KURZ : AWL2, ST 8:35 – 9:35
Teacher : Mgr. Magda Oškerová
Mail : magda.skybova@email.cz
Phone : 731528843
Book : New Headway Elementary 4th edition
11th December
Hi everybody,
in today´s lesson we read an article in SB 115 about twin brothers. Please learn the vocabulary from it, for example : quite X quiet, have sth in common, finally, in the end, in fact, tell jokes, although, however, dress – oblékat se, be alike – být podobný / stejný
Homework: SB 85 – Everyday English (if it is too difficult, don´t worry, I will help you in the class)
Thank you and I look forward to our lesson next week.
4th December
Hello guys,
please learn the vocabulary from SB 84
Homework: describe 2 people / characters (postavy) from films – we will guess who they are 🙂
Thank you
20th November
Hello everybody,
thank you, Dan, for a nice chat 🙂 Hope to see you all next time.
Vocabulary: chestnut, stall, stand, arrange, let me know, in advance – předem
Homework: again NB 10.4 + answers (prý je to těžší – don´t worry, spolu to zvládnem)
See you in two weeks.
13th November
Hi everybody,
Vocabulary: hold, striped
Homework: NB 10.4 , SB 81/3
See you next lesson
6th November
Hello everybody,
thank you for a nice lesson.
Homework: SB 80/3,4 + transcript p.130
vocabulary: injured, dam, stump – pařez, breed – plemeno, shout, exhebition, tie bow – motýlek, scarf, laugh
See you next week 🙂
30th October
Hi guys,
it was nice seeing you all this time.
Homework: choose 5 photos of yourself or your friends or family (on the phone) – describe what the people are doing there. Use at least 3 sentences for each photo.
Thank you.
23th October
It was nice seeing you. Hope to see Radek next week 🙂
Vocabulary: obviously, orchard, seaside, Northern lights – polární záře
Homework: translate
See you.
16th October
Thank you, Lucy and Dan, for coming. Hope to see Radek next week.
Homework: NB 10.2
Vocabulary: SB 78 starter – learn the places with the right preposition (předložkou).
See you
9th October
Thank you, Dan, for a nice lesson. We practised present simple and continuous. And we will prastise it next lesson again – don´t worry:-) And we will also check the homework sheet from last lesson, too.
Homework: NB 10.1
Thank you.
2nd October
Vocabulary: look forward to, be afraid of, cheat, experience + prepositions (předložky) from SB 78/ starter.
Homework: please do the sheet from LAST lesson called Present simple x present continuous 1
Thank you and see you.
25th September
Vocabulary: shout, at the table, noise
Homework: finish 5B- grammar (conversation 3 and 4)
5C- grammar – present continuous X present simple
Hope you will not have much trouble to do it. If yes, don´t worry, we will discuss it in the class.
See you next week 🙂
18th September
Vocabulary: useful, do exercise, make a mistake, in your opinion, sidewalk, other x another
Homework: do the sheet from the class ( zájmena)
Thank you for the lesson and see you next week.
11th September
We missed you, Dan:-) Opakovali jsme stupňování přídavných jmen and SB 76
Vocabulary: stallion – hřebec, mare – klisna, colt -hříbě, sights – památky, go sightseeing, even – dokonce, fortunately – naštěstí x unfortunately – naneštěstí / bohužel
Homework: NB 9.10
Look forward to seeing you next week.
4th September
Homework: SB 76/1 – match the pictures with the words (town and country)
Thank you
28th August
Vocabulary: each other X together, investigate
Homework: Please do the sheet I gave you at the beginning of August – My memorable night at the Edinburg Festival. (Lucy, vy už taky máte ten papír.)
Thank you, see you next week.
7th August
That´s a pity – to je škoda , documentary, journey
Please do the sheet „A new life“
Enjoy the lesson with Verča next week and I see you on 28th August.
31th July
pond x lake, 2001 x 2024, what´s the point
please do the sheet from the lesson
6.1. New Headway Elementary 4th edition Unit 6 SB 48 1 Irregular verbs.pdf
Thank you
24th July
please do exercise I gave you in the class.
Thank you and I am looking forward to seeing you next week.
17th July
please finish the preposition exercise from the lesson and study the prepositions of time.
Thank you
10th July:
Hello everybody,
it was nice meeting you all.
Please choose 10 words from the three texts about Tokio, Mumbai and Mexico City – and describe them. In the class we will then guess which word you are describing. Don´t choose too difficult words – its not as easy as it might seem.
For example: it´s an adjective. Nobody else has it, it si one of a kind (jeden svého druhu) = unique.
Thank you.
Lesson 26th June
owner, it depends, temple, become, independent, a variety of, handicrafts, skyscraper, busy, market, at sunset, right next to, because of, high-class, goods, surrounded by, subway system, because of, west coast, running water
1) We did drills: 64, 29, 72, 15, lend x borrow
2) Complete THIS (9.5 ele 4th ed) fill in – remember to use the article from our student’s books if you are not sure with the vocabulary
3) Student’s book page 74 exercise 5 – listen to the people and take short notes to answer the questions (link to listenings is in the header of this page, listen to it at home as you can listen to it as many times as you wish 🙂 )
Thank you so much for you three, I had so much fun with you. Lucy, now I have something to remember you all everyday, the beautiful mecharium 🙂 I wish you all the best
Lesson 19th June
happen, showers, self-taught (self-taught musician), goddess, independent, rename, skyscrapper, headquarters, running water, cooler, dryer, crowded, poverty, sunrise, sunset, unique
1) we did drills: 29, 64, 72, 15, borrow x lend
2) Complete THIS fill-in (9.4 ele) translation to those words and phrases can be found in your student’s books (reading about Tokyo and Mumbai)
3) Studet’s book page 76 read about Mexico City and highlight new vocabulary
Thank you 🙂 see you next week
Lesson 12th June:
much more interesting vs much stronger, be quiet!, documentary vs. document, tentacles, it depends, bride, groom
Key to last week’s noodles: HERE
1) we did drills: 23, 6, 72, 28, 29, 15, 64, borrow x lend, adverbs
2) we will use the same questions as last time and continue with last week’s homework as well
3) practice vocabulary
Thank you, Lucy and Dan, for a nice lesson! Lucy, see you next week and Dan, good luck, Bon voyage and hopefully, see you in the future.
Lesson 5th June:
blame, errands, blinds, main character, battle, similar, compared to, root for, greenhouse, people grow old, ahead, plan ahead, weak
Lucy thank you for an amazing lesson!
Homework for our lesson below – May 29th
Lesson 29th May:
look forward to (těšit se), look after (starat se o), look at (dívat se na), look for (hledat), to change one’s mind (změnit názor), boring (nudný), stand vs. stay
+ We spoke about „revengeful“, which means pomstychtivý, but I found that vengeful and vindictive are used much more commonly. From a native speaker, I read „If I was talking about a small act of revenge, perhaps among neighbours, I would probably use the word vindictive. Vengeful feels like a stronger word for more dangerous situations.“
Homework: FOR 12th June
1) We did drills: 23, 6, 72, 28, 15, 64, borrow x lend, adverbs
2) Translate these questions: + we also have your questions
1. O koho/co ses naposledy staral?
2. Je některý z tvých přátel pomstychtivý?
3. Co je pro tebe nejnudnější věc?
4. Měníš často názor?
5. Kde si zůstával na prázdniny, když jsi byl malý?
6. Na co se vždy těšíš?
7. Bylo jednoduché změnit názory tvých dětí, když byly malé?
8. Co jsi naposledy hledal? Našels?
9. Do you ever accidentally look at people’s bottoms? (translate to Czech 😀 )
3) Student’s book page 75, read about Mumbai and highlight new words
Thank you for the lesson today and Lucy I will bring something extra for next time 🙂
Lesson 22nd May:
last (trvat), recently, physique
Create conversational questions for your colleague using these words:
1) brave or bravely
2) hard or hardly
3) easy or easily
4) daily
5) happy or happily
6) generous or generously
7) sad or sadly
Thank you Dane for a very nice chat
See you soon
Lesson 24th April
butter, cottage, legal, cloud, liver, abroad, mustard
1) drills: irregular, adverbs, borrow x lend, 28, 29, 64, 6, 23, 72, 15
2) Noodles 9.3 – HERE
3) practice vocabulary
4) student’s book page 75, read about Mumbai and highlight new words
Lesson 17th April
mow the lawn, lawn mower, burnout, subject, P.E., to solve a problem, answer the door/answer the phone, reason, voice
1) drills: irregular, adverbs, borrow x lend, 28, 29, 64, 6, 23, 72, 15
2) translate THESE questions (opáčko toho papíru co jsme dělali minule: say/tell/speak,… — otázka 6 se ptá na podmět, proto je bez pomocného slovesa, v otázce 7 má být „co řekneš“. Otázka 12 – neznámé=unknown
3) practice vocabulary
4) Student’s book page 74, read about Tokyo
Thank you and enjoy the next lesson with my colleague David!
Lesson 10th April
milestone birthday (milníkové/kulaté narozeniny), chicken coop/henhouse (kurník)
1) drills: irregular, adverbs, borrow x lend, 28, 29, 64, 6, 23, 72, 15
2) Translate these questions: (highlighted words are from our vocabulary from last few lessons)
- Kde se koná tvůj oblíbený festival/koncert/…?
- Jsi o víkendu často zaneprázdněný? Jsi více zaneprázdněný než před 10 lety?
- Byl jsi vzhůru* víc jak dva dny v řadě, když jsi byl teenager? (*to be awake)
- Dělal sis ve škole poznámky, když si byl student?
- Na co se těšíš?
See you next week!
Lesson 3rd April
take place, busy, the busiest, in a row, owner, sample, to take notes
1) drills: irregular verbs, adverbs, borrow x lend, 28, 29, 64, 6, 23, 72, 15
2) Noodles HERE
3) Do exercises 48.1 and 48.3 on the second page. The difference between the verbs is described on the first page. We will discuss it in the lesson. File HERE
Thank you and see you soon
Lesson 13th + 20th March
ugly, I am as old as you, worry, worrying, worried, look forward to, describe, crowded, comparison, pollution, polluted, weather forecast, reliable
remember: with verbs: look, sound, feel, taste – we don’t use adverbs but adjectives
I feel wellI feel good
1) drills: 29, 28, 72, 6, 64, 23, 15, borrow x lend, adverbs, irregular verbs
2) translate THESE questions – with the vocabulary which is above / zpomalit=slow down
3) book pages 72-73 / London’s biggest market – exercises 1 and 2
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 6th March
swollen, weak, pull, exhibition
1) drills: 28, irregular verbs, adverbs, 64, 23, 6, 15, 72, borrow x lend
2) Fill in HERE (superlatives and comparatives) – choose what form is better (e.g. better/best)
3) Complete THIS exercise – again choose the best form of adjectives
Vocab from lessons 7th Feb., 14th Feb., 21st Feb., 28th Feb.:
silly, act silly, fall off a horse, slow down, fortunately, unfortunately, overtake, raffle, tasting set, change (drobné), hold, recover, to catch up on sth
Sorry for the delay
7th February
silly, peaceful-peacefully, direct-directly, angry-angrily, shout, careful-carefully, good-well, complete-completely, hard-hard, hardly, fast-fast, quick-quickly, near-near, nearly, climb, hope, knock someone down, brand-new, disappear, excuse myself, polite-politely, patient-patiently, easy-easily, bright-brightly, highly, guilty
HERE you can find more information about the adverbs and you could also check: THIS article, THIS and THIS exercise
1) drills: 64, 23, 6, 72, irregular verbs, 15, borrow x lend, 28 + adverbs
2) Noodles 7.7 HERE (jinak co máte Noodlebooky tak jsou to ty stejné Noodles)
3) Complete THIS exercise
Thank you and see you again next week
31st January
to make a phone call
24th January
GP (general practicioner – obvodní lékař), improvement (vylepšení), cover (kryt, přikrýt), huge (obrovský), lend-lent-lent (půjčit – někomu), fart (prd), far-further-the furthest (daleko – dál – nejdál) – pozor na výslovnost, couple (pár), sort (třídit)
Homework: – same as last week + we will work with exercises od adverbs vs adjectives and recap the articles (členy = a, an, the)
Thank you and see you again next week
17th January
1) drills: 64, 23, 6, 72, irregular, 15, borrow x lend
2) Complete THIS fill in (9.1) – Už jsme možná dělali, ale zopakujeme. Do cvičení vypisujeme comparative – druhý stupeň
3) Student’s book page 70 exercise 2, page 71 exercise 1
Prosím pokud jsme už některé ze cvičení z učebnice dělali, dejte mi vědět na WhatsApp.
Thank you and see you on Wednesday!
10th January
New Year’s Day/Eve, resolutions, pickles, pickled, cream, sour, cabbage soup, plate, prolong, sign in, find out
No HW for next lesson – only practice vocabulary
Thank you and see you next week
HW for lesson 29/11
clearence (vůle – z technického hlediska), natural remedies, first-aid kit
Na další hodině si společně opravíme testy
See you on Wednesday 🙂
HW for lesson 8/11
blanket, I told myself, scissors, envelopes, pasters, screwdriver, newsagent’s, hardware shop, chemist’s, stationer’s, look for, polite
1) drills: 64, 23, 6, 72, irregular, 15, borrow x lend
2) Noodles HERE – 8.9 (slovíčka ze strany 68)- nevím jestli máte v Noodlebooku, příště se domluvíme, kdo má a kdo nemá
3) Student’s book page 69 exercise 5
4) learn vocabulary
+ donesu kopie z workbooku
See you soon
HW for lesson 1/11
corkscrew, cork, venomous, 1 mouse, 50 mice, rat
1) drills: 64, 23, 6, 72, irregular verbs, 15, borrow x lend
2) 2 questions from vocabulary (I think we didn’t use the questions last week so we can use them)
Vytvořila jsem pro vás formulář, kde můžete psát věty, se kterými se můžete setkat v práci a které by pro vás byly užitečné v angličtině. Do formuláře pište jen česky. Jakmile budeme mít dostatek vět, můžeme si vytvořit drill. Formulář TADY
We will write tests but if we have more time, we can work with our books
See you soon
HW for lesson 25/10
1) make 2 conversational questions using any word from our recent vocabulary
2) drills: 64, 23, 6, 72, irregular verbs, 15, borrow x lend
3) I have a copy of workbook for you + we will continue with the books
See you on Wednesday
HW for lesson 11/10
1) drills 64, 23, 6, 72, 26, 27, 15
2) learn the vocabulary
3) you will get questions for conversation in the lesson
4) + donesu kopie nějakých stránek z učebnice o které jsem Vám říkala
Thank you and see you again soon
HW for lesson 4/10
1) drills: 64, 23, 6, 72, 26, 27, 15
2) learn the vocabulary (you can also learn on Quizlet, if you don’t have access HERE is a link. Je tam i výslovnost)
3) Otázky z minulé lekce použijeme ke konverzaci
4) + donesu kopie nějakých stránek z učebnice o které jsem Vám říkala
Thank you and see you again on Wednesday
HW for lesson 27/9
cheat sheet, vendors, crickets, high in proteins, sore throat, grasshopers, shell, insects, apparently, quite, savory, common / uncommon, chew, battered, can / canned, minced, heavily, consist of, stock / broth, claim, seasoned
1) drills: 64, 23, 6, 72, 26, 27, 15
2) Student’s book page 67 exercise 5 – listening 8.9 (you can find the link to listenings in the header of this page)
3) Questions for translation: (podtrhuné jsou slovíčka, které můžete najít i výše)
1. Používal jsi ve škole taháky?
2. Co děláš, když tě bolí v krku?
3. Jíš jídlo s vysokým obsahem bílkovin?
4. Dáváš přednost sladkému nebo nesladkému/slanému?
5. Z čeho se skládá tvůj perfektní den?
6. Jaké neobvyklé potraviny máš v lednici?
7. Jak často předpověď počasí tvrdí, že bude pršet, když je slunečno? (předpověď počasí = weather forecast)
8. Máš rádi jídlo v trojobalu, nebo dáváš přednost čerstvému?
9. Žvýkal jsi ve škole tužky? děláš to ještě?
10. Kdy jsi naposled těžce dýchal?
11. Jsou prodejci vždy přátelští?
12. Sbíráš při návštěvě pláže mušle?
Enjoy your weekend and see you again on Wednesday
HW for lesson 20/9
hurt, headache, toothache, stomachache, recipe vs receipt (practice pronunciation), I’m jealous, I envy you, skin, scoop, add, e.g.,
HERE are some verbs connected to cooking
1) drills: 64, 23, 6, 72, 26, 27, 15
2) Read THIS article – only read, do not translate with translator, underline or highlight words that you don’t understand. We will rewrite the article in easier English
3) learn the vocabulary
Thank you for your patience, see you soon
HW for lesson 6/9
housewarming party, cousin vs. cuisine, behaviour, pickles, cucumber (procvičit výslovnost), I fancy trying it/I don’t fancy trying it, exercise, poppy seed, mold, happen, memory, slice, to have something left
1) drills 64, 23, 6, 72, 26, 27, 15
2) Noodles 8.5 HERE
3) think of your favourite food/recipe – we will translate it
See you tomorrow!
HW for lesson 30/8
See you on Wednesday
Lesson 82 2nd August
Sorry everyone! I forgot to upload the HW
1) drills: 64, 23, 6, 72, 26, 27, 15
2) Fill in: 7.3 ele
Tomorrow – lesson with Verča
See you next week
Lesson 81 26th July
1) drills 64, 23, 6, 72, 26, 27, 15
2) noodles 8.4
See you next week, V.
Lesson 80 19th July
1) drills 64, 23, 6, 72, 26, 27, 15
2) fill in 8.5 HERE
Thank you and enjoy next 2 lessons with Verča 🙂
Lesson 79 28th June
Sorry for the late posting. V.
1) drills 64, 23, 6, 72, 26, 27, 15
2) Fill-in 1.1
See you tomorrow. Veronika
Lesson 78 21st June
on top, loaf
1) drills: 64, 23, 6, 72, adverbs, irregular verbs
2) Noodles HERE 8.1
3) SB page 63 exercise 3 – listen and read
4) + uděláme cvičení na some, any, a, an a také na object pronouns
Thank you and see you again next week
Lesson 76 7th May
1) drills: 64, 23, 6, 72
2) Noodles 8.2 HERE – jinak by to mělo být i ve Vašich Noodle books
3) SB page 63 exercise 3 – listen and read and do exercise 3 as well
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 75 31st May
frightening, comfortable (practice pronunciation), milestone birthday, vocab from food on page 62
Lesson 74 24th May
nightmare, ((do a number 1, do a number 2)), noise, noises, noisy, invitation
1) drills: 64, 23, 6, 72
2) Noodles 7.9 – I think you all have Noodlebooks except Dušan – for him it is HERE
3) SB page 62 exercise 2 and 3 – please have some snack before the lesson! We will talk about food only!
Thank you and see you again next week
Lesson 73 17th May
1) drills: 64, 23, 6, 72
2) Noodles HERE
3) Student’s book page 61 exercise 3
Thank you and see you again next week
Lesson 72 3rd May
„Jack is never worried about his exams“, earlier, angry, designed, truck, injured, on time, dangerously, turn off
Homework: (if you can’t finish it on time don’t worry – we will do it together)
1) we did drills: 64, 23, 6, 72, regular verbs, borrowxlend + adverbs
2) Fill in HERE (7.6)
3) Do THIS exercise – you can also check it but we will work with it
Lesson 71 26th April
grave, immediately, brave, patient, polite, shout/scream, „she is very nice, if you ask her nicely she will help you“
1) we did drills: 64, 23, 6, 72, regular verbs, borrow x lend
2) Noodles HERE
3) SB page 60 ex 5 + listening 7.8
Thank you and see you again next week
Lessson 70 11th April
Here is the link I told you about https://www.helpforenglish.cz/
1) we did drills: 64, 23, 6, 72, regular verbs, borrow x lend
2) practice verbs group 7
3) SB page 56 exercise 6 – listen and tick
4) you will get Noodles in the lesson
Thank you and see you again on 26/4
Lesson 69 5th April
at each other, break up, alone, thief, thieves
1) we did drills: 64, 23, 6, 72, regular verbs, borrow x lend
2) practice verbs group 7
3) SB page 56 exercise 6 – listen and tick
4) Complete THIS exercise with correct prepositions
5) Noodles HERE
Enjoy Easter! See you next week
Lesson 68 29th March
1) we did drills: 64, 23, 6, 72, regular verbs, borrow x lend
2) book page 56 exercise 1 and 3 and we will also work with listening 7.5
3) get ready for the tests
Thank you and see you again next week
Lesson 67 8th March
performance, control, national anthem
1) we did drills: 64, 23, 6, 72, regular verbs, borrow x lend
2) recap the last part of verbs we did in the lesson
3) Noodles HERE
4) book page 56 exercise 1 and 3 and we will also work with listening 7.5
Lesson 66 1st March
occasion, below zero
1) we did drills 64, 23, 6, 72, regular verbs, borrow x lend
2) you will again make questions with verbs instead of Noodles – so if you would like to, you can prepare some in advance using the verbs from our irregular verbs sheets
3) complete the papers with time prepositions
Thank you and see you again on Wednesday
Lesson 65 22nd February
1) we did drills 64, 23, 6, 72, regular verbs, borrow x lend
2) You will make questions in the lesson instead of Noodles
3) Learn the part of the verbs we did in the lesson
4) SB page 55 exercise 1-3
5) + we will work with time prepositions if there is enough time
Thank you and see you again next week
Lesson 64 8th February
Lesson 63 1st February
not at all, hurry, notice
1) we did drills 64, 23, 6, 72, regular verbs, borrow x lend
2) Noodles HERE
3) Practice the verbs we did in the lesson
4) Student’s book page 55 – we will listen and do exercises 1-3
Thank you and see you again next week
Lesson 62 25th January
Lesson 61 18th January
dust – prach, oprášit, couple, used to, retired, ICU – Intensive Care Unit, emergency
1) we did drills 64, 23, 6, 72, regular verbs, borrow x lend
2) Fill in HERE – když nebudete vědět slovíčko, tak vynechat
3) SB page 53 exercise 1
4) Practice the verbs we did in the lesson – HERE is the file
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 60 11th January
Sorry for posting the homework late again 🙁
1) we did drills: 64, 23, 6, 72
2) Fill in HERE
3) same exercise as last week
4) check the vocab from last lessons
Thank you and see you on Wednesday
Lesson 59 4th January
1) we did drills – 64, 23, 6, 72
2) Make your own 4 questions using past simple
3) SB page 53 exercise 1 + we will start with unit 7
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 58 14th December
Next week is our last lesson! So only 1 task as a homework – bring a good mood!
See you next week on Wednesday for our last Christmas lesson!
Lesson 57 7th December
Lesson 56 23rd November
instead of, calm, fight, faith, plug in, to be in a hurry, dictionary, journey, confused/confusing, bite nails, pick nose
1) we did drills – 64, 23, 6, 72, regular + borrow x lend
2) fill in 6.6 HERE
3) complete the exercise I gave you
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 55 16th November
decide, loan, mortgage, bald, fee, fine, exam, laugh, awful
1) we did drills – 64, 23, 6, 72, regular
2) Fill in 6.5 HERE
3) napíšeme si vstupní testy
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 56 9th November
curious, library, borrow x lend, look after, express myself, overwhelmed, satisfied
1) we did drills – 64, 20, 23, 19, 6, regular verbs and drill 72
2) Noodles HERE (with lend x borrow)
3) Student’s book page 52 exercise 4
Thank you and see you again next week
Lesson 55 2nd November
above, fall in love, surgeon, regularly, annualy, irregularly, unwanted, behaviour
1) we did drills – 64, 20, 23, 19, 6, regular verbs
2) Noodles 6.9
3) Complete THIS exercise (může být těžší, ale zkuste podle kontextu aspoň zda se jedná o pocit tudíž koncovka ed nebo o charakteristiku tudíž koncovka ing)
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 54 26th October
currently, fin, exclaimed, fleet, exciting, excited, probably, laugh / laughed, become / became, look – jako vypadat, lovely, advice, matter, meaning
– we did drills: 64, 20, 23, 19, 6 – and regular verbs drill
– Noodles HERE
– student’s book page 52 exercise 1, 2 and 3
Thank you and see you again next week
Lesson 53 12th October
pumpkin, to fall in love
– we did drills: 64, 20, 23, 19, 6 – and regular verbs drill
– make 1 question using an irregular verb
– Student’s book page 50/51 – read and complete the story about the businessman and the fisherman
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 52 5th October
issues, imagine, fortunately, unfortunately, competition
HERE lepší odkaz na quizlet, jestli máte zájem
– we did drills: 64, 20, 23, 19, 6 – and regular verbs drill
– Complete THIS fill-in (if you don’t know a word just skip it – it’s a bit harder exercise)
– Student’s book page 50/51 – read and complete the story about the businessman and the fisherman – you can download the book and read it HERE – BUT I WILL BRING YOU BOOKS – you don’t need to print it
Thank you everyone and see you again next week
Lesson 51 21st September
get used to something, it depends, chandelier, get married, arrive/d, take – how long does it take, earn/ed
– we did drills: 64, 20, 23, 19, 6 – and regular verbs drill (which you can download and print – HERE)
– Noodles 6.4 HERE
– Student’s book page 50/51 – read and complete the story about the businessman and the fisherman
Thank you and see you again in 2 weeks! Enjoy the day off.
Lesson 50 14th September
same as last week + Fill-in 6.1 HERE
HERE is the link for Quizlet
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 49 7th September
translate the questions from the tests + I will bring you copies of correct answers
practice the irregular verbs from SB/48
SB 48 listening 6.8 exercise 4 + exercise 1 on page 49
HERE is the link for Quizlet
Thank you and see you again on Wednesday
Lesson 48 24th August
same as last week
Thank you and see you soon
Lesson 47 17th August
x-ray, field, ad agency, advertisement, drawer, bedside table
same as last week 🙂
Thank you Lucy and see you again next week
Lesson 46 10th August
toothache, medieval, belt, scoop, start + ing, forbidden, banned, early recovery, make/earn money, become/became, begin/began, catch/caught, come/came, get/got, give/gave, go/went, have/had, leave/left, lose/lost, make/made, meet/met, send/sent, take/took, win/won, write/wrote
Noodles 6.3
practice the irregular verbs from SB/48
SB 48 listening 6.8 exercise 4 + exercise 1 on page 49
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 45 3rd August
Noodles HERE
Read about Ben Way on page 48 and 49 + fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs
See you soon
Lesson 44 27th July
useful, roundabout, circumstances, good at/ bad at
In the lesson we did beginner fill-in 7.1
Fill-in 6.6 HERE – Fill in the gaps with correct prepositions
Student’s book page 48 PRACTICE – exercise 1 + BEN’S UPS AND DOWNS exercise 1
Enjoy the lesson with Verča and see you again in two weeks
Lesson 43 22nd July
childhood, take turns (střídat se), advertisement, unimportant, grasshopper
In the lesson we did fill-in 6.3
Lesson 42 20th July
tail (ocas), sweet (sladké), sweat (pot), sweet-shop, fish (ryba i ryby), check (zkontrolovat, podívat se), play the + music instrument – play the guitar/ play the piano, exact (přesný), independent (nezávislý, samostatný), kind of, sign feed, call (nazývat) – I call my cat Vincent, act
In the lesson we did fill-in 6.2
See you on Friday
Lesson 41 13th July
how long did it take you?, to water the plants
HERE is the regular drill I told you about
no HW 🙂 I will bring you some exercises and questions
See you next week
Lesson 40 22nd June
climb, drawer, crossword
same as last week
Thank you Staňo and see the rest of you next week 🙂
Lesson 39 15th June
fence, receipt, devious, poor
Past simple – regular verbs – check the student’s book on page 146 – there is everything you need to know in 6.1 and 6.2
Noodles 6.2
Student’s book page 47 exercise 6 (remember it is past simple so use did + verb which suits there)
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 38 1st June
deadline, neighbour, emergency, almost, look after children, especially, accident, certainly, request
student’s book page 46 and 47 read and fill in the article about Oprah
Fill-in 5.6 HERE
Thank you and see you soon
Lesson 37 25th May
during, blind, pocket, wallet, purse
*book page 44 exercise 9
*noodles 5.12
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 36 18th May
wild, earn/make money, abroad, bookshop/bookstore, motorway, motorbike, sunglasses, living room, bus stop, handbag, railway station, car park, traffic lights, petrol station, post office
*Noodles 5.11
*Student’s book page 44 exercise 5
Thank you and see you again next week
Lesson 35 12th May
clumsy, near, afford, independent, proud of, sentimental, difficult, expensive, earn money, dry-cleaning (čistírna), all over the world, passionate
*prepare 2 conversational questions for your colleagues
*Noodles 5.8
*Student’s book page 44 exercise 1
Thank you and see you next week! I hope the ‚biozátěž‘ will be lower 😀
Lesson 34 4th May
influence, spring fever, passion, important, so happy, busy, hard-working, poor, want, artist, success, earn, close, at family occasions
*prepare 2 conversational questions for your colleagues
*Noodles 5.9
*Student’s book page 43 read the part about business
Thank you and see you next week 🙂
Lesson 33 20th April
I’m glad, bless you, fluently, not yet
*Fill-in 5.2 HERE
*Student’s book page 43 read the article – Nicola Benedetti – a passion for music
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 32 13th April
decide, surgery, embarassing, world-famous, violinist, businessman, passion, success
*Fill-in 5.3 HERE
Thank you, see you next week and enjoy your holidays!
Lesson 31 6th April
confused, around the corner
*prepare 1 or 2 jokes in English
*Noodles 5.5
*Student’s book page 42 read the introduction „A passion for success“
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 30 30th March
shelter, upside down
*Noodles5.3 HERE
*Student’s book page 41 exercise 5 – coplete the exercise about Pablo Picasso
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 29 23rd March
mountains, can – could, fall in love, present, past, today, yesterday, last month, last year
*Noodles 5.1
*Student’s book page 40 exercise 3
Thank you and see you soon
Lesson 28 16th March
muscles, hurt, trainers, through, at all, a bit, quite well
*Fill-in 5.1 HERE
*Student’s book page 40 exercise 1 and fill in the blue grammar spot
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 27 9th March
it’s all Greek to me, it’s not my scene, take forty winks, take a nap, almost
*Noodles 4.10
*Student’s book page 38 exercise 1 and 3
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 26 2nd March
choose, shame, take care of, weird, competition, compete, fuel, boo-boo
*Fill in 3.4 HERE – fill in the correct verb
*Student’s book page 36 exercise 1 – decide whether the word is good or bad
Thank you and see you next week.
Lesson 25 23rd February
*Noodles HERE
*SB 34/35 read the text „Inside the White House“
Thank you and see you next week.
Lesson 24 16th February
hurt, broken, brand, polite, kite
*same as last time – prepare 5 questions for conversation – if you have more I will be happy
*get ready for the progress test
Tak doufám, že už se nám příště podaří progress testy napsat ať to máme z krku.
Thank you and see you all next week
Lesson 23 26th January
enough, imagine, imagination
prepare at least 5 questions for your colleagues so we have something you enjoy talking about 🙂
Pokud bude na další lekci dobrá účast, napíšeme si testy, pokud ne, budeme opakovat.
Thank you and see you in two weeks.
Lesson 22 19th January
cheetah, equal, quail, beef, what’s the matter
Lesson 21 12th January
a little sad, midnight, firework, New Year’s resolutions
Prepare 7 questions for conversation for your colleagues (present)
Thank you Aleš and see you next lesson.
Lesson 20 15th December
it depends, roast, useful, mother-in-law, healthy, carp
Make 5 conversational questions for your colleagues (přítomný čas)
We will prepare for the tests after the holidays
Thank you all for your hard work! I hope you will enjoy the holidays and the time with your families. See you in the new year. All the best!
Lesson 19 8th December
spend, fairy tales, except, salmon, sticky, over there
Noodles HERE
Nice to see you all! See you next week and don’t forget to bring a good mood!
Lesson 18 1st December
Are you sure?, cellar, plastic bag, advertisement, ad, burnout
Fill-in 4.3 HERE
SB 33 exercise 6
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 17 24th November
to look forward
same as last time
Thank you Aleš for the conversation. See you next week.
Lesson 16 10th November
it depends on the situation, return, find out, get to know, paperwork, alarm clock, dictionary, tonight, stamps, purse, wallet, appointment, over-there, describe, copy
Fill-in 4.4 HERE (fill in the correct preposition)
SB 33 exercise 6
Thank you and see you in two weeks!
Lesson 15 3rd November
overwhelmed, I’m sorry to hear that, in common, breathe, size, furniture, kettle, coat
Fill-in 4.1 HERE
SB page 33 exercise 1 and 6
Thank you and see you next week.
Lesson 14 20th October
guess, flowerpot, tea pot, behind, how far, 5 minutes away, local, first, second, third, views over the town, newsagent’s, railway station, across the road, cross the road, shopping mall, between, mug, cup
Noodles 4.6
Study vocabulary from last 2 lessons for a small revision
SB page 32 exercise 3
page 33 exercise 1
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 13 13th October
hangman, zodiac sign, fireplace, it’s all Greek to me, gossip, describe, pillow, properties, property, landlord, tenant, per week, freezer, dining room, first floor, above, near, outside, bench, under, next to, opposite, in front of
Noodles 4.4
SB 32-33 do exercise 3 (complete the conversations) and exercise 1 on page 33
Thank you and see you on Wednesday
Lesson 12 6th October
each pile, cheers, grow, shelves, shelf, rug, curtains, coffee, table, cupboards, plants, cave, I don’t need …, deer, chemist’s, café, it doesn’t matter, cooker, armchair, bookshelves, pavement, traffic lights, oven, washing machine, mirror, next to
Noodles 4.3
Study vocabulary from the lesson for a small test
SB 31 exercise 4
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 11 29th September
pressure, since, ceiling, beef, pork, at noon, during, mother tongue, horseradish, arrive, exchange, traffic jam, constipation, what does it mean, it doesn’t make sense, waste of time
Noodles 4.2
SB 30 – complete the starter and exercise 1
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 10 22nd September
advice, you should…, stomach ache, toothache, bleeding, sneeze, lookout tower, get wasted, pain, dizzy, ceiling, actresses, headache, nail, feel, vomit, experience, cabbage, sauerkraut, create, values, sweet, gas station
Print the noodles from the previous lesson HW
SB – same as previous lesson
Thank you and see you next week
Lesson 9 15th September
nettle, pot, pan, raw, find, to be interested in, cuisine, have to, spend money/time, travel far, bring, have trouble sleeping
Noodles HERE (print)
SB page 29 exercise 2 and 3
Here are the funny translations I told you about: HERE
And HERE are the proverbs.
Thank you all and see you next week! 🙂
Lesson 8 8th September
spend, trip, forget, takeaway food, begin, countryside, barefoot, pub, sticky, eating out, great way, compare, in common, artist, cheap
Fill in 3.5 HERE (print)
SB 28 complete the questionnaire
Thank you and see you next week.
Lesson 7 1st September
France, French, turn on, turn off, alone, go on foot, wine cellar, once in two days, every other day, it would kill me, prepare, during the day, bless you, for a couple of hours, until, roasted chicken, nan, collect, leather, then, postcard
Noodles 3.10
SB page 27 read the article about Shilpa Shetty
Thank you, it was nice to finally see all of you. See you next week.
Lesson 6 18th August
I’m looking forward to (těším se na), stressful (stresuící), stressed (vystresovaný), calm (klidný), excited (nadšený), sleepy (ospalý), bored (znuděný), overworked (přepracovaný), busy, gym (posilovna), enjoy (užívat si), plums (švestky), liquid (tekutý, tekutina), rare (vzácný), rarely (zřídka), treadmill (běžecký pás), to work overtime (pracovat přesčas), anytime (kdykoliv)
Noodles 3.9 HERE
SB page 26 exercise 1
SB page 26 read the article about Jamie Cullum
Thank you and see you next week!
Lesson 5 11th August
Chinese (čínský, čínština, číňan), strength (síla), taste (chuť), bitter (hořký), instead of (namísto), lead to (vést k), influence (vliv, ovlivňovat), torture (mučit, mučení), flat (byt), grow up (vyrůst), mandatory (povinný), beef (hovězí), nature (příroda), discover (objevit), calm (klidný), low (nízký)
Noodles 3.8 HERE
SB 24 exercise 4 – make the sentence opposite
SB 24 exercise 2 (vocabulary and listening) – match the words and the pictures
Thank you and see you next week.
Lesson 4 4th August
Noodles 3.6 HERE
SB p. 23/5, 24/1,4
It was nice seeing you after such a long time,
Lesson 3 28th July
noon (poledne), afternoon (odpoledne), put to sleep (uspat), look after (starat se o), wife (manželka), from – to (od – do), weekdays (všední dny), except (až na, mimo, kromě), bookstore (knihkupectví), until (až do, než), part of (čast něčeho), at all (vůbec)
Noodles 2.8 HERE
SB page 23 exercise 3 – listen and complete
SB page 23 exercise 5 – listen and tick the sentence you hear
If you don’t have the book – page 23 and 24 HERE
Next lesson with my colleague Veronika.
See you in two weeks.
Lesson 2 21st July
law (zákon, právo), surname (příjmení), lawyer (právník), accountant (účetní), news (zprávy), to look after (starat se o), earn (vydělat)
Lesson 1 14th July
name day, both (oba), prefer (preferovat, upřednostnit, raději), mow the lawn (posekat trávník), siblings (sourozenci), nature (příroda), usually (obvykle), recap (shrnout), band (kapela), exciting (vzrušující), hiking (turistika), climbing (lezení), shrimps (krevety), home made (vlastní výroba, domácí), hate (nenávidět), mold (plíseň), guts (vnitřnosti), liver (játra), seafood (mořské plody), it doesn’t matter (na tom nezáleží)