Thursday 17.35 – 19.05
Room 5
Student’s book: New Headway Elementary 5th Edition
Teacher: Blanka Hýblová,, +420 734 547 742 (SMS / Whatsapp)
If you can’t come to the lesson, please contact me. Thank you:)
Drilky / online web aplikace
VIDEA k procvičení gramatiky
LESSON 8, 6th March
Nice lesson !
– Drills: CH9, 25, 26, 27, 95
– Vocabulary: fight/fought, desk game, find out (zjistit informace), find (najít fyzickou věc), babysitter (chůva), smile (umívat se), laugh (smát se), theater (divadlo), cheap (levný), bonfire (táborák), make someone angry/happy (našvat někoho/udělat někoho šťastným), competitive (soutěživý), awful (hrozný), list (seznam/list papíru), Relaxed (odpočatý), Bored (znuděný), Worried (ustaraný), Shocked (šokovaný), Excited (nadšený), Interested ((in something), zajímat se o něco), Annoyed (iritovaný), Disappointed (zklamaný)
– SB: Page 67, we will look at how to tell dates.
Relaxed, Bored, Worried, Shocked, Excited, Interested (in something), Annoyed, Disappointed | Relaxing, Boring, Worrying, Shocking, Exciting, Interesting (ZAJÍMAVÝ), Annoying, Disappointing |
I am bored. She isn’t bored. Are they bored? |
This movie is boring. The book isn’t boring. Are these movies boring? |
See you
LESSON 7, 20th February
Good job!
– Drills: CH9, 25, 26, 27, 95
– Vocabulary: slope, it depends on, call x make a call, swim/swam, fall/fell, said x told, too much, plastic, ever, behaviour, exciting, annoyed, worried, disappointed, Croatia, Netherlands, Greece
– HW: Noodlebook 6.7
See you in TWOO WEEKS! (6.3):)
LESSON 6, 13th February
Nice lesson!
– Drills: CH9, 25, 26, 27, 95
– Vocabulary: again (znovu), drive/drove (řídit/jet), shelf (police), still (stále), How did the trip go? (Jak šel výlet/Jak bylo na výletě), fight/fought (bojovat, prát se), hit (udeřit), thought (myslet), enough x not enough (dostatečně x nedostatečně), decision (rozhodnutí), How long did it take (Jak dlouho to trvalo?), should (měl bys), look for (hledat něco), bread (chleba), bored (znuděný), be worried (strachovat se), grow (pěstovat/růst), during (v průběhu), sleep in (pospat si)
– HW: will update next week, sorry!
See you
LESSON 5, 6th February
Good job everyone!
– Drills: CH9, 25, 26, 27, 95
– Vocabulary: miss (chybět), What else? (Co ještě?), deadlines, pottery (keramika), finish (dokončit/ukončit), last time (naposled), make notes (dělat si zápisky), mandatory (povinné), banker (bankéř), to manage (spravovat/vést), vaccine, pay attention (dávat pozor), get up (vstát), hit (praštit), became (stát se), turn on (zapnout), alarm clock (budík), slope (svah), aslo (také), enjoy (užívat si), Not really (Ani ne), spend time with someone (trávit s někým čas), be retired (být v důchodu), gave (dát), enough (dostatek), advice (rada), fleet (flotila), laughed (zasmát se), exercise (cvičení), grandchildren (vnoučata)
See you next week!
LESSON 4, 30th January
Again, only Jakub came in. Homework and drills stay the same.
– Vocabulary: traffic jam (dopravní zácpa), the best (nejlepší), episode (epizoda), without (bez), wake up (probudit se), just (proště/jenom), room (místnost), the same (stejný), roget (zapomenout), first (první), second (druhý), if (když/jestli), die (zemřít), than (než), alone (sám), vaccine (vakcína), flu (chřipka), have to (muset), pay attention (dávat pozor), put something together (smontovat něco dohromady)
See you!
LESSON 3, 23rd January
Only Jakub came in today
– Drills: CH9, 25, 26, 27, 95
– Vocabulary: kettle (konvice), raw (syrový), our (náš), us (my), brand (značka), cuisine x kitchen (kuchyně typu jídla, kuchyně jako místnost), news-stand (trafika), almost (téměř), ever (vždy), try (zkusit), sick (nemocný), stairs (schody), happen (stát se), fan (fanoušek), morally grey (morálně šedý), decide (rozhoudnout se), usually (většinou), broth (vývar)
– HW: Homework pro všechny zůstává stejný (6.6)
See you hopefully all next week:)
LESSON 2, 16th January
– Drills: CH9, 25, 26, 27, 95
– Vocabulary: leave/left (odejít), want (chtít), goals (cíle), german language, How was school/work? (Jak bylo ve škole/práci?), burn out, siblings (sourozenci), listen to (poslouchat něco), for dinner (k večeři), shy (stydlivý), newspapers (noviny), tent (stan), harbor/port/dock (přístav), invited (pozvaný), often (často), hear/heard (slyšet), TV series (seriál), film/movie (film), take (vzít), sleep in (přispat si), forget/forgot (zapomenout), hips (boky), coworkers (spolupracovníci), college (vysoká škola)
See you next week!
LESSON 1, 2nd January
Good job everyone:)
– Drills: CH9, 25, 26, 27, 95
– Vocabulary: revise old vocabulary + new words: snack (svačina), tiptoes (špičky nohou), thrift store (sekáč), cost (stát, o ceně), siblings (sourozenci), except (kromě), other than (jiné než), athletics (atletika)
– SB: page 64/ complete ex. 5 (match verbs)
See you next week!
LESSON 11, 12th December
Nice lesson!
– Drills: 95, 96, 97, CH7
– Vocabulary: mention, monthly, carols, boring, abroad, fairy-tales, pray, artificial, flat, mistletoe, hang, Baby Jesus, ring/rang
– HW: Your homework is from previous lesson, but i will take some extra questions so we can talk with our new classmates.
Enjoy the holidays!:)
LESSON 10, 5th December
Good job everyone:)
– Drills: 95, 96, 97, CH7
– Vocabulary: in front of, behind, fin, fog, approximately, chores/housework, chloryne,hold, bucket, give, fall/fell, former job, tangerine, simple, tiptoes, cheat sheet
– HW: Noodlebook 6.5
See you during our last lesson of the trimester!
LESSON 9, 28th November
Only Pepa came, once again so HW and everything else stay the same
– Vocabulary: Jewish, Izraeli, majority, scam, wish list, sales / revenue, painful, clothes, cloth, P.E., unlucky, carefree, bills, trade market, garbage, bring / brought, take / took
Připomínám, že zápisy na další trimestr už se otevřely. Pokud máte zájem pokračovat, případně změnit skupinku/lektora/čas, koukněte do mailů a připiště o tom k přihlášče poznámku.
See you next week hopefully!:)
LESSON 8, 21st November
Good job Pepa!
– Drills: 95, 96, 97, CH7
– Vocabulary: rather, in general, last, flight, highway, tent, cuisine, jellyfish, sports hall, shrimp, flexible, ballet, injure, fortunately
– HW: Zůstává stejný – doplnit ty větičky z papíru.
See you soon!
LESSON 7, 7th November
Great job! 🙂
– Drills: 95, 96, 97, CH7
– Vocabulary: director, directed, venomous, poisonous, if, connected, case, successful, lava lamp, part, Minions, plushie, recieve, roomba
– HW: NOODLEBOOK 6.4. In your SB look at the page 62 and complete exercise 3.
See you!
LESSON 6, 31st October
Good job!
– Drills: 95, 96, 13, CH7
– Vocabulary: plot, coworkers, gossip, pipe, log in, lock in, bush, mass, candles, put, mental, horns, told, postponed, cancelled, next, exercise, personal trainer, decorated, as usual, cemetary, graveyard, the first time
– HW: Noodlebook 6.3 – Direct questions. In your SB look at the page 62 and complete ex. 1 + translate the verbs right next to it (napravo pod nadpisem The year I was born – tzn. become, begin, come, a další)
See you next time
LESSON 5, 24th October
Great lesson!
– Drills: 95, 27, 13, CH7
– Vocabulary: moth, generate, carols, artificial intelligence, promised, cocoa, bitter, at the court
See you!
LESSON 4, 17th October
Good job:)
– Drills: 95, 27, 13, CH7
– Vocabulary: I don’t mind it (Nevadí mi to.), sing (zpívat), inherit (podědit), log in (přihlásit se), sign up (zaregistrovat se), zodiac sign (znamení zvěrokruhu), try on (vyzkoušet si nějaký kus oblečení), crisis (krize), noun (podstatné jméno), foreign country (cizí země), everywhere (všude), carols (koledy), refund (zpětné navrácení peněz), snack (svačina), gymnastics (gymnastika), grammar school (gympl), conference, burn out, in front of (před něčím), state (Stav), wax (vosk), similar (podobný)
– HW: HERE is the homework. It’s Like (mít rád) and Would like (rád by něco) revision, we talked about it, you should know it. We will check it together.
See you
LESSON 3, 10th October
Great job guys!
– Drills: 95, 27, 13, CH7
– Vocabulary: better, compare, accent, 3 times a week, strong will, competition, more, nowadays, device, understand, staff, choose, hit, cut, find, meet, die, sign up, fly, buy, bring, attend / take a class, be able to = can, turtleneck, shirt, T-shirt, expo, engineering, international, headquarters, spanish, episode, cirtual, curious, lector, accomodation, life lesson
– What’s next: Homework from SB stays the same. In Noodlebook complete 5.12.
See you!
LESSON 2, 3rd October
Great job:))
– Drills: 95, 27, 13, CH7
– Vocabulary: family tree (rodokmen), wax figurines (voskové figuríny), drive (řídit), ride (jezdit), fought (bojoval/a), plumber (instalatér), live (žít), throw (hodit), draw (kreslit), Fair enough (fráze – „To zní fér/Ok“), accountant (účetní), approximately (přibližně), clothes (oblečení), blueprint, blood (krev), statue (socha), so-so (jakš-takš), seamstress (švadlena), task (úkol), argue (hádat se), fall/autumn (podzim), except (kromě), for example (například), high heels (vysoké podpatky), secret admirer (tajemný ctitel), peonies (pivoňky)
– What’s next: Noodlebooks 6.1 is your hw. Look at the page 60 in your students books / reading B (Who was Madame Tussaund)
See you!
LESSON 1, 26 September
Thank you for coming everyone, it was nice to meet you:)
– Drills: 12, 13, 27, 95
– Homework: HERE are some sentences with irregular verbs
– Vocabulary: around, spring, extended weekend, discovered, navy blue, burgundy, genre, construction company, built, on my own, play a piano, breed, so far, in general
Nezapomeňte si sehnat učebnice a Noodleboky (1,7), nebo mi pak v další hodině říct, jestli je chcete poslat skrze mě, budeme je už brzo potřebovat.
See you soon