introduce, rating, customer, rare, rival, enormously, give away
conversation: shopping
+ fill in here; check key
drill 33,61,17,79
noodles 3.6 here
test: vocab U3 so far
SB pg. 32/speaking – prepare
32/listening – listen 3x, prepare
Have a lovely weekend. Do not forget to prepare your shopping stories! Janina
28th April
conversation: airport + PET CONV fill in 2.1
drills 33,17,26,61; SB pg 31, 33/1 + new drill 79
vocab: valuables, thieve, active, ticket machine, out of order, staff, adult, offer, apply, best-known, experience, set up, whoever, launch
conversation: illnesses, injuries, doctors – prepare your own story
+ fill in here; zkontroluj zde
drill 79,61,33
noodles 3.3 here, question 4 – 12; zkontroluj zde
33/2 finish
32/1,2,3 listen and prepare
Have a nice 1st May weekend! Janina
21st April
conversation – travelling disasters
drills 33,61; noodles 3.7; SB pg. 31/reading
vocab: hundreds, items, half-price, drinks, snacks, no longer, serve
conversation: airport
fill in PET CONV 2.1 here; check key
drill 17,33,32,61,26
test: vocab pg. 30,31,114
SB pg. 31/finish
read grammar reference pg. 125, prepare ex. 1 pg.
Be ready for next week´s conversation! Janina
14th April
Lesson:conversation – weekend; drill 33,17; SB pg. 114/vocabulary
vocab: casual, elegant, fashionable, fit, formal, get dressed, go with, match, old-fashioned, pattern, put on, smart, take off, try on, wer out, worn out
conversation: HOLIDAY PROBLEMS – prepare a story/situation description for 5 minutes; be ready to ask questions
drill 61,33
noodles here; check the key here
test: vocab U3 so far
SB pg. 31/read with a dictionary, choose A/B/C
read grammar reference pg. 125, prepare ex. 1 pg. 33
Prepare your hmw thoroughly and be ready for conversation! Jana
7th April
Lesson: drill 33,17,61,26; SB pg. 30/1,2,3
vocab: sales, bargain, credit card, look for, receipt, cost, local market, pharmacy, butcher´s, baker´s, newsagent´s, greengrocer´s, electrical store, beef, toothpaste, shampoo
drill 33,17
noodles 3.1 here
test: vocab pg. 30, 114
finish/find your tests
pg. 31/read with a dictionary, choose A/B/C
read grammar reference pg. 125, prepare ex. 1 pg. 33
I would be nice to work as a whole group next week. Jana
31st March
Lesson: drill 33,61, noodles 6.7 BG key; SB pg. 114/clothes vocabulary!!!
drill 33,17,61,26
noodles here
test: vocabulary pg. 114
SB pg. SB pg. 30/1 prepare the definions
30/2 prepare your answers
pg. 114 . clothing vocabulary, make sure you understand – včetně sekce doplňky
Štěpán, Renata I hope to see you soon! Jana
17th March
Lesson: drill 32,33,17; noodles 6.5(BG) key; U2 revision and test
write the unit test – 30 minutes without any help, then change the pen and continue
Renata, Štěpán has your copy
drill 61,33
noodles 6.7 BG here + vymyslete doplňující otázku s průběhovým časem (teď/do budoucna)
SB pg. 30/1 prepare the definions
30/2 prepare your answers
pg. 114 . clothing vocabulary, make sure you understand
Have a great week and I am looking forward to seeing you on Thursday! Jana
10th March
Lesson: drill 61,32,33,17,61,26; noodles 2.3int key; fill in 4.2int key
drill 32,33,17
noodles here
noodles 6.5 BG here
revise U2 vocabulary properly
30/1 prepeare the definitions
Have a lovely weekend and I am looking forward to meeting you ready to deal with some English! Jana
Lesson: drill 33,32,17,61; noodles 2.7 key; SB pg. 27/3; 28/speaking
vocab: advert, language school, to be thinking about sth, exciting, at all levels, beginner, advanced, part-time, currenty, lively, recruit, include, pier
drill 32, 33,17,61,26
noodles 2.3 INT here
test: U2 vocab
+ extra fill in 4.2 INT here
Stay healthy, stay happy! See you next week! Jana
Lesson: drill 17,33; noodles 2.6 key; fill in 2.3 key; Sb pg. 28/1
vocab: box pg. 28
drill 17,33,61
noodles 2.7 here
test: vocab U2 so far
SB 27/3 fill in
28/speaking – prepare
Have a good week, stay healthy! Jana
Lesson: drill 61,26,17,33; noodles 2.5 key; fill in 2.4 key
drill 17,33
noodles 2.6 here
test vocab pg. 24 – 27
SB pg. 27/3 try to fill in
28/1 find synonyms
28/speaking – prepare
NOTE: have/take a year off – obojí možné
Have a relaxing weekend and see you on Thursday! Jana
Lesson: drill 61,17; noodles 3.8 key; SB pg 27/1 + grammar + new drill 33 (projděte si doma zásoby, zda ho už máte)
vocab: take a break, have a year off, do a course, do HMW, do a degree, do revision, take a class, do exercise, take a test
composition, own, term
drill 33,17,61,26
noodles 2.5 here
test: vocab pg. 24 – 27
SB pg. 27/3 try to fill in
28/1 find synonyms
28/speaking – prepare
Have a nice week and I hope to see you all next Thursday. Jana
Lesson:drill 61,26,17; noodles 2.3 key; SB pg. 26/2,3,listening
vocab: to be sorry, give up, club, apply to
drill 17,61
noodles 3.8 here
test: vocab 24 -26
SB pg. 27/1 read grammar reference on pg. 121 and then prepare exercises 1,2,3 on pg. 27
Have a nice week. I hope Renata will be less busy next Thursday. Jana
Lesson: drill 26,27,61; noodles 2.1 key SB pg. 26/1 + new drill 17
drill 17,61,26
noodles 2.3 here
test: vocab pg. 24 – 26
SB pg. 26/2 fill in
26/3 make questions with the given words and frequency adverbs
26/1,2 listen 3x and answer
It was great fun to see you after Christmas! I am looking forward to next Thursday morning. Jana
Lesson: drill 26,27,61; noodles 2.2 finished; SB pg 24 finished
vocab: find out, creative, retired, busy, artistic person, prefer, useful, socialising
go through all your drills
noodles 2.1 here
test vocab pg. 24, 25
26/1,2 fill in – then read grammar reference on pg. 126
make a question with each adverb given
27/1 choose, then check in a dictionary
Borrow a book in our or city library and enjoy reading in English! Jana
Lesson: drill 27, 61; noodles2.2 key; SB pg. 24/1 we finished reading
vocab: hardly ever, hold, dressmaking, fashion design, last, clue, site, discover, advice, equipment,search, soil, provide, keeper, allow, closely, feed, clean, prepare
drill 26,27,61
finish noodles 2.2 – then check the key above
test: vocab pg. 24,25
SB pg. 24/reading 1 – answer
26/1,2 fill in – then read grammar reference on pg. 126
make a question with each adverb given
27/1 choose, then check in a dictionary
Have a nice week and see you on Thursday! Thanks for a fun lesson today! Jana
Lesson: drill 26,27,40,61; noodles key; SB pg. 24/1,2,reading story A – D
vocab: wildlife, dressmaking, archaeology, cookery, drama, professional, do sth like a professional, take classes, scene, improve, feel like doing sth., join, fortnight, countryside, experience, offer, on stage, put on a play
drill 61,27
noodles 2.2 here sentence 1 – 7
test: vocab pg. 24,25
SB pg. 24/1 finish the exercise
26/1,2 fill in
27/1 choose, then check in the distionary
Have a great weekend and see you on Thursday! Thanks for a nice and chatty lesson today! Jana
Lesson: drill 25,26,27,61,40; fill in 1.4 – key; U1 revision and test
drill 26,27,61,40
noodles 3.4 (pre) here
24/1 answer
24/2 prepare
25/read profiles A – D with a dictionary
Do not forget to write your tests (30 minutes, no help) and bring them to the next lesson! Jana
Lesson: drill 40,61,27; fill in 1.3 –key; SB pg. 23/1,3
drill 25,26,27,40,61
noodles – here
revise U1 vocabulary and grammar, we will write U1 test
24/1 answer
Be ready for the end of unit test! I am looking forward to seeing you next Thursday! Jana
Lesson: drill 40,61, 25,26,27; noodles 1.8 – key; fill in 1.5 – key; SB pg. 23/1,2,writing
vocab: postcart, mention, view of
drill 40,61,27
noodles (fill in 1.3) here
test vocab U1 + articles
SB pg. 23/1 prepare similar description of the other pictures
23/3 prepare
24/1 answer
Enjoy the bank holiday! Jana
Lesson: drill 40, noodles 1.7 – key; 23/1 – basic rules
I was wathcing TV, while my wife was having a shower.
drill 25,26,27,61,40
noodles 1.8 here
test: vocab pg. 18 – 23
SB pg. SB pg. read grammar reference on page 125, then fill in 23/1
23/2 match
23/3 prepare
23/writing 1,2 – prepare
I hope to see you all next week, so that we can move on to the articles. Jana
Lesson: 61,40,26; noodles 1.6 – key; fill in 1.1 – key; 22/1,2; 23/2
vocab: mountain, desert, sea, wood, field, hill, river, cliff, lake, valley, coast, forest
drill 40
test:vocab pg. 18 – 23
noodles 1.7 – here
SB pg. read grammar reference on page 125, then fill in 23/1
23/2 match
23/3 prepare
I hope to see you all in the next lesson!
Lesson: drill 61,33,55; noodles 1.2 – key; SB 21/1,2,3; 22/1,2,3 + new drill 40
Vocab: rule, interrupt, sail, group of dolphins, sandy, freshwater, lake, sunrise, explore, shipwreck, pretty scared, whale, feed, youth hostel, villa, cruise, sightseeing, diving, campsite
drill 40,26
short test: vocab pg. 18 – 22
noodles 1.6 – here
SB pg. 22/1,2 prepare
22/speaking prepare
read grammar reference on page 125, then fill in 23/1
23/2 match
23/3 prepare
See you on Thursday! Keep drilling! Jana
Lesson: drill 33,61, 39,55; noodles 1.4 –key; SB pg. 18/2; 20/1, 21/2
vocab: mainland, float, conservation, royal, emerald, fake, designer, bargain, creature, highlight, awesome
drill 61,33,55
noodles 1.2 – download here and translate; then check the key
test pg. 18 – 21
Sb pg. 121 – read grammar reference, then do exercise 21/1,2,3
22/1 prepare 5 words for each picture
22/2,3 listen 3x, answer
Have a great week! Jana
Lesson: drill 33,61,39; noodles 1.1 –key; SB pg. 20/1,2,3
vocab: helicopter, camel, hot-air baloon, lorry, motorbike, elephant, bus, underground train, boat, horse, hovercraft, bicycle, ferry; package holiday, sightseeing holiday
drill 33,61,39,55
test: vocab pg. 18 – 20
noodles 1.4 – download here
SB pg. 18/2 finish, answer
20/listening 1 + 21/2 listen 3x, answer
21/3 prepare
Pavel, Filip, good job today! I hope to see all of you next week! Jana
Lesson: drill 33,61,39,55;, noodles 3.4 – key; SB pg. 18/lead in, 2
vocab: coast, magnificient, beach, temple, explore, ancient, ruins, rescue project, delicious, for the first time, expect, land, skills, sanctuary, rice paddy, flooded, local, serve, traditional, snorkel, dive, involve, hike, go on a boat trip, sunset
drill 39,33,61, 35
test: vocab pg. 18 – 19
noodles 1.1 – download here
SB pg. 18/finish ex.2
18/3 prepare your answer
20/1 match
20/3 prepare
Thanks for fun lesson, see you next week! Make sure you have your books.
Lesson: drill 33,61; noodles 11.2 – key; fill in 1.4 – key
drill 33,61,55,39
noodles 3.4 – here
no test this time 🙂
SB pg. 18/lead in answer
18/2 read with a dictionary, true or false
20/1 match
Filip welcome to the group!
14th September 2015
everyone was too busy today, so we cancelled the lesson
homework is the same
Do not forget, next lesson is on THURSDAY 24th September at 7:00
7th August 2015
Lesson cancelled by teacher, homework is the same
31st August 2015
Lesson: drill 33,26,61,35; fill in 5.2 – key; noodles 3.11 – key; present perfect revision – drill 39,55,49
drill 39,55,49,33,61,35,70
noodles 11.2 (pre) – download here and translate
revise drill 72
revise drills 44,45,46 – then translate noodles 12.5 (pre) here
Gentlemen did a good job today!
24th August 2015
Lesson: drill 33,26,61; noodles 3.4 – key; future tenses revision
vocab: well, fast, completely, badly, freerly, simply, easily, bravely, passionately, loudly, carefully, fluently, patiently, heavily, quietly, perfectly, slowly, clearly, angrily
drill 33, 26,61,35
fill in 5.2 – z minulé hodiny; vyplňte/opravte na základě toho, co jsme si řekli o budoucích časech
noodles 3.1 (pre) – download here and translate
revise present perfect – drill 39,55,49 will help you
+ opravte si cvičení 2 v testech
See you next Monday! Try to have your homework ready, it will help you to feel confident in the lesson.
17th August 2015
lesson: drill 32,33,26,27,61; noodles 3.1 – key; fill in 3.2 – key
drill 40,61,32,33
noodles 3.4 (pre)- download here and translate
fill in download here and fill in + revise future with drill 35, 66,70
Štěpán, do not forget to bring the test. I hope to see all of you next week!
10th August 2015
Lesson: drill 32,33; 35; noodles 2.3 (int) – key
drill 26,27,61,40, 47,48
noodles – download here and translate
fill in – download here and finish
Pavel worked hard today, so I hope the others will join him next week!
3rd August 2015
Lesson:drill 67,55,49; noodles 12.1 – key; U12 revision – write the test at home – Štěpán, download here
revise present simple vs. present continuous – drill 32,33
noodles 2.3 – download here and translate
vymyslete 3 časové výrazy, které určují pres simple/continuous
jak použiju present continuous pro vyjádření budoucnosti?
drill 35
Have a nice week and do not forget to bring your test to the next lesson
27th July 2015
Lesson: drill 67,49,55; noodles 12.2 – key; pg 97/3, 104/4
vocab: honest, toast,come round, crowded
drill 49,67
noodles 12.1 – download here and translate
test: U12 vocabulary
revise for final test
revise present simple vs. present continuous – drill 32,33
noodles 2.3 – download here and translate
20th July 2015
Lesson:drill 67, 49,55; noodles 12.3 – key; SB pg. 101/1,2,3
drill 67,49,55
test: U 12 vocabulary+ phrases pg. 101
noodles 12.2 – download here and translate
SB pg. 97/3 fill in
101/4 prepare your reaction/conversation
revise present simple vs. present continuous – drill 32,33
noodles 2.3 – download here and translate
CU on Monday! Try to reach an agreement on the groups and their members!
13th July 2015
Lesson: drill 67,49; SB pg. 98/3,4,5
vocab: journey, backpack, pull, sled/sledge, distance, well-prepared, let, calm, silly, latest, shout, adventure
drill 55,67,49
test: pg. 94 – 99
noodles 12.3 – downolad here and translate
SB pg. 97/read intro + ex.1 what is the difference? + check in ex. 2
97/3 fill in
101/1 complete, check with CD
101/3 listen, prepare your reactions
101/4 what will you say?
Jarka worked very hard today, so I hope the others will come to support her next week!
29th June 2015
Lesson: drill 49, 67,39, 55; noodles 11.3 – key; SB pg. 96/3,4
drill 67,49
noodles – download here
test: vocab pg. 94 – 98
SB pg. 97/read intro + ex.1 what is the difference? + check in ex. 2
98/3,4 read with a dictionary, answer and prepare your opinions
101/1 complete, check with CD
Next Monday is bank holiday, so I will see you on July 13th!
22nd June 2015
Lesson cancelled by the students
see you HMW below
15th June 2015
Lesson: drill 49,55,39; noodles 11.2 key; 98/1, 95/1,2; 96/5,6
vocab: airlines, fortune, worth, lowcost, destination, leisure, pole, explorer, footsteps, decide, follow, set off, route, across
drill 39,55,67,49
test: vocabulary pg. 94 – 98
noodles 11.3 download here and translate
SB pg. 96/3,4 what have they been doing? what is the outcome?
97/read intro + ex.1 what is the difference? + check in ex. 2
98/3,4 read with a dictionary, answer and prepare your opinions
101/1 complete, check with CD
I hope to see you all next Monday! Make sure you read the grammar review pg. 142 again and properly
8th June 2015
Lesson:drill 39,55; noodles 12.9 –key– ve větách 5 a 10 má být minulý čas!; SB pg. 94/2; 95/4 – new drill 49
How long have you been studying English?
vocab: get used to sth, subway, to be fed up, so far
drill 49,39,55
short test: vocab pg. 94
Noodles 11.2 – download here and translate- měli byste použít novou gramatiku, pokud to jde
Sb pg. 95/1 choose
95/2 fill in, prepare own anwers
96/5 answer
96/6 Jarka, Renata are A; Pavel, Štěpán are B – read through the text, translate unknown words
98/1,2 answer
Have a nice week, and do not forget to drill verb TO BE as well!
1st June 2015
Lesson: 44,45,46; 94/starter; ex 1 + present perfect simple revision drill 39,55
vocab: delivery business, homeless, income
drill 39, 55
short test: phrasal verbs pg. 92
noodles 12.9 (ele) – download hereand translate
SB pg. 94/2 read with a dictionary and match the questions
94/3 read grammar reference 12.1 on pg. 142 and answer Grammar spot pg. 94
95/4 try to make the questions, prepare his answers
96/5 answer
96/6 Jarka, Renata are A; Pavel, Štěpán are B – read through the text, translate unknown words
Have a great week and see you on Monday!
25th May 2015
Lesson: drill 45,46; noodles 12.3 – key; SB pg. 93/3,4 + U11 revision and test – Renata, Jarka has a copy for you
drill 44,45,46
short test: so/such
94/starter – prepare the questions and answers
94/1 read with a dictionary and answer
94/2 match the questions and answers
98/1 answer
98/2 read with a dictionary and answer
Finish the test following the instructions I gave you in the lesson. See you next week!
22nd May 2015
Thanks for a great chat, see HMW for Monday below
18th May 2015 – homework for Monday 25th May
Lesson: drill 46; SB pg. 93/2
vocab: so, such
drill 45,46,50
short test: vocab U11 + phrasal verbs
noodles 12.3 – download here and translate
SB pg. 93/3 fill in and match
93/4 prepare your reactions
94/starter – prepare the questions and answers
See you on Friday!
11th May 2015
Lesson: drill 41, 45,46; SB pg. 89,1,2,3,4; 151/dilemmas; 93/1
drill 46
short test: vocabulary pg. 86 – 92
noodles: download and translate – připravte si odpovědi s MIGHT – e.g. Mohl bych zavolat policii nebo bych mohl zkusit chytit toho zloděje sám
SB pg. 93/2 find the rule
93/3 fill in and match
93/4 write your reactions
94/starter – prepare the questions and answers
Have a great week, revise MIGHT in noodles
4th May 2015
Lesson: drill 44,46,48; vocabulary and phrasal verbs revision, SB pg. 89/1
drill 45,46,59,41
test: vocabulary pg. 86 – 92
create 3 questions with phrasal verbs from pg. 92
SB 89/1 listening – answer
89/2 listen 3 times, fill in
151/dilemmas – připravte odpovědi: Kdybych byl tebou…
93/1, make a guess – what is the difference?
93/3 fill in amd match
Have a great week and I hope to see more people in the class next week! Renata and Pavel worked very hard this week!
20th April 2015
Lesson: drill 59, 50,46; noodles 11.3 – key; SB pg. 89/2,3
drill 48,46,44
short test: phrasal verbs pg. 92
noodles download and translate – use vocab from pgs 90,91
SB 89/1 listening – answer
89/2 listen 3 times, fill in
151/dilemmas – připravte odpovědi: Kdybych byl tebou…
93/1, make a guess – what is the difference?
I hope you enjoyed your lesson with Verča, see you in 2 weeks´ time
13th April 2015
Lesson: drill 45,46,50, 48,47; Sb pg. 88/4,5; 89/1; 92/5,6,7,talking about you
vocab: give up, take off, put off, lok after,break down, get on with, run out of sth., look up, look out
drill 59, 50,46
short test: SB pg. 86 – 92
noodles 11.3 – download and translate
89/2 prepare the questions and answers
89/3 prepare the questions for your colleagues
89/1 answer
89/2 listen 3 times, fill in
151/dilemmas – připravte odpovědi: Kdybych byl tebou…
Have a great week and I hope to see you all next Monday!
30th March 2015
Lesson: drill 48,45,46; SB pg. 87/1,2; 88/1,2,3; 92/2,3,4
Vocab: shanty town, junk, proper, sure, afterwards, for a while, put on, get out, sit down, look at, go back, pick up, look for, turn off, lie down, turn round, try on, throw away
drill 47,48,50, 45,46
noodles –download and translate
test: vocab pg. 86 – 92
SB pg. 88/4,5 TRY to fill in
read the grammar reference 11.2 on pg. 140 and then go through the Grammar spot on pg. 88
89/practice – discussing grammar – choose the correct tense
92/5,6 find the meanings
92/7,talking about you – fill in
Enjoy the Easter holiday and see you in 2 weeks´ time!
23rd March 2015
Lesson: drill 46,50; noodles 12.5 –key; 87/3; 80/3,5
vocab: ash, shoot up, crops, contaminate, worldwide, block,carry on, greenhouse, evidence, immediately, famine
drill 45,46; 48
vocab test pg. 86 – 92
noodles 12.4 – download and translate
SB pg. 87/1 – create as many sentences as possible
87/2 fill in
88/1 prepare your answer
88/2 listen 3 x and fill in
88/3 answer
92/2 fill in, check the meaning
Have a successful week and keeop drilling no 45,46 to see the difference
16th March 2015
Lesson: drill 44,45,46; noodles 11.1 (old)- key, SB pg. 86/2; 87/grammar spot; 90/1,2; 92/1
vocabulary: recent=nedávný, unlikely=nepravděpodobný, erupt=vybuchnout, impressed=ohromen, chatter=brebentit, excitedly=vrušeně, realize=uvědomit si, none =žádný, whole=celý, huge=obrovský, powerful=silný, ordinary=obyčejný
go away = odejít, take off=svléct, give away=darovat
drill 44,45,46, 50
short test: vocabulary pg. 86,90,91
noodles 12.5 (new) –download and translate
SB pg. 87/1 – create as many sentences as possible
87/2 fill in
87/3 prepare some funny pieces of advice
90/3 read and put in order
90/5 what do the numbers mean
92/2 fill in, check the meaning
Have a great week and bring the U10 test if you have not done so yet
2nd March 2015
Lesson: drill 50,47,48, 44,45; noodles 12.2 – key; SB pg. 86/starter, ex 1 + new drill 46
I will lend you money, if you need it – půjčím ti, když to budeš potřebovat
I would lend you money, if you needed it – půjčil bych ti, kdybys to potřeboval
vocabulary: male, female, housing, electricity, access to the Internet, education, currently, population of, imagine
drill 44,45,46
short test: vocabulary pg. 86 + phoning phrases
noodles 11.1 – download and translate
SB pg. 86/2 prepare the questions and answers
read grammar reference 11.1 on pg. 140 and the answer questions in grammar spot on pg. 87
87/3 prepare your pieces of advice: If I were you, I would…..
90/1,2 prepare with dictionary – true or false
Spring holiday next week! There is no lesson! Do not come!
23rd February 2015
Lesson: drill 47,48,50, U10 revision and test – finish at home
drill 47,48,50, 44,45
short test: phrases pg. 85
noodles 12.2 (new) – download, přeložte potom, co si zopakujete drill 44,45
SB pg. 86/starter 1,2- prepare your answers
pg. 86/1,2 fill in and prepare the questions and answers
90/1,2 prepare with dictionary – true or false
Do not forget to finish your tests and bring them to the next lesson
16th February 2015
Lesson: drill 50,47,48; noodles 9.5 – key; SB pg. 85/1,2,3
vocabulary: cut off, give me a call/a ring, put through
Can you give me your phone number?
Can I get back to you later?
I am afraid that…..
Can I take a message? /Can I leave a message?
The line is busy.
Would you like to hold?
Who is speaking?
Can I speak to ……..
Speak to you soon.
Bye for now
drill 47,48,50
short test U10 vocabulary andtelephoning phrases
create own 3 questions in passive
download and prepare the quiz questions – Renata and Štěpán are A; Jarka and Pavel are B; use a dictionary if you do not unterstand the vocabulary
be ready for U10 test, do your homework properly
SB pg. 86/starter – prepare your answers
Thanks for coming today, I hope to see al of you in the revision lesson next week
9th February 2015
Lesson: drill 44, 65, 55; 84/1, 2,3+ what do you think ex.1
vocabulary: annoy,complain, domestic, printer, flat-pack, public, space, litter
My boss drives me crazy/I cannot stand my boss
drill 47,48,50
short test: vocabulary pg. 78 – 84
noodles (PET) – 9.5 – download and translate
SB pg. 85/1 – listen 3 times and write down, then check
85/2 – listen once and answer
85/3 – listen 3times and fill in, then check on pg. 124 – 125
It was nice to be able to work with all of you again, keep drilling, prepare your homework properly and see you next week!
2nd February 2015
Lesson: drill 50, 48,47; noodles 10.2 –key; SB pg. 82/4,5 – we read about Google
highlighted vocabulary: to google sth = vyhledat na internetu, search engine = vyhledávač, dream of sth = snít/vysnívat, website, based on = založen na, popularity = oblíbenost, cheque = šek, worldwide = celosvětový, accurate = přesný
drill 55, 65, 44, 50
short test: vocabulary pg. 78 – 83
create 3 questions with vocabulary from pgs. 82 – 83
84/1,2 prepare
84/3 listen 3x and answer; then check on pg. 124
85/1 listen and repeat, how to say the problematic combinations?
do the exercise given to you in the class – budoucí časy!
Hopefully it will be all of us next week!
26th January 2015
Lesson: drill 44, 45, 47, 48 + new drill 50 ; noodles 10.1 –key; SB pg. 81/3; 82/1,2,3,4 – we read about DNA
highlighted vocabulary: AD/BC, good at reading maps=dobrý ve čtení map; completely = zcela; disease = choroba, structure = struktura, cure=léčba, cell= buňka, contain=obsahovat, related =ve vztahu k něčemu, commit=spáchat, give information=poskytnout informace, unique=jedinečný, personality=osobnost, realize=uvědomit si, importance=důležitost, gradually= postupně, match = spojit, suspect = podezřelý, guilty=vinen
drill 47,48,50
noodles 10.2 –download and translate
test: vocabulary pg. 78 – 82
SB pg. 82/4,5 read about Google with a dictionary; answer
84/1,2 prepare
84/3 listen 3x and answer; then check on pg. 124
Good job ladies, and I hope gentlemen will join us next week
19th January 2015
drill 65, 55,44, 47,48; noodles 10.3 – key here; SB pg. 80/5,6; 81/1 – we finished the exercise
highlighted vocabulary: make cars/a discovery/a phone call/a lot of money; do homework; give a lift/information/advice/a present; make a complaint; carry an umbrella/passengers/a briefcase/a gun; wear a watch; misss the ball/the family/the bus/school; lose the way
drill 45,44, 47,48
short test: passives + vocabulary pgs. 78 – 81
noodles 10.1 – download here and translate
81/3 fill in
82/1,2,3 – prepare your answers
82/4,5 – read about DNA with a dictionary; prepare the answers
Jarka, it is great to have you back. I am looking forward to seeing the whole group next Monday!
12th January 2015
Lesson: drill 65, 47; noodles 10.2 – key 10.2. New Headway Preint.4th edition U10 pg 78 to 79 GRAMMAR.pdf; SB pg 79/2; 81/1 – verbs discover, tell, lose, keep + new drill 48
highlighted vocabulary: discover cure/the truth/gold/DNA, invent paper; tell stories/the truth/a lie/a joke; say hello; lose weight/the game/the way/money; miss the bus; keep a diary/a promise/a secret/the peace; have an idea
drill 65, 44, 55, 47, 48
noodles 10.3 – download here and translate
test: vocabulary pg. 78 – 81
bring Qs from this lesson; Jarka create 2 questions with KEEP
SB pg. 80/5 – correct
80/6 – choose
81/1 – link expressions with make. give, carry, miss
82/1,2 – prepare your answers
It was nice to see you again, have a propper look at the new drill
5th January 2015
I had a great individual lesson with Pavel and this is what we did
Lesson: 45,47,65; noodles 10.4 – key here; SB pg. 80/1,2,3
highlighted vocabulary: everyday, clothes, skin, bone, similar to, government official, mixture, plants, cloth, keep secret, mill, nowadays
drill 47, 65
short test: vocabulary pg. 78 – 80
noodles 10.2 (new) – download here and translate
SB pg. 79/2 fill in
81/1 – link the werbs DISCOVER, TELL, LOSE, KEEP + jaké sloveso k nadbytečným slovům?
82/1,2 – prepare your answers
I hope to see more of you in the next lesson!
15th December 2014
Lesson: drill 47, 45, 65; noodles 10.3 – key here; SB pg. 78/1+ grammar box
highlighted vocabulary: by accident, experiment, safe, cut open, award, invention, doscovery, introduce, criminal, illegal, item, underneath, fault
drill 47, 65, 45
short test: vocabulary pg. 78, 79
noodles 10.4 – download here and translate
SB pg. 79/2 fill in
80/1,2,3 – read with a dictionary, fill in, prepare the questions and answers
81/1 – link the werbs DISCOVER, TELL, LOSE, KEEP + jaké sloveso k nadbytečným slovům?
82/1,2 – prepare your answers
půjčte si v naší knihovně knížku odpovídající úrovně a zpříjemněte si svátky anglickou četbou!
I wish you very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I am looking forward to seeing you in January! We start on 5th January!
8th December 2014
Lesson: 44,45, 74, 65, 55; SB pg. 77/6, 77/4,78/starter + new drill 47; 78/1- we read the 1st paragraph
highlighted vocabulary: X-ray, scientist, wedding ring, clearly
drill 47, 45,65
short test: SB pg. 78 – see above
noodles 10.3 – download here and translate
78/1 – finish reading, answer
139 – read grammar reference 10.1 and use it to fill in grammar spot on pg. 78
79/2 – fill in
81/1 – link the werbs DISCOVER, TELL, LOSE, KEEP + jaké sloveso k nadbytečným slovům?
Have a great week and I hope it will be all of you next Monday, Renta, Štěpán, do not forget your U9 tests!
1st December 2014
Lesson: 44,45, 74; U9 revision and test
drill 44,45, 74, 65, 55 as fast as possible!
finish U9 test – write for 20 mins without any help, then change your pen and finish
short test: U9 vocabulary
77/6 – write instructions how to get from Only4 to your house
78/starter ex 1 – make the sentences
78/1 – read with a dictionary, answer
Do not forget to bring the tests to next lesson!
24th November 2014
Lesson: drill 44,45, 65; SB pg. 77/6 + new drill 74
drill 44,45, 74
short test U9 vocabulary
noodles – download here and translate
homework will help you to get ready for U9 test
SB pg. 77/1 locate the palces on the map, write instructions how to get there from the farm
77/6 – write instructions how to get from Only4 to your house
78/starter ex 1 – make the sentences
Revise properly and test will be easy peasy for you!
10th November 2014
Lesson: drill 44,55, 65; SB pg. 76/2,3; 77/1,2,5 – new drill 74
highlighted vocabulary: destroy, worth, these days, environment
farm, path, wood, hill, pond, river, bridge, gate, hotel, bank, baker´s, supermarket, chemist´s, greengrocer´s, newsagent´s
drill 44,45, 55, 65, 74
short test: vocabulary U9
noodles – download here and translate
SB pg. 77/1 locate the palces on the map, write instructions how to get there from the farm
77/6 – write instructions how to get from Only4 to your house
77/4 – pick 4 well-known places in Zlín, write how to get there
78/starter ex 1 – make the sentences
ex 2 – What in made in CZ?
Enjoy the bank holiday and see you next week!
3rd November 2014
Lesson: drill 44,45;SB pg. 73/5; 74/3,4
highlighted vocabulary: doubt = pochybnost, carefree = bezstarostný; freedom = svoboda, huge, debt, routine, find sth + adjective – I find this exercise boring; stressful, suppose, have troubles, readjust, wonder, settle down
drill 44, 45, 65
short test: vocabulary pg. 70 – 75
create 4 questions with vocabulary from pg. 74,75
74/discussion – write 5 places you want to visit and why
76/1 – write 5 reasons why people do not travel
76/2 – listen 3x and answer the questions
77/1,2 – locate the places
Do your homework carefully, drill every day and I hope it will be all of you next week!
27th October 2014
lesson cancelled by students
Enjoy the bank holiday and do your homework properly!
20th October 2014
Lesson:drill 44, 55; noodles 12.2 – key here; SB pg. 72/5, 73/3,4; 74/1,2
highlighted vocabulary: tidy, fluent in, give up, addict, firework, sun rise
take: a photo, a long time, care of/about, tablets
get: a cold, angry, better, on well with smb., ready
drill 44, 45, 55
short test: pg. 70 – 75
noodles – download here and translate
SB pg. 73/5 – fill in, write your answers
SB pg. 74/3 – read with a dictionary, fill in the missing sentences
SB pg. 74/4 – correct the mistakes in the short texts
76/1 – write 5 reasons why people do not travel
76/2 – listen 3x and answer the questions
Let me know if you want to have a holiday next week!
13th October 2014
Lesson: drill 44, 45; noodles 9.4 – key here ; Sb pg. 72/6, 73/2
highlighted vocabulary: expect, to be /fall asleep, ring, answerphone, regularly, run out of sth, cheeky, darling, give best wishes, give smb a lift
It is your turn!
drill 44, 45, 55
short test: highlighted vocabulary pg. 70 – 73
noodles 12.2 – download here and translate
SB pg. 72/2 – fill in and create a question – otázku na kterou by jste odpověděli, tím, co jste napsali
např. As soon as this lesson finishes, I am going …… What are you going to do as soon as this lesson finishes?
SB pg. 73/3,4,5 – link and fill in, check in a dictionary
SB pg.74/1 – write down 5 reasons for travelling
74/2 – think about your answers
Štěpán, make sure you finish the exercises you did not prepare at home. The others, good home preparation, drill every day!
6th October 2014
Lesson: drill 44, 45; noodles 9.2 – key here; SB pg. 73/1
highlighted vocabulary: make friends, make up your mind, make a fortune, make a noise, do the washing up, do a course, do smb a favour, do your best
drill 44, 45
short test: vocabulary pg. 70 – 73
noodles 9.4 – download here and translate
SB pg. 72/5 – finish the sentences
SB pg. 72/6 – fill in, then check a CD
SB pg. 73/2 – fill in
I need you to drill every day! Start using a stopwatch and try to get below 3 minutes with each dril!
29th September 2014
Lesson: drill 44, 45; noodles 9.3 – key here; SB pg. 71/2,3;72/4
highlighted vocabulary: to chase, wild, rainy season, insects, get sunburnt, bush, break down, tent
drill 44,45
short test: highlighted vocabulary pg. 70, 71
noodles 9.2 – download here and translate
SB pg. 72/5 – finish the sentences
SB pg. 72/6 – fill in, then check a CD
SB pg. 73/1 – fill in and check in a dictionary
If you need an internet dictioanyr use
22nd September 2014
Lesson: drill 55, 45, noodles 9.1 – key here; SB pg. 70/2 – time clauses + new drill 44
highlighted vocabulary: before, as soon as, when, after, until, while
worry, to be worried, keep in touch
drill 44, 45
short test: irregular verbs- last page of the book
noodles 9.3 – download here and translate
SB pg. 71/2 – write 3 questions and answers on a separate piece of paper
SB pg. 71/3 -prepare 3 questions for each topic
SB pg. 72/4 – fill in
SB pg. 72/5 – write true sentences about yourselves
Practise the new drills at home every day and you will be much faster next Monday!
15th September 2014
Lesson: drill 55, 45; at the doctors – new vocab see below; SB pg. 70/1; 11/1,2
highlighted vocabulary: waiting room, tiny, fall off, X-ray, expect, medicine, mumps, headache, itch,itchy, chicken pox, surgeon, ointment, bandage, wound, filling, runny nose
drill 45!!!!!55
short test: irregular verbs- last page of your book
noodles 9.1 – download here and translate
create 3 questions with vocabulary from this lesson – see above
SB pg. 71 – grammar box + pg. 138 – co znamenají další věty v boxech na straně 70, jsou to kondicionály, jak je vytvořím gramaticky?
SB pg. 71/2 – write 3 questions and answers on a separate piece of paper
SB pg. 71/3 – prepare 3 questions for each topic
You did a very good job today, keep working!!!
8th September 2014
Lesson: U8 final revision and test; SB pg. 70/starter – new drill 45
drill 45, 55
short test:we correct your tests
prepare the activities from the sheet given to you in the last class – download here
SB pg. 70/1 – what are they going to do?
SB pg. 70/2,4 – listen and match the sentences – vyberte ty, které odpovídají drilu 45
SB pg. 71/1 – prepare the sentences
SB pg.71/2 – prepare the questions —-co budeš dělat, když bude pršet etc….
SB pg. 71/3 – prepare 3 questions for each topic
Štěpán, pleae write the test and bring it to next lesson
1st September 2014
Lesson: drill 41, 65; noodles – vocab pg.68 – 69; at the doctor´s revision
drill 41, 65
prepare at the doctor´s drill – translate these sentences into English – use SB pg. 69/ex4 to help you
short test: vocabulary U8
noodles – download here and translate
do the activities from the sheet given to you in the class
SB pg. 70/starter – napište 5 pravdivých vět o sobě – podmínkové věty – pokuste se vysledovat vzor z učebnice – If it rains at the weekend, I will stay at home
Be ready for the end of U8 test next Monday
25th August 2014
Lesson: drill questions, 41,55; SB pg. 69/4,5;70/starter
highlighted phrases – pg 69/4
Garlic disagrees with me. – Česnek mi nesedne
take sth. easy, plenty of sth., prescription, liquids – tekutiny
drill 65, 41, 55 questions
short test: highlighted vocabulary pgs. 62 – 69
noodles – download here and translate
revise U8 grammar – have to, should – use drill 65, 41
SB pg. 69/6 – prepare for a conversation at the doctor´s – make sure you know the phrases from ex.4
SB pg. 70/starter – napište 5 pravdivých vět o sobě – podmínkové věty – pokuste se vysledovat vzor z učebnice – If it rains at the weekend, I will stay at home
If you study properly, your performance in next lesson will be excellent!
18th August 2014
Lesson: drill 41,65; SB pg. 69/1,2,3
highlighted vocabulary: illness, sore throat, cold, food poisoning, diarrhoea, flu, twisted ankle. sneeze, blow your nose, hurt, ache, swollen, swallow, temperature, prescribe, prescription
drill questions, 41, 55
short test: vocabulary pg. 68
noodles – download here and translate
SB pg. 69/3 – listen answer question 4
SB pg. 69/4 – listen 3 times and fill in
SB pg. 69/make a list of 3 ilnesses you have had and their symptoms
SB pg. 70/starter – create sentences about yourselves
Have a nice week and do not get ill!
11th August 2014
Lesson: drill 41, 65; noodles 8.1 – key here; SB pg. 68/1,2,5,6
highlighted vocabulary: interview smb. for a job, change career, apply for a job, go for an interview, hairdresser, countryside, text message, problem page, flight attendant, housewife, train journey, firefighter
drill 41, 65
short test: highlighted vocabulary pg. 68
noodles – download here and translate
SB pg. 69/1 – link vocab and pictures – use a dictionary
SB pg. 69/2 – link illnesses and symptoms – use a dictionary
SB pg. 69/3 listen and answer
SB 69/4 listen and fill in
It was nice to see you after your holidays!
4th August 2014
lesson cancelled due to holidays – see your homework below
28th July 2014
Lesson: drill 65, 41, 55; SB pg. 66/3,4,what do you think?
highlighted vocabulary: fight, to be fascinated, from the very beginning, opinion of, get satisfaction from sth, fix, non-traditional, tough, until ….. years ago, find sth -ing adjective, qualified, strange, profession, development, ignore, show
Go for it!
drill Questions, 55, 41,65
short test: modal verbs
noodles 8.1 – download here and translate
SB pg. 68/1 – make pairs from word in the box
SB pg. 68/2 – listen to the job interview and answer the questions
SB pg. 68/5, 6 – create compound nouns and prepare their definitions
Let me know about next Monday!
21st July 2014
Lesson: drill 35, 55, 33, 26, 41, 65; SB pg. 66/2 – reading + vocabulary; podmětné otázky – drill here
highlighted vocabulary: imagine, to ring for smb., seem, unusual, social, affairs, to investigate, recent, equal, opportunity, recommend, government, take action on sth., continue, traditional for, gender, poor advice = špatná rada, ability, childcare, building, engineering, cross the gap
drill 55, 41, 65
short test: highlighted vocabulary pg. 66
noodles – download here and translate
SB pg. 673,4 read both of the stories, read with a dictionary, be ready to explain the vocabulary
SB pg. 68/1 – link the words (more connections are possible)
SB pg. 68/2 – listen and write down the answers
Prepare the vocabulary from reading!
14th July 2014
Lesson: drill 35, 26, 33, 41, 65; SB pg. 65/2,3, what do you think; 66/1
highlighted vocabulary: nurse, builder, teacher, plumber, soldier, computer programmer, secretary, chef, gardener, painter, firefighter, detective, nanny
prejudice, in the workplace
drill 26, 35, 33, 41, 65
short test: giving advice + highlighted vocabulary pg. 66
SB pg. 66/2 read with a dictionary, answer
SB pg. 66/3+4 – read the story about Jenny, answer the questions
SB pg. 68/1 – link the words (more connections are possible)
I hope to see all of you next week!
7th July 2014
Lesson: drill 41, 65; SB pg. 64/2; 65/1
drill 35, 33, 26!!!!
short test: have to
noodles – download here and translate
SB pg. 65/2 – listen and answer
SB pg. 65/3 – listen and compare
SB pg. 65/what do you think?
SB pg. 66/1 – prepare your answers
SB pg. 66/2 – read with a dictionary and answer
I hope you will be more concentrated next week!