Course time: Tuesday 16:00–17:35, Room 6
Book: Headway Elementary 5th edition, Noodlebook: Elementary U 7–12
Teacher: Michaela Vavrušová (, 776 157 858)
Dates: HERE

Drills – info


TRIMESTER 24. 9. 2024–10. 12. 2024

Lesson 12 – 10th December

Great job, everyone! Congratulations on your successful test results!


– drills: 98, 15, 94, 26, 13, pronouns

– noodles: New Year (download)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: borders (hranice), neighbour (soused), contribute towards (přispět na…), VAT (DPH) / value-added tax (daň z přidané hodnoty), market (trh), tray (plech), safety (bezpečnost), wreath (věnec), carols (koledy), customs (zvyky)

Thank you for all your hard work this trimester. Have a lovely holiday and lots of fun. I’m looking forward to seeing you next year.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas to ya all - Answer HQ

Lesson 11 – 3rd December

You did very well today, the test shouldn’t be a problem at all!


– drills: 98, 15, 94, 26, -ed/-ing, pronouns

– noodles: Christmas Noodles (download)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: light up (rozsvítit), be awake (být vzhůru), be used to something (být na něco zvyklý), artificial (umělý), Christmas Eve (Štědrý den) x Christmas Day (Boží hod), submit (odevzdat), look forward to (těšit se), not really (ani ne), everywhere (všude), frightened (vyděšený), almost (skoro)

End of Unit 8 Test – download the test here, complete it at home (ideally without cheating) and bring it to next lesson // stáhněte si test z odkazu, udělejte doma (ideálně bez podvádění) a přineste do příští hodiny

See you next week!


Lesson 10 – 26th November

Well done, guys, you’re doing great!


– drills: 98, 15, 94, 26, -ed/-ing, pronouns

– noodles: Noodlebook 8.5

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: sample (vzorek), disappointed (zklamaný), tenderloin with cream sauce (svíčková), to be embarrassed (stydět se), seldom (málokdy), nettle (kopřiva), birch (bříza), polite (zdvořilý) x impolite (nezdvořilý), lottery ticket (los do loterie), scratch card (stírací los), sundae (pohár), charger (nabíječka), accessories (příslušenství/doplňky)

– revise all grammar and vocabulary from Unit 8 – next lesson is going to be a revision lesson before the final test!

See you next Tuesday!


Lesson 9 – 19th November

Impressive work today, keep practising those drills!


– drills: 98, 15, 94, 22, -ed/-ing, pronouns (new unofficial drill – you can download it here)

– noodles: Noodlebook 8.11

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: surroundings (okolí), through (skrz), me too (já taky), swimsuit (plavky), borrow (půjčit si), pear (hruška), peach (broskev), apricot (meruňka), chemist’s (lékárna/drogerie), stationer’s (papírnictví), pastries (sladké/slané pečivo), glue (lepidlo), tools (nářadí), medication (léky)

– SB p. 87 / ex. 1 – complete the conversations using the words in the box, ex. 5 – listen to the recording 8.15 (download here) and complete the conversation

Have a nice week!


Lesson 8 – 12th November

It was great to see everyone again!


– drills: 98, 15, 94, 26, 17, -ed/-ing

– noodles: Noodlebook 8.4

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: former (bývalý), current (současný), viewing tower (rozhledna), uphill (do kopce), few (málo /počitatelné/), goose (husa), cabbage (zelí), thigh (stehno), breast (prso), smoked (uzený), again (znovu, zase), patient (trpělivý), confused (zmatený), rest (zbytek), hardwood floor (plovoucí podlaha), not anymore (už ne), gingerbread (perníčky), make somebody laugh (rozesmát někoho)

– SB p. 86 / ex. 1 stays from last time

Enjoy the rest of your week!


Lesson 7 – 5th November

Thanks for coming today, you did well!


– drills: 98, 15, 94, 13, 22, -ed/-ing

– noodles: Noodlebook 8.10

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: so far (zatím), weak (slabý), cemetery (hřbitov), pork sirloin (vepřová panenka), careful (opatrný), cauliflower (květák), far (daleko), brave (statečný), afford (dovolit si /cenově/), bowl (mísa), mussels (mušle), custom (zvyk, tradice), salmon (losos), spoiled / off (zkažený), Greece (Řecko)

– SB p. 86 / ex. 1 – match the words on the shopping list with the pictures

See you next week!


Lesson 6 – 29th October

Amazing job today, Michal, well done!


– drills: 98, 15, 94, 26, 17, -ed/-ing

– noodles: Noodlebook 8.9

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: vulture (sup), advert (reklama), herbal (bylinkový), opposite (naproti), across the road (přes cestu), be afraid (bát se), sail (plavit se), how much is it? (kolik to stojí?)

– SB p. 85 / LISTENING – listen to the recording 8.11 (you can download it here) and complete the chart in ex. 2

See you next Tuesday!


Lesson 5 – 22nd October

You’re doing great, keep up the good work!


– drills: 98, 15, 94, 26, 22, -ed/-ing

– noodles: Noodlebook 8.8

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: surgery (operace), too much / too many (příliš mnoho), cook (kuchař) x cooker (sporák), chef (kuchař /profesionální/), day off (den volna), coffee machine (kávovar), watermelon (vodní meloun), flavour (příchuť)

– SB p. 85 / READING – read the rest of the article („Some Amazing Facts“), look up any unknown vocabulary, and be ready to talk about it

(again, if you want to listen to the article too, the recording is here)

Have a nice week!


Lesson 4 – 15th October

Great improvement in the drills, including the new ones, well done!


– drills: 98, 15, 94, 26, 9, -ed/-ing

– noodles: Noodlebook 8.6

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: from … to … (od … do …), count (počítat), soup (polévka) x soap (mýdlo), broth (vývar), a few (pár, několik), cellar (sklep), spoon (lžíce), fork (vidlička), knife (nůž), a little bit (trocha)

– SB p. 84–85 / READING – read the article „The History of Ice Cream“, look up any unknown vocabulary and be ready to answer the questions in ex. 2 & // přečíst článek, vyhledat slovíčka, která neznáte, a být připravení odpovědět na otázky ve cv. 2 a 4

(if you want to listen to the article too, the recording is here)

Enjoy the rest of your week!


Lesson 3 – 8th October

Excellent job today, ladies!


– drills: 15, 94, 63, 22, 26, -ed/-ing

– noodles: Noodlebook 8.3

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: medium (střední), take advantage of… (využít /něčeho/), experience (zkušenost, zážitek), without (bez), semolina pudding (krupicová kaše), use (používat), pocket (kapsa), wallet (peněženka), handbag (kabelka), per day (za den)

– SB p. 82–83 / ex. 4 (+ listening 8.7: here) – read the recipe for the Toad in the Hole and the conversation between the boys, complete the conversation, look up any unknown vocabulary and note down what they put on their shopping list // přečíst recept a rozhovor, doplnit rozhovor, vyhledat neznámá slovíčka a sepsat, co všechno přidali na nákupní seznam

I hope to see everyone next week!


Lesson 2 – 1st October

You did well today!


– drills: 94, 63, 26, 25, 9, -ed/-ing

– noodles: Noodlebook fill-in 8.3 (page 30)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: kind of … (takový /nějaký/), exam (zkouška), pick mushrooms (sbírat hřiby), coat (obalit), breadcrumbs (strouhanka), flour (mouka), fry (smažit), slice (krájet na plátky), dry (sušit/suchý), sour (kyselý), coke (cola), on the way to … (na cestě /někam/), check (kontrolovat)

– SB p. 81 / ex. 3 – complete the conversation using the words in the box (you can use recording 8.3 to help you – here), ex. 4 – choose if the statements are true or false

Have a nice week!


Lesson 1 – 24th September

It was great seeing you all again!


– drills: 94, 63, 27, 22, 17, -ed/-ing

– noodles: Noodlebook 8.1

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: towards (směrem k), treadmill (běžecký pás), flowerpot (květináč), quarry (lom), handball (házená), manage to do (zvládnout udělat), sweatshirt (mikina), cod (treska), mash (bramborová kaše), painting (obraz), ferret (fretka), skewer (špíz), moustache (knír), blue cheese (plísňový sýr), mushy peas (hráškové pyré)

– SB p. 81 / ex. 2 – listen to the recording 8.2 (you can download it here), complete the sentences and be ready to answer the questions in ex. 1

– SB p. 146 / 8.2 – pre-study some, any, a lot of

See you next week!



Lesson 5 – 10th September

Good job today, Michal and Iva!


– drills: 94, 63, 26, 25, 13, -ed/-ing

– noodles: Word Order (download)

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: whooping cough (černý kašel), cancelled (zrušený), pressure (tlak), immediately (okamžitě), turn on (zapnout), break (přestávka), after (po, poté), list (seznam), starter (předkrm), have a good time (dobře se bavit)

– watch the sixth episode of the video series: Episode 6, then download and complete this worksheet

– if you want to practise word order, here are some exercises for you to try (nepovinné):

Take care and I will see you again on 24th September for our first lesson of the regular trimester!


Lesson 4 – 3rd September

Well done again, Marika, you’ve made such a great progress!


– drills: 94, 63, 26, 17, 22, -ed/-ing

– noodles: Adverbs & Adjectives (download)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: cave (jeskyně), half-board (polopenze), so that (aby), partly (zčásti), correct (správný), alarm clock (budík), sign (znamení), loud (hlasitý), behave (chovat se), rescue (zachránit), shopping list (nákupní seznam), pharmacy (lékárna), offer (nabídnout), hole (díra), kind (laskavý), calm (klidný), turn it down (ztiš to), selfish (sobecký)

– watch the fifth episode of the video series: Episode 5, then download and complete this worksheet

– if you want to practice adverbs vs. adjectives (příslovce x přídavná jména), here are some exercises for you to try (nepovinné):

We have our last summer lesson next week, 10th September. I hope to see everyone there!


Lesson 3 – 13th August

Excellent job today, Marika!


– drills: 94, 63, 26, 9, 22, -ed/-ing

– noodles: Adjectives with -ed/-ing (download)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: waterfall (vodopád), Croatia (Chorvatsko), Greece (Řecko), safe (bezpečný), wallet (peněženka), mostly (většinou), roundabout (kruhový objezd), chest of drawers (šuplíky), gorgeous (nádherný), appointment (domluvená schůzka /spíš formální/), DIY store (obchod pro kutily), insect (hmyz)

– watch the fourth episode of the video series: Episode 4, then download and complete this worksheet

– here is the list of the -ed/-ing adjectives (old and new) with Czech translations: Adjectives -ed/-ing

– if you want to practice adjectives ending with -ed/-ing, here are some exercises you can try (nepovinné):

We have a long break this time, next lesson is only on 3rd September. Enjoy the rest of your summer and I hope to see more of you next time!

Lesson 2 – 30th July

Thank you, Michal and Marika, you did absolutely amazingly today!


– drills: 94, 63, 26, 13, 22, -ed/-ing

– noodles: Questions (download)

– vocabulary from last 2 lessons and today’s lesson: cloudy (oblačno), toe/toes (prst/prsty na nohách), until (do), accident (nehoda), cauliflower (květák), regularly (pravidelně)

– watch the third episode of the video series: Episode 3, then download and complete this worksheet

– if you want to practise vocabulary, you can use Quizlet (website or application) by following this link: Quizlet // kdybyste si chtěli opakovat slovíčka z hodin, můžete k tomu využít Quizlet (buď stránky, nebo lze i jako mobilní aplikaci) – kliknutím na odkaz výše se dostanete přímo do naší skupiny, kde máte přidané naše slovíčka z posledních pár hodin, můžete si je tam během pár minut zopakovat, nebo se z nich sami otestovat, aby se vám líp pamatovaly 🙂

Enjoy the beautiful weather and see you again on 13th August! Get well soon, Iva and Jiří!

Lesson 1 – 16th July

Good job, Marika and Jiří!


– drills: 94, 63, 22, 26, 17, -ed/-ing

– noodles: Revision (download)

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: secondary school (střední škola)

– watch the second episode of the video series: Episode 2, then download and complete this worksheet

– if you want to do more practice at home, here are some links to some online exercises with instant results // jestli si chcete doma sami víc procvičovat, tady máte pár odkazů s online cvičeními, které vám rovnou vyhodnotí výsledky (nepovinné):

See you again in two weeks, on 30th July!

TRIMESTER 9. 4. 2024–25. 6. 2024

Lesson 12 – 2nd July

Thank you, Jiří and Marika, for coming to the last lesson of the trimester. And well done on your test results!


– drills: 94, 63, 25, 26, 13, -ed/-ing

– fill-in: Noodlebook Fill-in 7.1 (page 15) – doplňujete tázací zájmena (what, who, where, when, how, how many, how much)

– vocabulary from last lesson: air-conditioning (klimatizace), above (nad), brave (statečný), look (vypadat), board games (stolní hry), gingerbread (perníčky), half-board (polopenze), luggage (zavazadla), suitcase (kufr), bracelet (náramek), towel (ručník), flip-flops (žabky), swimming suit (plavky), tent (stan), sleeping bag (spacák), sun cream (opalovací krém), shells (mušle)

– watch the first episode of this video series: Episode 1 (only Episode 1, so 00:00-04:42), then download and complete this worksheet // podívejte se na 1. díl seriálu (jenom 1. díl, takže cca do 04:42), pak si stáhněte pracovní list z odkazu a vyplňte

Have a lovely start of the summer and see you again on 16th July!

Lesson 11 – 25th June

Well done today, you’re getting better every week!


– drills: 94, 63, 26, 9, 25, -ed/-ing

– fill-in: Noodlebook Fill-in 7.4 (page 16)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: football pitch (fotbalové hřiště), jewish (židovský), sightseeing (chození po památkách), fewer (méně /počitatelné/), lecture (přednáška), capital (hlavní město), pupil (žák), admire (obdivovat), religion (náboženství), increase (zvýšit), reduce (snížit), subject (předmět /ve škole/), geography (zeměpis), hang (viset)

End of Unit 7 Test – download the test here, complete it at home (ideally without cheating) and bring it to next lesson // stáhnout test z odkazu, udělat doma (ideálně bez podvádění) a přinést do příští hodiny. Pokud na příští hodině nebudete, pošlete mi test e-mailem, nebo ho přineste na další hodinu, na které budete

Good luck and see you next week!

Lesson 10 – 18th June

Good job all around!


– drills: 94, 63, 26, 25, 22, -ed/-ing

– noodles: Noodlebook 7.11

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: freezer (mrazák), wood (dřevo), chop (štípat /dřevo/), nameday (svátek), plum (švestka), rice pudding (rýžový nákyp), curtains (záclony, závěsy), patient (trpělivý), have to (muset), lottery (loterie), polite (zdvořilý), wide circle (široký okruh), turn down (odmítnout), fancy dress party (maškarní ples), invitation (pozvánka), a few (pár), braided whip (pomlázka), do exercise (cvičit), dumpling (knedlík), pasta (těstoviny), everyone (všichni), dress smartly (oblékat se pěkně, elegantně)

– revise all grammar and vocabulary from Unit 7 – next lesson is going to be a revision lesson before the final test!

See you next time!

Lesson 9 – 11th June

You did well in all the activities today, very good!


– drills: 94, 63, 25, 26, 13, -ed/-ing

– noodles: Noodlebook 7.10

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: cherry (třešeň), sour cherry (višeň), pick (sbírat /ovoce/), basket (košík), quite (docela), border (hranice), arrive in/at (přijít, přijet), pretty (hezký), breathe (dýchat), lazy (líný), celebrate (slavit), candle (svíčka), blow out a candle (sfouknout svíčku), light a candle (zapálit svíčku), make a wish (přát si něco), Boxing Day (26. prosince), carp (kapr), pumpkin (dýně), newlyweds (novomanželé), groom (ženich), bride (nevěsta)

– SB p. 78 / ex. 2 – match the lines with the pictures, ex. 3 – read the article, complete it with the lines from ex. 2 and look up any unknown vocabulary // cv. 2 – přiřadit věty k obrázkům, cv. 3 – přečíst článek, doplnit věty ze cv. 2 a vyhledat slovíčka, která neznáte

See you next week!

Lesson 8 – 4th June

Great job today, drills are much better now!


– drills: 94, 63, 25, 26, 9, -ed/-ing

– fill-in: Noodlebook Fill-in 7.3 (page 16)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: result (výsledek), nil (nula /ve skóre/), curious (zvědavý), sponge cake (piškotový korpus), weird / strange (divný), subtitles (titulky /k filmu/), loud (hlasitý), sloth (lenochod), move (pohybovat se), climb (lézt, šplhat), what time (v kolik hodin), burglar (lupič), robber (zloděj), turn off (vypnout), explain (vysvětlit), ambulance (sanitka)

– SB p. 77 / ex. 1 – match the special days to the pictures, ex. 3 – listen to the recording 7.8 and complete the conversations // cv. 1 – přiřadit názvy zvláštních příležitostí k obrázkům, cv. 2 – poslechnout nahrávku 7.8 a doplnit konverzace

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Lesson 7 – 28th May

Good to see everyone again. Nice work today too!


– drills: 94, 63, 25, 26, 12, -ed/-ing

– noodles: Noodlebook 7.8

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: brand (značka), member (člen), association (spolek), art (umění), swing (houpačka), sand (písek), screw (šroubovat), hand in a notice (dát výpověď), deserve (zasloužit si), prevent (předejít), monuments (památky), farewell party (rozlučka), end-of-season party (oslava konce sezóny), cabin (chata), challenging (náročný), house keys (klíče od domu), take photos (fotit), gripping (poutavý), nearby (poblíž), healthy (zdravý)

– SB p. 76 / ex. 7 – listen to the recording 7.7 and number the adverbs in the same order you hear them // poslechnout nahrávku 7.7 (viz odkaz) a očíslovat příslovce v pořadí, v jakém je slyšíte

See you next Tuesday!

Lesson 6 – 21st May

Excellent job, ladies, you did great today!


– drills: 63, 25, 27, 9, 22, -ed/-ing (you can download this drill here)

– noodles: Noodlebook 7.7

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: pressure (tlak), flea market (bleší trh), bowl (miska), thimble (náprstek), season (sezóna), few (málo – počitatelné), little (málo – nepočitatelné), so (tak, takže), naughty (zlobivý), audience (publikum), attract (přitahovat), ludo (člověče, nezlob se), patience (trpělivost)

– SB p. 146 / 7.3 – pre-study Adverbs // nastudujte si Příslovce

– download this page and complete ex. 1 // stáhněte si stránku z odkazu a udělejte cv. 1

Have a nice week!

Lesson 5 – 7th May

You did very well today, especially in the drills!


– drills: 63, 25, 26, 13, 8

– noodles: Noodlebook 7.6

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: fireworks (ohňostroj), cream (smetana), sauce (omáčka), hang out (poflakovat se), suitable (vhodný), reputation (pověst), stranger (cizí člověk), opportunity (příležitost), dead (mrtvý), technician (technik), die (zemřít)

– SB p. 74–75 / READING (Part 2) – read the article about Rosalind Franklin, look up any unknown vocabulary and be ready to answer the questions in ex. 3 // přečíst článek o Rosalind Franklin, vyhledat si slovíčka, která neznáte, a nachystat si odpovědi na otázky ve cv. 3

If you want to see Hedy Lamarr’s Google doodle, you can find it here

See you next time!

Lesson 4 – 30th April

Keep up the good work, you’re making great progress!


– drills: 63, 72, 27, 25, 9, 22

– noodles: Noodlebook 7.5

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: degrees (stupně), maypole (májka), stands (stánky), lighthouse (maják), next to (vedle), brewery (pivovar), then (potom), raspberry (malina), have nothing to do (nemít co dělat), hug (obejmout), hate (nenávidět), not really (spíš ne), by (od /autora/), secondary school (střední škola), grammar school (gymnázium), primary school (základní škola), what about you (a co ty), grow up (vyrůstat)

– SB p. 74–75 / READING – read the article about Hedy Lamarr, look up any unknown vocabulary and be ready to answer the questions in ex. 3 // přečíst článek o Hedy Lamarr, vyhledat si slovíčka, která neznáte, a nachystat si odpovědi na otázky ve cv. 3

Have a nice week!

Lesson 3 – 23rd April

Well done, everyone!


– drills: 63, 72, 26, 25, 22, 13

– noodles: Noodlebook 7.2 (page 4)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: straight (rovnou), duck (kachna), goose (husa), dumpling (knedlík), cabbage (zelí), hen (slepice), pigeon (holub), surprise (překvapit), behaviour (chování), set off (vyrazit /odněkud/), twice a month (dvakrát za měsíc), by accident (náhodou)

– SB p. 73 / ex. 1 – read the conversation, look up any unknown vocabulary and change Nicole’s answers into full sentences // přečíst konverzaci, vyhledat slovíčka, která neznáte, a udělat z odpovědí Nicole celé věty

See you next Tuesday!

Lesson 2 – 16th April

Great improvement in the drills and the vocabulary tests went well too!


– drills: 63, 72, 27, 25, 9, 22

– fill-in: Noodlebook fill-in 7.2 (page 15)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: suitcase (kufr), trainers (tenisky), part-time job (brigáda, částečný úvazek), wine cellar (vinný sklípek), bottling (lahvování), be late (přijít pozdě), beige (béžová), prefer (upřednostňovat, mít radši), washing up (umývání nádobí), definitely (určitě), remote control (dálkové ovládání), century (století), a year and a half (rok a půl)

– SB p. 70 / ex. 1 – do the quiz (you can use recording 7.1 to help you), look up any unknown vocabulary // udělejte kvíz (můžete k tomu použít nahrávku 7.1), vyhledejte si slovíčka, která neznáte

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Lesson 1 – 9th April

Good job today!


– drills: 63, 72, 26, 25, 13, 9

– noodles: Noodlebook 7.3

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: dill (kopr), quite (docela), confectioner’s / sweetshop (cukrárna), dam (přehrada), look after (hlídat, starat se o), grass (tráva), washing up (umývání nádobí), dishwasher (myčka nádobí), screen (obrazovka), seaside (pobřeží), great-grandfather (pradědeček), abroad (v zahraničí), brand (značka /zboží/), at my sister’s (u mé sestry)

– SB p. 72 / ex. 1 – match the parts of the questions with an answer, ex. 3 – fill in the correct preposition, ex. 6 – listen to the recording 7.5 and tick the sentence that you hear // cv. 1 – pospojovat části otázky a odpověď, cv. 3 – doplnit správné předložky, cv. 6 – poslechnout nahrávku 7.5 a zaškrtnout větu, kterou slyšíte

See you next Tuesday!

TRIMESTER 9. 1. 2024–2. 4. 2024

Lesson 12 – 2nd April

Thank you for all your hard work this trimester, your results in the test were excellent!


– drills: 72, 26, 25, 22, 12, 9

– noodles: Spring (download)

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: prepare (připravit), fulfill (splnit), task (úkol), change tyres (přezout pneumatiky), throw – threw – thrown (hodit), pole (tyč), hoop (kruh), basket (koš), primary school (základní škola), priest (farář), joke (vtip)

– SB p. 71 / ex. 1 & 2 – listen to the recording 7.2, tick the things Roger and his grandson talk about in ex. 1, and complete the questions in ex. 2 // poslechněte si nahrávku 7.2, ve cv. 1 odfajfkujte věci, o kterých se Roger s jeho vnukem baví, a ve cv. 2 doplňte otázky

– SB p. 146 / 7.2 – pre-study Time Expressions // nastudujte si vyjádření času

Have a nice week and I’ll see you next Tuesday for the first lesson of the new trimester. Don’t forget your new Noodlebooks will be ready for you to pick them up before the lesson.

Lesson 11 – 26th March

You did well today, the test should be easy for you!


– drills: 72, 26, 25, 22, 9, 13

– noodles: Noodlebook 6.2

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: skins (slupky), do laundry (prát prádlo), war (válka), coke (cola), make a mistake (udělat chybu), jumper (svetr), wish (přát si), bad habit (zlozvyk)

End of Unit 6 Test – download the test here, complete it at home (ideally without cheating) and bring it to next lesson // stáhněte si test, udělejte ho doma (ideálně bez podvádění) a přineste si ho na příští hodinu

Good luck and Happy Easter! 🙂

Lesson 10 – 19th March

Great job today!


– drills: 72, 26, 27, 25, 22, 9

– noodles: Noodlebook 6.5

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: cheerful (veselý), niece (neteř), grandson (vnuk), playground (dětské hřiště), near (blízko, u), brother-in-law (švagr), bottle (láhev), airport (letiště), yawn (zívat), early (brzo), be interested in (zajímat se o), not at all (vůbec ne), loud (hlasitý), kind (druh)

– revise all grammar and vocabulary from Unit 6, next lesson is going to be a revision lesson before the final test! // zopakujte si veškerou gramatiku a slovíčka z celé 6. lekce (v učebnici), příští hodina bude opakovací hodina před závěrečným testem!

Have a nice week!

Lesson 9 – 12th March

Drills are better and better each lesson!


– drills: 72, 26, 27, 25, 22, 13

– noodles: Noodlebook 6.11

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: forest/wood (les), downhill skiing (sjezdové lyžování), windy (větrno), bad (špatný), lentils (čočka)

– revise irregular verbs and all grammar from Unit 6 // zopakujte si nepravidelná slovesa a veškerou gramatiku z 6. lekce v učebnici

See you next week!

Lesson 8 – 5th March

Well done, you’re doing great!


– drills: 72, 26, 27, 25, 22, 9

– fill-in: Noodlebook fill-in 6.3 (page 86)

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: fans (fanoušci), seldom (málokdy), runny nose (rýma), cough (kašel), swimming pool (bazén), all the time (pořád), divorce (rozvod), get divorced (rozvést se), almost (skoro), composer (skladatel), memory (paměť)

– SB p. 68 / ex. 2 – read about Ben, look up any unknown vocabulary and connect the sentences using the words in column B to complete the text // přečtěte si o Benovi, vyhledejte si slovíčka, která neznáte, a pospojujte části vět pomocí slovíček ve sloupci B, abyste utvořili celé věty.

– SB p. 68 / ex. 4 – complete the text using the linking words from the first article // doplňte do textu spojovací slovíčka z toho prvního článku (because, so, and, However, but, when, until)

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Lesson 7 – 27th February

It was great seeing you again!


– drills: 26, 27, 25, 22, 12, 13

– noodles: Noodlebook 6.10

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: regularly (pravidelně), irregularly (nepravidelně), wash (umývat), ski slope (sjezdovka), stay (pobývat /např. v hotelu/), on time (včas), browse (brouzdat /po internetu/), browser (internetový prohlížeč), search (hledat /hl. na internetu/), look for (hledat), find out (zjistit), until (do /nějaké doby/), behaviour (chování), it depends (záleží na tom)

– SB p. 67 / ex. 1 – fill in the words from the box next to the numbers // doplnit slovíčka z rámečku vedle čísel

Have a nice week!

Lesson 6 – 13th February

Thanks for coming today, good job!


– drills: 26, 27, 25, 22, 13, 9

– noodles: Noodlebook 6.8

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: make somebody angry (naštvat někoho), process (postup), rarely (výjimečně), nursing home (pečovatelský dům), great-grandma (prababička), spring (pramen), dam (přehrada), get used to (zvyknout si), records (desky), board games (stolní hry), play (divadelní hra), tripe sausage (jitrnice), olives (olivy)

– SB p. 66 / ex. 1 – match the feelings with the reasons and pictures // přiřaďte každý pocit k jednomu z důvodů a jednomu z obrázků

Don’t forget that there is NO LESSON next week due to spring holiday! I will see you again on 27th February!

Lesson 5 – 6th February

Nice work, you’re doing great!


– drills: 26, 27, 25, 22, 12, 9

– noodles: Noodlebook 6.7

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: tenderloin with cream sauce (svíčková), sausage (klobása), hoovering (vysávání), dusting (utírání prachu), dishwasher (myčka nádobí), raffle prize (cena v tombole), granddaughter (vnučka), mistake (chyba), make a mistake (udělat chybu), degrees (stupně), pound (libra)

– SB p. 64–65 / READING & LISTENING – read and listen to the article, fill in the missing words, look up any unknown vocabulary and do ex. 3 (decide if the statements are true or false) // přečtěte si a poslechněte článek (nahrávku najdete na webu učebnice, nebo si ji můžete stáhnout zde), doplňte chybějící slova, vyhledejte si slovíčka, která neznáte, a udělejte cv. 3 (rozhodněte, jestli jsou tvrzení pravdivá nebo nepravdivá)

Have a nice week!

Lesson 4 – 30th January

Well done, everyone! You learn very fast!


– drills: 26, 27, 25, 22, 13, 12

– noodles: Noodlebook 6.6

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: goulash (guláš), shift (směna), exhibition (výstava), plant (rostlina), tournament (turnaj), filling (náplň), spread (pomazánka), cream cheese (tvaroh), mustard (hořčice), salt (sůl), pepper (pepř), garlic (česnek), industry (průmysl), believe (věřit)

– SB p. 62 / ex. 3 (on the right // vpravo) – read the text, look up any unknown vocabulary and complete the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets // přečtěte si text, vyhledejte slovíčka, která neznáte a do mezer doplňte slovesa ze závorek ve správném tvaru

– SB p. 63 / ex. 1 – complete the sentences in past simple // doplňte věty v minulém čase

See you next Tuesday!

Lesson 3 – 23rd January

Great job today!


– drills: 26, 25, 22, 12, 13, 9

– noodles: Noodlebook Fill-in 6.1 (page 85)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: near (blízko), groceries (potraviny), alone (sám), kind (druh), mattress (matrace), expensive (drahý), beer keg (bečka piva), ribs (žebra), knee (koleno), sandcastle (hrad z písku), catch a cold (nachladit se)

– SB p. 155 / irregular verbs – learn the second half of the irregular verbs (from „learn“ to „write“), all 3 forms // naučte se druhou polovinu nepravidelných sloves (od „learn“ po „write“), všechny tři tvary

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Lesson 2 – 16th January

Thank you for coming today!


– drills: 95, 25, 21, 9, 12, 13

– noodles: Past Simple (download & translate)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: mostly (většinou), greenhouse (skleník), training (školení), parents-in-law (tcháni), ball (ples), stay (pobyt), topic (téma), figure skating (krasobruslení), hero (hrdina), tower (věž), underground (podzemí)

– keep practising the first half of the irregular verbs (p. 155) // procvičujte první polovinu nepravidelných sloves ze strany 155

See you next Tuesday!

Lesson 1 – 9th January

It was nice meeting you today!


– drills: 9, 12, 13, 21, 25

– noodles: Mix of Grammar (download)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: same (stejný), there (tam), once a month (jednou za měsíc), everything (všechno), ice-skating (bruslení /na ledě/), better (lepší), New Year’s Eve (Silvestr), open sandwiches (chlebíčky), fairy tale (pohádka), before (před), drive (řídit, jet autem), colleague (kolega), science (přírodopis, věda), P.E. (tělocvik), Cinderella (Popelka)

– SB (Student’s Book) p. 155 / irregular verbs (nepravidelná slovesa) – learn the first half of the irregular verbs (from „be“ to „know„) with both the 2nd form and the 3rd form // naučte se první polovinu nepravidelných sloves (od „be“ po „know“), všechny tři tvary (tzn. například do – did – done).

Have a nice week!


Lesson 12. 12.

Thank you for working hard Marika and Michal.

Vocabulary: marriage, scratch – poškábat

Drills: 11, 12, 13, 14, 9, 21, 25

Noodles: 6.3

Book: Please fill in exercise 1 on page 62.

See you next week. :)

Lesson 5. 12.

Thank you very much for working hard :)

Vocabulary:loan, nap, underwear, lose, share, queue, advanced – pokročilé, soldier, move – přestěhovat se, join – přidat se, frighten – vyděsit, including – včetně

Drills: 11, 12, 13, 14, 9, 21

Noodles: 6.1

Book: Please fill in exercise C on page 60 and then match the questions and anwers in exercise 4 on page 61.

See you next week

Lesson 28. 11.

Thank you for working really hard :)

Vocabulary:borrow x lend, advice, coffee to go, Certainly, Is service included?, advice, allergy pills, give me a hand

Noodles: 5.10

Book: Please read and fill in exercise A (The museum today) on page 60.

See you next week :)

Lesson 21. 11.

Thank you for working really hard. You are making an amazing progress.

Vocabulary:murder, mystery, suspect, secret, fingerprints, crime scene

Noodles: 5.7

Book: Please listen to exercise 1 on page 57 and fill in the conversations. You can find the listening here.

See you next week. :)

Lesson 14. 11.

Thank you for working really hard.

Vocabulary: fly a kite, rake leaves, calm, average, inquisitive, brilliant, full time job, scholarship, prodigy, attend school, eldest/youngest, worry, expensive, string, cost, proud parents, pleased, producer,

Noodles: 5.5

Book: Please do exercises 1 and 4 on page 56 and than create at least 6 questions from the words and phrases you created. (Prosím udělejte cvičení 1 a 4 na straně 56. Poté z vytvořených slov a frází vymyslete alespoň 6 otázek pro Vaše kolegy).

See you next week :)

Lesson 7. 11.

Thank you for coming and working hard.

Vocabulary: you poor thing, It’s such a shame, scientist, artist, flu, members = členové

Drills: 11, 12, 13, 14, 9, 21

Noodles: 5.4

Book: Please read the article on pages 54 and 55 and answer the questions in exercise 3 on page 54.

See you next week.

Lesson 24. 10.

Thank you for working really hard.

Vocabulary: essay – slohovka, obedient – poslušný, school subject

Drills: 11, 12, 13, 14, 9, 21

Noodles: 5.3

Book: Please fill in exercise 5 on page 53.

See you next week.

Lesson 17. 10.

Thank you for coming and working hard.

Vocabulary: amazing, lovely, great, wonderful, fantastic, fabulous, terrible, horrible, awful, dreadful

Drills: 11, 12, 13, 14, 9, (19)

Noodles: 4.9

Book: Please listen to and fill – in execise 1 on page 52. ( You can find the listening here)

See you next week.

Lesson 10. 10.

Thank you for coming.

Vocabulary: common, member, bell, tower, floor, staircase, goverment, in the middle, bench, dining room, never, lenght

Drills: 11, 12, 13, 14, 9, (19), 21

Noodles: 4.8

Book: Please write ten    sentences about a famous building in the Czech Republic (Project on page 54) . Please send the sentences to my email.

See you next week

Lesson 3. 10.

Thank you for working hard :)

Vocabulary: look after, look for, story, place

Drills: 11, 12, 13, 14, 9, (19)

Noodles: 4.7

Book: Please read the article about The Houses of Parliament on pages 44 and 45 and then do exercise 2 on page 44.

See you next week

Lesson 12. 9.

Thank you for working hard :)

Vocabulary: kettle, shelves, curtains, rug, on the left/right side, cage, teddy, chest of drawers, floor, near, next to, under, above, between, opposite, inside, outside, behind, in front of

Drills: 11, 12, 13, 14, 9, (19)

Noodles: 4.2 (fireplace – krb, studovna – study)

Book: Please do exercise 3 on page 42 and exercise 3 on page 43 (you can find the listening here)

See you in two weeks.